The Jagged Emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 768 Good News Frequently Reported

Chapter 768 Good news spreads frequently ([-])

When the sky was bright the next day, all of Yu Jin's follow-up troops appeared in the dusk and dawn.Gai Meng and others had already learned that Yu Jin's army had captured Shuanghuan's camp.But they suddenly found that both Shuanghuan's camp and He Qi's camp were empty.

It turned out that He Qi had expected that Yu Jin would never let him go, and the follow-up troops would definitely arrive as quickly as possible.In addition, Shuanghuan's camp has been taken away, so there is no possibility of his camp being held.Therefore, he immediately ordered the remaining 6000 troops to retreat immediately.

Yu Jin soon got the news of He Qi's withdrawal, and immediately led his army in pursuit.

Before Gai Meng chased after Yu Jin, of course, he had to think carefully, and he also made corresponding arrangements for the two camps behind him, so that he could attack boldly with confidence.

In fact, when Gai Meng saw that Yu Jin had already led the army to continue attacking, he was worried about Yu Jin's safety, so he no longer stayed in the same place to rest, and handed over the camp to Zhang Bao, while He Qi's camp was handed over to Shamo Ke, after all, He Qi originally had a large number of troops, and the scale of the camp was relatively large, so of course it was more suitable for the Wuxi barbarian army with the largest number of people.

Gai Meng himself immediately led the cavalry to chase Yu Jin to the north, so he couldn't care how hard the cavalry soldiers were working.

As for why he didn't ask Shamoke to go north with him to meet the forbidden troops, the reason is very simple. In terms of the current state of the soldiers, it is almost impossible for Shamoko to agree to continue marching.What's more, when Yu Jin took down these two big camps, the spoils inside did not move at all.These things are fatally attractive to Wuximan's army. Even though the number may not be too many, it is also an important reason why Shamoko refuses to continue going north.

Therefore, Gai Meng and Xiong Ping immediately led the cavalry to leave the camp and marched northward at a relatively fast speed. After continuous high-intensity fighting and marching, their horses had been seriously depleted of horsepower.

Liu Chan personally sent Zhang Wen out of the camp gate early the next morning.Zhang Wen's vanity must have been greatly satisfied by Liu Chan's generous courtesy. Of course, he happily led his motorcade to the west.

About half an hour after Liu Chan returned to the camp, Yu Jin's good news was delivered.

Liu Chan couldn't help being overjoyed after seeing it, and Yu Jin really lived up to his expectations. The results they achieved in this battle have actually greatly exceeded Liu Chan's previous expectations.Therefore, this good news is indeed an out-and-out surprise for Liu Chan.

So, Liu Chan immediately called Meng Xi.

Seeing Liu Chan's happy face, Meng Xi knew that something good might have happened to the prince. After paying respects to Liu Chan, Meng Xi cupped his hands and asked, "Is the prince summoning the last general for something?"

The smile on Liu Chan's face remained undiminished, and he couldn't help but let out a hey, reached out and patted Yu Jin's victory report, and said, "General Yu won another great victory, you should take a look too."

Meng Xi stepped forward, respectfully took the victory report from Liu Chan's hand and read it.

After Meng Xi saw it, the expression on his face also seemed very happy, but it seemed more of a look of admiration, and he couldn't help but praise: "General Yu's way of using troops is becoming more and more sophisticated now. , really deserves the reputation of being a famous general!"

After Meng Xi finished speaking, he returned the victory report to Liu Chan.Liu Chan nodded and said: "Although General Yu is even a little older than my second uncle, he is serious and serious. He does not lack the spirit of forging ahead and being good at learning. Since he joined the army under my command, , has fought three battles so far. The first time was against Han Dang in the west of Yiyang City. It was a weak against a strong, but he was still able to win with a strong force. Furthermore, the two major battles against Shuanghuan and He Qi a few days ago and this time The big victories in the two raids of the battalion have demonstrated his thunder skills."

Meng Xi cupped his hands and said, "Exactly, General Yu's ability to command on the battlefield is indeed very good."

Liu Chan changed the subject and said to Gai Meng: "Speaking of which, Meng Xi, you are cautious, intelligent, and indifferent, but you lack the drive and indomitable character like General Yu!"

Meng Xi smiled, seemed to be quite satisfied with the current state, and said, "I'm afraid this is really due to the natural character of the last general..."

Hearing this, Liu Chan couldn't help laughing again. In many cases, what is born with nature can't be changed. No matter how harsh he is, Liu Chan can't demand that all the generals under his command be perfect, right?

Therefore, Liu Chan waved his hand and said, "I won't talk about this now. If you have the opportunity, you should ask General Yu for advice. You came to my command later, so it is impossible to get stone like Deng Ai. Guidance from a famous teacher like Mr. Guangyuan. But you also have a good example at this time, that is Lu Meng, the former governor of the Jiangdong Army. A powerful character."

Meng Xi immediately bowed to accept Liu Chan's order.

Then, Liu Chan asked: "What do you think of the new situation after the general's victory this time?" Liu Chan has always had the habit of asking his subordinates for advice, especially when people like Meng Xi and Yu Jin were around. .Moreover, this is the main reason why he summoned Meng Xi now.

Meng Xi thought for a while and said, "Judging from the situation mentioned in the victory report, Shuanghuan's army has been completely disintegrated, and Shuanghuan has been kicked out of the current war. But the problem lies with He Qi Over there, judging from the war that broke out between the two sides in recent years, this man's military operations are extremely calm, and he has a very good general who is charging for him. He is really a strong enemy of our army. But fortunately, he has very limited troops now. , the final judge, he may lead his army into Jiangxia, try to rely on the city to get supplies, and resist our army's attack again."

Liu Chan hummed, but did not immediately agree with Meng Xi's point of view.After thinking about it for himself, he said to Meng Xi: "If you were He Qi, you think the best way is to do this, right?"

Meng Xi nodded and said, "Exactly."

Liu Chan suddenly said: "So if you think this way, you haven't really realized the ancient saying, 'Do unto others what you don't want yourself to do unto others'. Oh no, it should be called 'Do unto others what you want yourself to be unto others'. '. You are you, and He Qi is He Qi. It is impossible to impose your own point of view on others. Unless, the other party has fallen into a desperate situation, you have calculated all possible solutions, and in the end only you are left Whichever one you think is the most favorable, then you guessed it might be concluded."

Meng Xi was taken aback for a moment, and then asked: "Then what do you think?"

Liu Chan said: "Except for the situation you mentioned, it cannot be ruled out that He Qi will not enter Jiangxia and stick to it."

Meng Xi wondered, "If He Qi's army doesn't enter Jiangxia's city, wouldn't the consequences be very serious for Jiangdong?"

(End of this chapter)

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