The Jagged Emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 769 Good News Frequently Reported

Chapter 769 Good news spreads frequently ([-])

Liu Chan nodded and said: "Of course the consequences are very serious, which means that the Jiangdong Army has completely given up Jiangxia County to our army. As for the 4000 troops of Han Dang, it is really nothing. However, with the two With the death of Huan's army, the strength of Jiangdong's army has been further weakened, and what they want to do most now is to preserve their strength for future battles."

Meng Xi nodded and said, "In other words, He Qi probably led the army directly to retreat to the lower city, guarding the passage for our army to enter the mainland of Yangzhou in the east of the Yangtze River?"

Liu Chan said without hesitation: "That is very possible, so our army must make arrangements for this in advance."

Meng Xi said: "Is it to arrange various equipment to attack the lower city?"

Liu Chan smiled and said: "That's the next thing. I'm thinking now, even if He Qi's army enters Jiangxia's defense, it doesn't matter, or it doesn't matter if he retreats directly to the lower city. I have to first He won the throat of the lower city before we can talk about it."

After Liu Chan said this, Meng Xi immediately understood the meaning of Shizi's words, and said: "The last general probably understands what Shizi means. Shizi, you want to use General Gai Meng's cavalry again to give full play to their high-speed mobility. Let's go ahead of He Qi's army and take down the lower city, right?"

Liu Chan nodded and said: "Whether Gai Meng's cavalry was raiding Yichun or waiting for an opportunity around Liling, it was all to give full play to their high-speed mobility and powerful raid capabilities. It is an ace unit in our hands. How long should we wait for this time?"

Meng Xi nodded repeatedly.

Liu Chan then said: "So, the matter is temporarily settled like this. I immediately gave Gai Meng a decree, so that he does not have to lead his army to chase He Qi's army, but let me go northeast and take down the city in one fell swoop. Besides, General Yu's men continued to chase and threaten He Qi's army. The Wuxi Man army must continue to attack as soon as possible. This matter will be handed over to Zhang Bao, and let him show me Shamoke Hurry up, don't let this person work without effort."

Seeing that the son's arrangement was very meticulous, Meng Xi suddenly thought of something and asked, "Then General Han Dang is still confronting General Fan Zhuang's army, how should we deal with it?"

Without even thinking about it, Liu Chan said: "Han Dang's army is too small in number, and its combat effectiveness is not strong. Under the current situation in Jiangxia County, it is completely useless. I had hoped for Han Dang. I specially ordered Liao Hua to lead an army to support Fan Zong by waterway, but it seems unnecessary now. I will issue an order to Fan Zong in my name, let him see if Han Dang's army can be surrendered Say it again."

Meng Xi immediately took orders.Because there is no need to say more about what the son will say next, if Han Dang insists on continuing to resist, then let Liao Hua and Fan Zhuang's two armies join forces to wipe them out in one fell swoop.In the face of their superior force, facing Han Dang's army that may have been distracted, it is impossible to fail to win.

Then, Liu Chan asked Meng Xi to write several documents, all of which were Liu Chan's latest orders.Then, Meng Xi dispatched messengers and sent them to the generals on the battlefield ahead.Moreover, General Yu's good news was also forwarded to Zhang Fei in Puqi City.

Moreover, the letter attached by Liu Chan made a suggestion to Zhang Fei that once Gai Meng successfully took down the lower city, Zhang Fei's army stationed in Puqi City, together with the 5000 troops of Wuximan, could also Use it to attack.But Liu Chan didn't want them to continue going north, but to go east, break through the few garrisons of the Jiangdong Army in the Luoxiao Mountains in the east, and go directly to Yangzhou to join Shi Guangyuan's troops.

After finishing all this, Liu Chan said to Meng Xi: "There is nothing too important to do next, and this son will continue to go north here to meet with General Yu immediately. The matter here will still be handled by you. After you are done, you can also leave the stronghold and go north."

Meng Xi immediately agreed.He allocated another 1000 key soldiers from the army, together with Mao Hun's escort, the total number was [-] people, which should be enough to protect the personal safety of the prince.

In the afternoon of that day, Liu Chan set off for the north. Along the way, he kept seeing all kinds of traces left by the battle. The discarded flags and unburied dead bodies must be the least.Let Liu Chan see the cruelty of war again, and also intensified Liu Chan's desire to end this terrible war as soon as possible.

Just when the war on Liu Chan's side was reversed, the situation on Chaisang's side suddenly took a turn for the worse.At this time, Deng Ai's army finally took Liling to the south of Chaisang after a hard fight.

The Jiangdong Army in Liling City was indeed brave and strong enough to fight, causing a lot of trouble and casualties to Deng Ai's army, but the ending was also very tragic.After Deng Ai broke through the city, the defenders of thousands of people were only captured by a few hundred prisoners, and the rest were all killed in battle.For those who know Deng Ai's personality well, it is hard to believe that Deng Ai didn't deliberately keep such a little alive.But on such a complicated battlefield, it is obviously difficult to pursue the original truth of the matter.

Then, after a day's rest, Deng Ai's and Peng Qi's armies set off again towards the predetermined target: Chaisang.

Deng Ai not only wanted to besiege Chaisang, but he had great ambitions. Since God gave him such an opportunity, he couldn't let it go easily. He wanted to capture Chaisang and capture alive the commander of the Jiangdong Army. Sun Jun has achieved his own unworldly military exploits and reputation.This is the most real reason why he won Liling Fu regardless of the cost.

But what Deng Ai still doesn't know is that his wish to break through Chaisang and capture Sun Jun alive will never come true.Because just two days ago, Sun Zhen finished the last part of his life, and died of illness in the middle of the night, which can be regarded as a good death.

The Jiangdong army lost Lu Meng, and then Lu Xun was captured and imprisoned. Within a short period of one year, the third army commander was lost again.In addition, there is no Gu Shao by Sun Jun's side at this time, which is equivalent to losing the most capable assistant and the most powerful person who came to replace Sun Jun to give orders. The army that was not much in Chaisang suddenly changed The morale of the army is floating.

Perhaps, in the case of Chaisang, the difficulty for Deng Ai's army to take down a dangerous city like Chaisang should become a lot easier.

And in Haihun City, which has been besieged by Shi Guangyuan and Youtu's Shanyue troops, Gu Shaoyou led his army to stand firm. Of course he didn't know that Sun Jun had died of illness at this time, otherwise he might lose his sense of control immediately. Bar.

But in the face of the frenzied number of enemy troops and their sharp siege weapons, Gu Shao repeatedly felt that Haihun's persistence was becoming more and more hopeless.

Gu Shao has been planning in his heart to withdraw his troops from Haihun.But the bad thing is that he can't go north to Liling now, where Deng Ai's army is there, so he can only choose Ai County far to the west as the next best thing.

After some operations, Gu Shao finally succeeded in taking advantage of a mistake made by Youtu's army, and suddenly launched a surprise attack in the middle of the night, opening a gap in Youtu's Shanyue army, and then threw the army away. .

After Shi Guangyuan learned of the situation, he didn't blame You Tu for his carelessness.Because Gu Shao's departure didn't seem to be a bad thing for them, because Zhuge Jin's troops were already approaching the periphery of Yuzhang, and Shi Guangyuan had to return to Yuzhang County.

(End of this chapter)

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