The Jagged Emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 767 Chase Chase Chase

Chapter 767 Chase Chase Chase ([-])

After the banquet was over, Liu Chan sent someone to send Zhang Wen to rest, and then he wrote two letters himself.This letter was to be sent to Chengdu, and the recipients were Zhuge Liang and Fazheng.When Zhang Wen left, the first people he had to meet were Zhuge Liang and Shang Shuling Fazheng, so it didn't hurt to remind them first.

In addition, since the strategy of Shu Han to destroy Wu has been decided, and judging from the current situation, this strategy seems more and more likely to be realized, so of course Liu Chan must tell Chengdu that Zhang Wen's trip must be based on seeking peace. The Chengdu side must not agree to it just because of this person's mouth.

Again, Liu Chan secretly informed Fazheng that after Zhang Wen arrived in Chengdu, he should not release him again. In other words, he should not be released from Chengdu again. Just put him under house arrest.After all, this person is indeed a talent, and once Soochow is destroyed, his envoy will be exhausted, so she will stay in Chengdu to serve as an imam for the Shu Han.

Liu Chan's idea seemed quite thoughtful, and Zhang Wen was completely calculated.Poor Zhang Wen didn't know this at all at this time, but he was still moved by Liu Chan's generosity, and he was full of expectations that he would be able to go to Chengdu as soon as possible to complete the task of representing the host.

With Yu Jin's victory already decided, they fought for another half an hour, and after destroying some of the enemy troops, they finally managed to force the remaining besieged Jiangdong Army to surrender.

Faced with such a big victory, Sha Moke was of course very happy, and immediately ordered people to start cleaning the battlefield and counting the prisoners. This is his favorite job!
Of course, Yu Jin was also happy with this big victory in his heart at this time, but he fought with Cao Cao in this life and had seen too many victories, so he didn't have the element of complacency like ordinary people.

Yu Jin really treated this victory calmly. While others were already happily cleaning up the battlefield and rejoicing in counting his own military exploits, he was thinking about the mission entrusted to him by the crown prince.

After Yu Jin thought for a while, he suddenly issued an order to his direct troops to give up cleaning the battlefield and regroup.

This was an order that seemed a bit out of date, so that after Ge Meng got the news, he couldn't help feeling very strange in his heart, so he immediately came to see Yu Jin in person.

Yu Jin immediately explained to Gai Meng: "General Gai, when my son entrusted me with the army and the command of the whole army's operations, he once personally explained that our army's time is running out, so I No matter what method is used here, it is necessary to defeat as many enemies as possible in order to obtain more results."

Gai Meng didn't doubt whether Yu Jin's words were true or not, he nodded and asked, "Then what do you want to do, General Yu?"

Yu Jin raised his finger and pointed to the northeast, and said loudly, "Our target is there."

Gai Meng frowned, and said with some hesitation: "Are you talking about the two big camps of Shuanghuan and He Qi?"

Yu Jin nodded and said: "Yes! Since we can raid them once, we can raid them a second time! This time I will take down their base camp in one fell swoop, so that he will have no place to stand in Jiangxia County!"

Faced with Yu Jin's crazy idea, Gai Meng couldn't help but said in surprise: "General Yu, do you really need to do this again? Besides, the physical strength of our soldiers is definitely a big problem, you go and see Looking at my cavalry team, not only is the reduction in personnel serious, but there are already a lot of horses running away and foaming at the mouth..."

But Yu Jin waved his hand and said: "General Gai, I know the hard work of your cavalry team, so you stay here to rest for this attack. The physical strength of the army brought by me and Shizi is not bad now. The Ximan troops are also stronger than your troops."

Hearing what Yu Jin said, the expression on Gai Meng's face looked better, and he was relieved immediately.In fact, even for himself, his current physical strength is almost exhausted, and the muscles of the right arm holding the sword tremble a little, which is an early sign of exhaustion.

Yu Jin continued: "So, I will keep you, General Zhang Bao, and most of Shamoke's troops, and I will lead the army to raid the camp of the Jiangdong Army myself."

Seeing that Yu Jin wanted to lead the army to take risks, Gai Meng was still a little worried, and said, "General Yu, why don't you let the last general go with you?"

Yu Jin gave a rare smile and said, "There's no need for this. Although I am much older than you, you don't have to worry about me when I'm not old enough. But, General Gai, you don't need to worry about me. You must remember that you and other people's troops can only rest here until the second half of the night tonight, and then you must set off in the direction of the enemy's camp. Whether you are going to meet me or meet me, you must do this .”

Gai Meng immediately agreed, and if he rested for a few hours, he would probably be able to recover a lot of energy.And he also understood that Yu Jin did this out of safe consideration.After all, Yu Jin's way of attacking like this is still very risky. Once the enemy has a plan for him, it is easy to lose the battle. That's why Yu Jin asked Gai Meng to rush over as soon as possible, obviously for the sake of Prepare for such an accident.

Then, Yu Jin called Sha Moke again and asked him to send troops to reinforce his attacking troops.After all, Yu Jin's direct troops will inevitably suffer casualties after this war, and it is estimated that there are only about 8000 people left who can take part in the battle after a rapid march.

Faced with Yu Jin's request, Samoko was of course very reluctant.After all, his army has also gone through continuous battles, and most of them are already very tired.

But Sha Moke couldn't help Yu Jin's persuasion after all, until Yu Jin promised him that besides the captives here, he could give him some more spoils of war, Sha Moke finally let go happily.He then allocated [-] Wuxi barbarian warriors who still had plenty of physical strength for Yu Jin to use.

In the middle of the night, Yu Jin led an army of more than 1 people into two parts, and suddenly raided the two base camps of Shuanghuan and He Qi.Yu Jin did not evenly distribute the raid forces. He knew that Shuanghuan's army was almost completely lost after many battles, and its combat effectiveness had continued to weaken.Therefore, he attacked Shuanghuan's camp with 7000 troops and succeeded.The remaining 5000 troops raided the base camp of He Qi, who had a large number of troops.

In fact, after today's big defeat, Shuanghuan and He Qi did make preparations for the night attack of the Shu Han army.But the bad thing is that their soldiers did not live up to expectations. In fact, it is no wonder that they won first and then lost, their morale was extremely low, and their physical strength was severely exhausted. It was difficult for them to withstand the fierce attack of the forbidden army.

In the end, He Qi fought a desperate hand-to-hand battle with Yu Jin's returning reinforcements. The battle has reached such a point that it is impossible to rely on skill and resourcefulness to win, it depends on who is most daring.

Facing a heavy loss, Yu Jin had no choice but to temporarily retreat to the direction of Shuanghuan's camp, obviously thinking that it was not worthwhile to fight He Qi's men like this.He Qi was able to defend his camp, but his personnel suffered major injuries again.

As for Shuanghuan, after the camp was lost, the entire army was completely wiped out, and the two of them led the remaining guards and fled towards Jiangxia.

(End of this chapter)

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