The Jagged Emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 765 A wise general without a name

Chapter 765

Of course Liu Chan knew that Meng Xi was so modest, although it was a little too much, but his character was like this, and such a person was easy to talk to.So, he stopped talking nonsense, and went straight to the point and said: "You have indeed made a great achievement today, but this cannot offset the mistakes you made last time. The letter I sent you, you have already received?"

A look of panic suddenly appeared on Meng Xi's face, and he said, "Damn it, I have indeed received the letter from the prince, but because of the urgency of time, I haven't personally apologized to General Zhang Bao as the prince ordered."

"Is it because there is not enough time, or is it that you simply don't want to go?"

Meng Xi immediately knelt down on the ground and said, "Your Majesty, it's true that the time is too urgent, and it's not that the general deliberately delayed the time and didn't apologize to General Zhang Bao."

Liu Chan still believed Meng Xi's words, and said, "If that's the case, I won't say anything more about this matter, and how to deal with it next, you can handle it according to what I said in the letter."

When Liu Chan said this, he suddenly paused, as if he was thinking for a while, and asked Meng Xi to get up first, and then said to Meng Xi: "Actually, I have already learned about the situation at that time, and you are also because of The matter was urgent, so you used the wrong strategy to overstep your authority and command Zhang Bao’s army. It should be said that your approach is not wrong in terms of results, but there must be mistakes in procedures.”

Meng Xi nodded.No matter what you say, Meng Xi is a docile general. If this kind of thing was put on Deng Ai, or if he hadn't had a mess with Zhang Bao, no one would believe it. Xi nodded to admit his mistake like this!
Liu Chan went on to say: "So, no matter how you put it, the mistake first appeared on you. In many cases, the 'procedure' is much more important than the 'result'. Therefore, in Zhang Bao's view, that matter is related to him. From my point of view, you have violated the procedures that must be followed when the command of the army is transferred. Otherwise, everyone can learn from your approach, and the command of the army will follow in chaos. So, no matter how good the situation you got at that time, Zhang Bao didn’t agree with your approach, and I can’t agree with your approach, not the result you got at that time. Do you understand now?”

Although Meng Xi knew that he had done something wrong and wanted to apologize to Zhang Bao, when he thought of the results he had achieved at that time, he would definitely feel wronged in private, although he never showed it on the surface.However, now that he heard Shizi say this, he just woke up. Why did Shizi ask him to apologize to General Zhang Bao in addition to some comforting words in the letter to him.But it turns out that there are still these reasons in it.

On the one hand, Meng Xi felt a little ashamed in her heart, but on the other hand, she admired the wisdom of the prince.Most of the people, faced with the results he achieved at that time, are very likely to defend him as hard as Gai Meng and the others did. That is because they just saw that Meng Xi's methods at that time achieved excellent results .

But Shizi is always different from ordinary people. When he looks at problems, he always sees more profoundly, and is never confused by superficial phenomena. He can always see the far-reaching impact of things, so he can give guidance to the generals under his command.

This kind of son is the lord whom Meng Xi wholeheartedly supports in his life!

Meng Xi saluted immediately: "The general understands. When the general meets General Zhang Bao, he will sincerely apologize to him and resolve the unhappiness between the two of us."

Liu Chan just smiled and said, "It's really good that you can understand things like this."

Then, Liu Chan began to understand the specific situation of their battle with Meng Xi.

About two quarters of an hour later, Mao Hun suddenly entered the big tent and reported to Liu Chan: "My lord, someone outside came to see him with a letter from General Zhang Fei."

When Liu Chan heard the words, he immediately felt very strange.Zhang Fei sent someone to see him, why did he still say that he brought a letter to see him, it was obviously unreasonable.He asked Mao Hun, "What do you mean?"

Mao Hun obviously didn't understand Liu Chan's question, and asked back, "My lord, what do you mean?"

Seeing Mao Hun's rhetorical question, Liu Chan looked a little funny, and said, "I'm asking you, why did that person bring a letter to ask for an interview, shouldn't he come to deliver a letter to me?"

Mao Hun snorted, and said, "That man didn't come to deliver a letter to you, Shizi, he claimed to come to see you, Shizi. Moreover, he did have a letter written by General Zhang Fei on him."

Mao Hun said, and then presented the letter to Liu Chan.Liu Chan opened the envelope and took out the letter paper inside. He didn't look at the content, but first looked at the inscription and stamped letter on the last page. It was indeed Zhang Fei's.

Then, maybe it was really because his soul was a time traveler, so many things were deeply affected by the bloody plot of the TV series, and then he thought that the person who came to see him might be a tall and burly swordsman, Then after seeing myself, it became a moment in the blink of an eye, and I was going to kill myself.

After thinking of this, Liu Chan couldn't help shaking his head and giggling, where are there so many legendary assassins in this world!He lived for more than ten years, and his father Liu Bei lived for dozens of years. So far, he has never heard of his enemies sending assassins abroad to assassinate him.

Then, Liu Chan opened the first page of the letter paper and read it.After reading it, Liu Chan suddenly felt that something was really unexpected, and the look on his face showed such emotions.

Seeing Shizi's strange expression, Meng Xi asked, "Shizi, what did General Zhang Fei say in his heart, and who is that person who came to see him?"

Liu Chan shook the letter in his hand, but suddenly smiled and said, "That person is Zhang Wen."

Meng Xi obviously didn't know Zhang Wen, so he asked, "Zhang Wen?"

Liu Chan nodded and said: "It's Zhang Wen, the envoy Sun Quan sent to Shu Han inexplicably, but he went around in a big circle in a daze. First, he was caught by Deng Ai's people. Then Deng Ai released him and asked him to go to Puqi City to find me. As a result, I had already come here, and he just saw my second uncle. My second uncle likes to make friends with literati, but this Zhang Wen Not only is he talented in writing, but he also has eloquence. So, he spent a day in Puqi City with my second uncle, and he was stunned by my second uncle, so he personally wrote a letter to recommend him to come to see me."

Everyone knows about Zhang Fei's virtues, so Meng Xi could only smile wryly, and asked, "Then, have you seen Zhang Wen now, son?"

Liu Chan nodded and said: "See. This Zhang Wen is a famous person in Jiangdong, so I naturally want to see the demeanor of a famous person in Jiangdong. But speaking of this, the Bu Zhi who was taken down by Deng Ai is said to have been sent to Went to Xiangtan. This Deng Ai is doing things neatly, I will send an order later to transfer the horse to Jiangling City to take care of it first."

Then, Liu Chan ordered Mao Hun to go out and bring Zhang Wen in.

(End of this chapter)

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