The Jagged Emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 764 A wise general without a name

Chapter 764 Wise General Nameless ([-])

As Yu Jin and others left one after another, there were only a few people left around Liu Chan.But Liu Chan didn't intend to move first at this time, because he was waiting for someone.

Meng Xi heard that Shizi's men and horses, as well as Shizi himself, have come, and the two generals Gai Meng and Xiong Ping have been summoned.Although he wondered why the prince didn't summon him, he was still very excited, and immediately put down the business at hand, and rushed to see Liu Chan's.

When he got to Liu Chan's horse, Meng Xi immediately threw away the whip in his hand, rolled over from the saddle, rushed forward and fell to his knees.

Liu Chan looked at Meng Xi.His body shape is not a very muscular type, and his appearance is not "excellent" among men like Ma Chao or Zhao Yun. In fact, his appearance is relatively ordinary, and it can even be said to be relatively featureless.

All in white, there is still a trace of bright red on it, which is obviously the blood of the enemy. The expression in the eyes is bright, but the face is covered with a lot of dust and sweat. , covering up his original fair skin.Obviously, in the previous battle, he also fought very hard, so that the description now seems quite embarrassing unconsciously.

Meng Xi immediately bowed down to Liu Chan: "The last general pays homage to the prince! The last one is late, the prince forgives me!"

In the past, when Liu Chan saw Meng Xi, he always had a gentle smile on his face. Many times, he would even take Zhuge Qiao and Meng Xi for a walk together.Except for Ge Meng who has had it a few times and Zhang Bao who has had it once, other people hardly enjoy this kind of honor.

But this time the situation was a bit different. Liu Chan didn't have the same smile on his face as before, and there was no expression on his face at all. He just looked at Meng Xi who was kneeling below him immediately.

Meng Xi saw Liu Chan's appearance, and based on his own understanding of Liu Chan, after thinking about it for a while, he probably understood what was going on.

Meng Xi then bowed again: "The final general has failed the expectations of the son, please forgive me!" This statement is almost the opposite of the forgiveness he said before.

Liu Chan finally hummed, and after getting Meng Xi up from the ground, he jumped off the horse himself.He looked at Meng Xi again, and found that there was a wound on his right arm, but judging by the way his arms moved freely, it shouldn't be a serious injury.

But he still asked: "How is the injury on your right arm? The purpose of the 'general order' I issued earlier was to protect the personal safety of you generals, but what are you doing?" What's going on?"

Meng Xi lowered his head immediately, and said: "If you come back to Shizi, the injury on your right arm was not caused by the last general's charge, but the last general was injured by the loss of the enemy's troops in the formation."

Only then did Liu Chan nod his head. He had always known Meng Xi's calm style of acting. He was not a violent person like Xiong Ping, and it was impossible for him to set aside the command unless he had to.However, Liu Chanming knew that even if Meng Xi violated the order of the general, there was no need to pursue it now, because he and Meng Xi had more important matters to deal with now.

Liu Chan then asked: "How are things on the battlefield handled now?"

Meng Xi replied: "Most of the wounded have been arranged for corresponding treatment, the enemy's prisoners have also been escorted and guarded, and the cleaning of the battlefield is in progress."

"Then can you leave the rest of the matter to your subordinates?"

Meng Xi saw that the prince seemed to have something to say to him, and he probably knew what he wanted to say in his heart.He immediately replied: "Yes, there is nothing too important to do next."

So, Liu Chan said: "Then you go back and explain the cleaning of the battlefield. I will wait for you in the camp."

Meng Xi immediately agreed, and after bowing to Liu Chan first, he turned around and rushed to his horse and got on the horse.The horsewhip he had thrown away had already been returned to Meng Xi by a guard.Meng Xi then turned his horse's head and galloped away.

Only then did Liu Chan say to Mao Hun, the captain of Yu Jin's guard, "Follow me to the camp."

The group immediately set off in the direction of the camp.Along the way, they also gradually saw the corpses of some Jiangdong soldiers. Liu Chan suddenly felt a little strange. The camp was not close to the battlefield, but the corpses of enemy soldiers appeared here. It was really a strange thing.

As they gradually approached the camp, the signs of fighting between the two sides became more and more obvious. Even near the gate, judging from the traces left on the ground, a very large and fierce battle broke out.Liu Chan didn't even need to think about it, he already knew that the camp had either been attacked by the enemy or had been attacked by surprise.However, it is clear that the generals guarding the camp responded well, so the camp was not lost.

Liu Chan immediately entered the big camp. Now the camp guard is a tooth general, and there are only four to five hundred people under him. It is used to defend such a huge camp. He kept it.

So, Liu Chan immediately reported to the Yajiang, and quickly asked the matter clearly. It turned out that Meng Xi had successfully defended the camp.Liu Chan couldn't help secretly praising him, this Meng Xi was indeed a good general, and he almost never let people down when he did things.

Liu Chan immediately let the tooth retreat.He originally wanted to meet the young commander of Wuximan who cooperated with Mengxi and defended the camp, but now he doesn't know whether he is cleaning the battlefield or has already gone out to fight with Shamoke. It is temporarily impossible to find anyone.

After Liu Chan waited for a while, Meng Xi hurried to fight to see Liu Chan.Liu Chan's face at this time is not as good as before, it looks more serious, and now his face is quite indifferent.

Liu Chan saw that Meng Xi still looked very messy. On the one hand, Meng Xi was always rigorous and rarely appeared in front of him like this. On the other hand, Liu Chan was a person who liked cleanliness, so he really couldn't see Meng Xi. What the creek looks like now.He ordered a guard to go out to fetch water and come in, and asked Meng Xi to take off the armor on his body first. After washing his face, he finally seemed to feel much refreshed.

Meng Xi immediately thanked Liu Chan first.

Liu Chan nodded, and then said to Meng Xi standing in the hall: "I have heard about your performance today, and I am very satisfied."

Meng Xi immediately said humbly: "Your Majesty, I'm sorry, all of this is the duty of the junior general, and the latter is just doing his duty faithfully."

Sure enough, he is a good general who is not arrogant in victory and not discouraged in defeat.

(End of this chapter)

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