The Jagged Emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 773 Victory is imminent

Chapter 773 Great victory is imminent ([-])

After everyone met, Liu Chan immediately asked Yu Jin about his doubts.

A look of sincerity and fear immediately appeared on Yu Jin's face, and he quickly explained how he and Gai Meng understood the latest order Liu Chan assigned to them, and how they re-formulated the battle strategy.In the end, Yu Jin once again stated that the rest of his troops was not to disobey Liu Chan's order, but to do so because of the needs of combat.

Liu Chan felt that Yu Jin's approach was actually very good, and quickly said to him: "General Yu, don't worry. I just provided you with a direction of combat before, and I didn't think clearly about how to implement it. In fact, From the current point of view, General Yu, your approach is correct, so there is no need to be so frightened. You can order someone to sort out a combat report and send it to me as a report, in fact, that's all right."

Yu Jin felt relieved immediately, and he was really afraid that the prince might misunderstand his intentions.He immediately said that he would sort it out by himself immediately after returning.

Then, Liu Chan told Wuxi Man's army not to move forward any more, but set up camp next to the camp of Yujin's army.As for Zhang Bao's troops, they rested in the camp of Yu Jin's army.

And just like what Yu Jin had set before, it took them two full days to rest in place.

Zhang Fei finally got the news from Liu Chan.At this time, except for Liu Chan's control of the war within Jiangxia County, all the affairs of Yangzhou and Xiangtan, which was managed by Huang Quan, who joined the army, were all handed over to Zhang Fei.Therefore, Zhang Fei has not been able to relax recently, and there are so many things that he can hardly breathe.

Now Liu Chan's letter has arrived, the content is that he can lead the army to set off from Puqi City, the goal is to seize all the passages through Luoxiao Mountain.Of course Zhang Fei was very happy.

In fact, he is a very strong fighter himself, but since he took down Xiajun City, he has taken down Puqi City very smoothly.After that, he seemed to be gradually separated from the front line, and began to act as the commander-in-chief of the army in the rear rather unaccustomed to it.

In fact, to be fair, Zhang Fei's performance during this period is still remarkable.But even so, this state is not suitable for Zhang Fei's personality, and it is of course reasonable for him to feel uncomfortable.

Therefore, Zhang Fei immediately went to see Sha Shixun, Sha Moke's cousin.At this time, Sha Shixun and his five thousand Wuxi barbarian soldiers have been closely monitored by Zhang Fei's army.

In fact, Sha Shixun is quite reasonable, and he is very clear about what Sha Moke did, and he can probably understand why Zhang Fei treats them like this.Therefore, after being released by Zhang Fei, he didn't complain much about Zhang Fei's actions.

The two had a drink immediately, and after they each spoke clearly, Zhang Fei told Sha Shixun about the battle on the front line, and asked: "Xiao Shuai Sha, my family's son has now continued to go north with your army. At the same time, the prince also sent a new order to this general, let me take down Luo Xiaoshan with your troops. Would you like to attack with me?"

Sha Shixun smiled wryly in his heart, isn't the matter obvious?If he can't say it, will he face the end of nothing?

So Sha Shixun smiled and said, "It's my honor, Sha Shixun, to be able to fight alongside you, General Zhang, how could I not go?"

Zhang Fei couldn't help laughing out loud when he saw this Shashixun being so knowledgeable.

After laughing, Zhang Fei said to Sha Shixun: "I have heard about you people from Wuxi, and know that your people are very good at marching and fighting in mountainous areas. Therefore, the next battle at Luoxiao Mountain will only be I'm afraid there are a lot of people who need to rely on you." In order to win over Sha Shixun, Zhang Fei deliberately played a little trick here, calling Wuxi Man a Wuxi man.

Hearing Zhang Fei call them Wuxi Man like this, Sha Shixun really felt very happy in his heart, and he was very modest and dared not even call them.

So, two days later, Zhang Fei led his own army and the 5000 men that Sha Shixun had marched towards Luoxiao Mountain in the east.

The first battle that Zhang Fei led the army from Jiangzhou to support the war in Jingzhou was to fight against Zhu Ran in the mountains.Therefore, he knows how difficult and hard it is for Han people like them to fight in mountainous areas.But Wuxi Man was different. He had always lived in the poor mountains and bad waters around Wuling, and he must be much more familiar with the conditions of fighting in mountainous areas than the Han army.

And Sha Shixun's Wuxi barbarian army really helped Zhang Fei a lot in the ensuing battle at Luo Xiaoshan.Moreover, it was precisely because of Shashi Xunxin's help that Zhang Fei did not have to fight so hard with Zhu Ran's troops in the mountainous area this time as when he was in Jingmen Mountain.It can even be said that Zhang Fei could easily take down all the passages in Luo Xiaoshan, and finally he was able to enter Yangzhou and join Shi Guangyuan's troops.

As a result, Zhang Fei felt a little grateful to Sha Shixun because the battle went so smoothly, and finally gave Sha Shixun his own saber as a reward.

For a barbarian like Sha Shixun, it is definitely a great honor to be able to get the sword of a famous general like Zhang Fei, and it is simply something that cannot be imagined in dreams.Of course, Sha Shixun accepted Zhang Fei's sword very excitedly, and he really cherished it very much.However, these are the next ten days or so.

Having said that, since He Qi's men had already confirmed that Yu Jin's army would not pursue them, their marching speed slowed down accordingly.They rushed to Jiangxia City immediately, and began to take a short rest, making final preparations for the next trip to the lower city.

But what He Qi never expected was that Yu Jin's army had indeed stopped moving, allowing them to flee to Jiangxia City.But in fact, Gai Meng's men and horses had already taken another route and surpassed them at the fastest speed, and at this time they had already arrived at the outskirts of the lower city.And He Qi's army is still resting in Jiangxia City feeling good!
In the middle of the night, Gai Meng's cavalry all dismounted and turned into infantry to surprise the lower city.Because the lower city is located in an important point, it is also a very important passage into Yangzhou, so some people are still stationed in the city.Therefore, it is not easy for Gai Meng to capture such a city.

After a night of fighting between the two sides, at dawn, when the sky turned gray and white, Gai Meng's troops finally controlled the only three gates in the lower city, and the battle was considered a success.Then, the next step is to start clearing out the remnants of the city who are still fighting.

Therefore, Gai Meng's good news was sent out immediately.

(End of this chapter)

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