The Jagged Emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 772 Victory is imminent

Chapter 772 Great victory is imminent ([-])

After Liu Chan's men rushed quickly, they finally caught up with Zhang Bao's men.

Seeing Liu Chan catching up, Zhang Bao hurriedly went to see him.Liu Chan saw that Zhang Bao's expression didn't look good, and he seemed hesitant to speak, so he asked him, "Brother, what's wrong with you, is there anything you want to tell me?"

After Zhang Bao hesitated for a while, he finally told Liu Chan the whole story.He was in a good mood, but it turned out that after Yu Jin took down the two big camps of Shuanghuan and He Qi, he left the two big camps alone and led the army to chase He Qi's men.After Zhang Bao and Wuximan's army arrived, Zhang Bao didn't think much about it, and the two troops entered a large camp.

It is precisely because of this that the previous agreement between Liu Chan and Sha Moke that the spoils on the battlefield should be divided equally between the two parties is basically useless.After Shamoke occupied He Qi's camp, he snatched up all the loot and didn't communicate with Zhang Bao at all, obviously unwilling to take it out for statistics and distribution.

Zhang Bao actually knew that Shuanghuan had been confronting the Shu Han army here for a long time, and most of the supplies should have been consumed.And He Qi's army is a force lurking in Luo Xiao Mountain, and it is impossible to carry a lot of supplies when they come out of the mountain to make a surprise attack.

Zhang Bao could have calmed down the matter and not said anything more about it, but he just felt very upset.After all, the last time he and Gai Meng's army was almost surrounded and wiped out by the enemy was thanks to Sha Moke and his Wuxi barbarian army.Therefore, Zhang Bao felt very unhappy that Sha Moke was not entitled to any spoils at all!

So, Zhang Bao immediately found Zong Yu.Following Liu Chan's order, Zong Yu returned to Wuxi Man's army to handle the communication between the two sides.

Zong Yu felt very shameless when Zhang Bao said this, and his face suddenly felt a little hot.Sha Moke repeatedly failed to abide by the agreement. On the surface, it was his responsibility as the messenger.

So, Zong Yu immediately went to Shamoke to negotiate the matter.

Sha Moke's martial arts are top-notch, and his kung fu in playing tricks is actually not bad.

At this time, Zong Yu could say that he couldn't bear this Shamoko, so he broke out for the first time, and immediately quarreled with Shamoko.After the quarrel was over, Sha Moke and Zong Yu both calmed down. In fact, Zong Yu was quite lucky. If Sha Moke really didn't hold back his temper, he would be able to punch someone like Zong Yu with a punch. The scholar who had no power to restrain the chicken was beaten to the ground.

In the end, under Zong Yu's argument, Shamoke informed Zhang Bao of the spoils he had obtained.Although the amount is not particularly large, Shamoko is determined not to spit it out of his mouth.After he reported the situation, he told Zhang Bao that his people would keep the spoils first, and if he wanted to redistribute them, he would wait until after the war ended.

Zhang Bao has no time at this time, and if he spends time with scoundrels like Sha Moke on such things, the time for them to attack and chase Yu Jin's men and horses has come.Therefore, Zhang Bao had no choice but to put the matter on hold and continue to move forward with the Wuxi Man army.

After seeing Liu Chan, Zhang Bao couldn't bear the anger in his heart immediately, so that Liu Chan could see the clue of the indignation on his face.

After Zhang Bao told Liu Chan the whole story, he said, "Your Majesty, Shamoke's repeated treachery has caused us to lose almost all of our men and horses. He has no right to take those trophies at all!"

Liu Chan agreed somewhat beyond Zhang Bao's expectations: "Brother, you are right, a lowly man like Sha Moke is not qualified to share the spoils won by the general! But..."

"but what?"

Liu Chan said: "But for a person like Sha Moke whose face is thicker than the city wall, what promises and promises you make with him will be useless in the end. Because for people like him, what you can see in your eyes is always what you can see in front of you. The benefits obtained are like officials can disregard the life and death of the people in a state and a city in order to obtain personal promotion."

Hearing what Liu Chan said, Zhang Bao became even more angry, and asked, "My lord, in this case, how should we deal with Sha Moke?"

Liu Chan said with a sneer: "We can't expect such a person to be punished by God. In fact, the worse the person, the better he will live in his life, and the too kind person will always be raped by bad people." I was bullied, and I thought I was tolerant. I, Liu Chan, have always been tolerant to the public. As for people like Sha Moke, I will definitely make him look good in the future!"

Zhang Bao nodded in agreement.

Liu Chan changed the subject and comforted Zhang Bao: "At present, we still need to rely on the strength of the Wuxi barbarian army, so we will tolerate him for a while. After our big event is successful in the future, we will be free to deal with Shamoke. Actually Well, the more arrogant and domineering Sha Moko is, the more we can see his weaknesses clearly, and when we deal with him in the future, we can kill him with one blow!"

Hearing this, Zhang Bao immediately cupped his hands and said, "Your Majesty, you must let the last general participate when the time comes!"

Liu Chan smiled, then nodded, as he had agreed to Zhang Bao's request in advance.

Then, of course, Liu Chan also met Sha Moke.

But Liu Chan was still calm, and just exchanged pleasantries with Sha Moke, not mentioning the spoils at all.

Sha Moke's heart is actually like a mirror, since Liu Chan deliberately pretended not to know, of course he was happy not to talk about it.Of course, in Sha Moke's heart, he actually liked Liu Chan more and more, and felt that this Liu Adou was really a guy who knew current affairs.

When Sha Moke was in a good mood, Liu Chan immediately ordered the two armies to set off immediately to catch up with Yujin's troops.Of course Shamoko would not refuse.

After marching for most of the day, the two armies finally arrived several miles away from the place where Yu Jin's army was stationed and rested in the middle of the night.

Liu Chan heard that the scouts came back to report, saying that General Yu Jin's troops were at a standstill, and it seemed that they should have rested for some time.

Hearing this, Liu Chan felt very strange in his heart.Judging from Yu Jin's personality, it should be impossible for him to do things that require little effort, and it is also impossible to watch He Qi's men run away.

Liu Chan got the news, and there was no reason for Yu Jin not to know that his son Liu Chan was coming with the army.He didn't dare to neglect in the slightest, and immediately brought Zhao Feng and the white-eared guard to meet Liu Chan.

(End of this chapter)

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