The Jagged Emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 766 Chase Chase Chase

Chapter 766 Chase Chase Chase ([-])

Liu Chan had actually heard of Zhang Wen's name.This person has always been well-known in Jiangdong, and he is also a bit proud of him. He is known as Jiangdong's first mouth. I don't know if he can compare with Zhuge Liang's peerless eloquence when he was fighting against the Confucians in Jiangdong.

However, from a historical point of view, this person did successfully serve as an envoy to the Shu Han, and he was very appreciated by Zhuge Liang when he was in Chengdu, and it is said that he even sworn to win over him.Of course, this person must have been high-spirited at the time.But it was precisely because of this that this person immediately became famous in the world, and even made Sun Quan dissatisfied with him, so that he thought that this person could no longer be driven by him.

Later, because Ji Yan tried to reform the disadvantages of Jiangdong's official employment system, she was upright and upright, and hoped to reform the Lang Department, impeached many bureaucrats, and re-elected the three departments, which caused a lot of resentment, and was framed as a private affair, love and hatred, and ineffective work. According to the axiom, he was finally forced by Sun Quan to commit suicide.

Originally, these things had nothing to do with Zhang Wen. The problem was that when Ji Yan was selected as Cao Lang and finally became the Minister, Zhang Wen had the credit for her recommendation.

At this time, since Sun Quan wanted to deal with Zhang Wen, the Jiyan incident happened to be the best excuse. Because of this incident, Zhang Wen immediately lost his official position on the charge of knowing someone unknown and colluding with Jiyan.

In the end, Zhang Wen was never reactivated until his death.He may have died of depression, and he was around 38 to 40 years old when he died.Even what Sun Quan has done is really amazing. Zhang Wen also has a younger brother named Zhang Zhi, who is also very talented. After all, it is because of Zhang Wen's affairs that he has achieved nothing in the officialdom, which is quite emotional.

Now that Liu Chan has learned the information, he probably also knows that this Zhang Wen should be a good diplomat, and this is the first time he has met Jiangdong's talent in this field.He already had Zong Yu on his side, and Fei Yi, who had not heard from him since he went to the south, and other diplomatic talents, so he wanted to see how clever this Jiangdong native was.

So, Liu Chan soon met Zhang Wen.

As soon as the two met, Liu Chan had a slight liking for Zhang Wen.This person is not only tall and tall, but also handsome and majestic in appearance, with a bit of momentum.

Zhang Wen had already been collecting all kinds of information on the road, so he already knew Liu Chan's appearance.Therefore, even though he was still young when he met Liu Chan, he no longer looked surprised like other people who saw him for the first time.

After Zhang Wen greeted Liu Chan, Liu Chan invited him to sit next to him, and the two immediately entered the topic of conversation.

Zhang Wen's purpose is actually not complicated, that is, he has to go through Jingzhou to go to Shuzhong now, but now Jingzhou is fighting with Dongwu, he can't move an inch in Jingzhou, so he needs Liu Chan to give him some help The copy is similar to the "customs clearance document" that Tang She asked the king to stamp every time he went to a foreign country in "Journey to the West".In this case, he can use this thing to pass through the boundaries of Jingzhou unimpeded.

Liu Chan immediately said that such a thing is actually just a trivial matter, as long as he orders someone to write a document, and then stamps his seal of the prince of Hanzhong on it.

The reason why Liu Chan didn't make Zhang Wen difficult was because he didn't have bad intentions.He just felt that even if the two countries were hostile, diplomats were always the most special kind of officials, responsible for the communication between the two countries, and even in many cases, the final peace between the two parties needed to be reached through them.It is precisely because of the irreplaceable status of diplomats in international relations that countries will grant various immunity to foreign diplomats in later generations.

Seeing that Liu Chan agreed to his request so readily, Zhang Wen couldn't help but feel a little grateful, and then thanked Liu Chan repeatedly, and put away his original arrogance.

Then, Liu Chan chatted with Zhang Wen about other topics.Zhang Wen also saw the battlefield outside along the way, and immediately asked about the battle situation.Liu Chan then asked Meng Xi to give a brief introduction to Zhang Wen. Zhang Wen couldn't help but change his face after listening to it. Cease war with Jiangdong, otherwise Jiangdong will be in danger!

But Zhang Wen is not an ordinary person after all, although his heart is already on fire, but on the surface he still appears relatively calm.Zhang Wen's indifferent performance was somewhat beyond Liu Chan's expectations.

He originally wanted to take advantage of this incident to blow Zhang Wen's self-confidence to a certain extent. After all, when he came here, he must have learned from Deng Ai that Buzhi's Jiaozhou righteous men were wiped out.Now that the Jiangdong army continues to be defeated in Jiangxia County, let's see how arrogant Zhang Wen dares to be after he arrives in Chengdu.

Therefore, Zhang Wen's calmness now really shows the person's self-cultivation skills, so that he can't help but have a little admiration for this person, and it can even be said that he has already developed a little love for talent.After all, judging from Zhang Wen's current performance, Zong Yu's boy is obviously still inferior.

Therefore, a banquet was set up to entertain Zhang Wen in person that night.During the dinner, Liu Chan tentatively asked Zhang Wen if he intended to change his family and join them with the Shu Han.In fact, Liu Chan asked for nothing. As Sun Quan's emissary, Zhang Wen also represented Sun Quan's authority. At this time, he was being heavily used by Sun Quan. How could he suddenly surrender?
Seeing this, Liu Chan couldn't help but sigh in his heart. If he knew how he and his family were played and applauded by Sun Quan in history, would he change his family because of this?

Therefore, Liu Chan had to stop this topic and talk about other topics.

When the banquet was about to end, Liu Chan handed over a document for customs clearance to Zhang Wen, and asked, "I wonder when Mr. Zhang is going to leave? My son and Mr. You had a good chat, why don't you stay here for a while?" Hang around for two days?"

Zhang Wen was anxious about the current situation in Jiangdong, and since he had already obtained the documents for customs clearance, it was impossible to stay any longer, so he quickly refused: "Wen's trip is to go to Chengdu at the mercy of my lord. Too much time has been delayed on the way, so I can only thank you, my lord, for your kindness."

Liu Chan nodded, and said: "Chan knows that Mr. Jiangdong is a talented person. When you go to Chengdu, if you have time, you may wish to visit our Medical and National Academy. Mister may talk about economics with the teacher of the School of Economics. Maybe it can preach to our students and clear up their doubts."

Zhang Wen has probably heard about the matter of the National Academy of Medicine.He was originally a person who felt conceited because of his knowledge. Of course, it would not be a bad idea to discuss with the teachers of the National Medical Academy. Maybe he could use this to suppress the momentum of the Shu Han.So, hearing Liu Chan say this, of course he immediately agreed.

(End of this chapter)

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