Chapter 774

The two-day rest time passed quickly, no matter whether Gai Meng's men had taken down the lower city or not, it was impossible for Liu Chan to rest any longer.In fact, Gai Meng's good news has just been sent out at this time, and it will take some time to reach Liu Chan's hands.

Liu Chan immediately passed on the order, and the size of the entire army must have exceeded 4.With such sharpness, He Qi has absolutely no ability to resist and counterattack.

It was precisely because Liu Chan's army was so powerful that it was impossible for them to cover up their whereabouts and go northward to pursue He Qi secretly.Therefore, as soon as Liu Chan's army moved, He Qi's scouts immediately discovered it.

Thus, He Qi got the news as quickly as possible.He knew that the leisurely days of chasing him were coming to an end, and it was time to abandon Jiangxia City and head towards the lower city in the northeast direction.

Therefore, He Qi immediately sent an order to let his troops set off immediately.

At this time, Shuanghuan had already fled into Jiangxia City.They originally thought that He Qi would lead his troops to defend Jiangxia City, and then wait for the new reinforcements sent by the governor Sun Zhen.

But what they didn't know was that Sun Jun had already died of illness in Chaisang City at this time. What new reinforcements might be sent to them.Even if Chaisang still has reinforcements to send, there is no one who can give orders now.

And what made Shuanghuan feel completely dumbfounded was that he felt that He Qi's decision to abandon Jiangxia City was so sudden that he couldn't accept it.

When they entered Jiangxia County to fight this time, the lord Sun Quan and the governor Sun Jun both had very clear intentions, that is, they would swear to defend Jiangxia County to the death and never let it fall into the hands of the Shu Han army.Because the geographical location of Jiangxia County is too important, it is a strategic place that Shu Han, Cao Wei and their three kingdoms of Soochow must seize.

Now, He Qi didn't even discuss it with himself, and suddenly he was about to lead his army to retreat to the lower city. So the huge Jiangxia County would be given up like this and easily handed over to the Shu Han army?So what to do with the mission assigned by the lord and the governor?
In fact, Shuanghuan really seemed a little taken advantage of this time.He Qi's strategy of retreating to the city had already been made long ago, but he kept it a secret from Shuang Huan and didn't want them to know too much.Otherwise, with the tempers of those two, no one would believe him if they had come to make trouble with him.Therefore, based on the idea that one thing more is worse than one thing less, He Qi has no reason to inform Shuanghuan in advance.

Zhu Huan has always been a cocky person. Once he was asked to join someone under a unified command during a war, he would never be convinced, and he would definitely be full of complaints.The reason why he was able to accept He Qi's command this time was absolutely indispensable as usual, but because of his previous defeat and the help he received from He Qi's army even if he appeared, his subsequent performance was conscientious.

But the situation is different now, it is impossible for Zhu Huan to tolerate He Qi's wanting to give up Jiangxia County.As a result, Zhu Huan was indeed the first to look for He Qi angrily, and then Sun Huan followed.

Inevitably, the two people with the same name who were almost the most difficult to get along with in the Jiangdong Army immediately had a fierce quarrel with He Qi.Of course, He Qi has been planning this matter for a long time, no matter how reasonable Shuang Huan is, no matter how hard he argues, no matter how loud his voice is, it will be too late.

In fact, Shuanghuan knew very well at this time that the deepest reason why He Qi was able to be so tough in front of the two of them was that the two of them had already wiped out their troops, and they had already lost their strength in front of He Qi. Bargaining capital.

There is no doubt that Shuanghuan can only be defeated in the end.

Afterwards, He Qi asked Shuanghuan proudly, "You two generals, you have to think about it next time. Yu Jin's army is about to come over. You are going to stay in Jiangxia City and use the county with less than 1000 people to help you." Should the soldiers guard the city to the death, or follow me to the lower city?"

Hearing what He Qi said, Shuang Huan's face turned pale with anger.These two people have almost always been at odds, and at this time they actually felt the same hatred at the same time.

But Shuanghuan is now powerless, what they are facing is the choice between life and death.In the end, they finally lowered their proud heads in front of reality, and could only retreat with He Qi's men.

So, when Liu Chan's army arrived at Jiangxia City, all Jiangdong Army left them was an empty city with no one to guard.Because even the 1000 or so county soldiers who were finally used to defend the city were taken away by He Qi and Shuang Huan.

Liu Chan planned for a year and tried so hard to win Jiang Xia, and today he finally achieved his goal.And the most important significance of winning this Jiangxia County is that the Shu Han army finally completely controlled Dongting Lake in their own hands.

However, it was taken down without a single soldier, which greatly exceeded Liu Chan's previous expectations, and it suddenly felt like a dream.

Perhaps, the process of success is always difficult, but when things go to a certain level, it is not so difficult to obtain the final result.

Therefore, Liu Chan re-arranged the next battle deployment under Jiangxia City.Liu Chan asked Yu Jin and Sha Moke to lead their respective troops to continue chasing He Qi's troops, while Liu Chan and Zhang Bao's troops entered the city to take over the government office of Jiangxia County.

However, Shamoke obviously has some complaints about Liu Chan's arrangement, because there is a government treasury in Jiangxia City, and he also has a share of the property in it.To put it bluntly, Sha Moke was afraid that Liu Chan would be as shameless as him, and would not take out the property that should be distributed to him at that time.

The heart of a villain, in fact, often means not only being caressing, but also making people feel helpless.

Therefore, Sha Moke immediately said to Liu Chan: "Liu Shizi, from the point of view of General Jin's men and horses, the pursuit is already completed. From my point of view, let my men and horses also enter Jiangxia City. And I have a lot of people, so I don't have to worry about the treasury of the government in the city being looted by the rioters."

As soon as Sha Moke said this, there was no way that the little Jiujiu in his heart could not be seen by Liu Chan.Liu Chan couldn't help feeling angry in his heart, this bastard Sha Moke really fell into the eyes of money and couldn't get out.Is he Liu Chan that kind of person?
Liu Chan sneered at Sha Moke and said, "Sha Shuai, He Qi's men retreated after resting in Jiangxia City for more than a day. How much do you think they will leave us in the treasury? Of course Well, according to our previous agreement, once General Yu relies on his own army to completely defeat He Qi's army, then all the property in the original treasury will become his spoils of war. You..."

Hearing what Liu Chan said, Sha Moke immediately shouted: "Go, of course my men are willing to attack with General Yu Jin. The man should die in the battlefield. How can we covet the momentary comfort? Jiangxia County, we will Don't go in, Liu Shizi, take care of yourself!"

Sha Moke said, after bowing his hand to Liu Chan, he immediately turned around and ran towards his mount, and disappeared in a flash, running faster than a rabbit, as if he was afraid that if he didn't act quickly, all the trophies would fall into it. In the hands of the ban.

(End of this chapter)

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