Chapter 775

Of course, Zhang Bao scoffed at Sha Moke's performance, and even felt so sick that he wanted to vomit.The feeling in Liu Chan's heart is actually similar to that of Zhang Bao.It's just that Liu Chan has to be patient, at least he can't show it too much, because this is something he has to face and endure as the son of the king of Hanzhong

And he knew very well in his heart that he would definitely meet more disgusting people than Shamoko in the future, and these people were precisely the people he had to deal with.This is the way of life of people involved in high political positions, and it is no exception in any society, whether it is a centralized or a democratic society, from ancient times to the present.

Then, Liu Chan led Zhang Bao's army into the city.

After the number of residents in the city has experienced previous wars and escapes, there are not many remaining, but the state is in chaos.Liu Chan has almost never seen such a state of disorder, and can only be described by words like chicken flying and dog jumping.

Therefore, Liu Chan immediately dispatched troops to maintain law and order, mainly to prevent people from taking advantage of this moment to rob and even bully women.Of course, in the face of such vicious acts, especially the act of raping prostitutes, in the absence of clear and timely laws like today, Liu Chan certainly does not have to be soft on the wicked, and can only deal with them with an iron fist.

Therefore, Zhang Bao's men were authorized by Liu Chan for the first time to shoot and kill those villains who took advantage of the fire.

However, the method of killing is only a last resort.It is absolutely impossible to subdue people's hearts by using such powerful and violent means as the army.

In fact, anyone with a little brain can imagine that the more violent government organizations suppress, the more people will definitely resent the government, and their suppression is only temporary.Once there is a chance, the government will inevitably face stronger retaliation in the future.At that time, any stability will be useless, and there will be only empty words left. The situation in Syria in the 21st century is currently developing rapidly in this direction.

Therefore, after Liu Chan entered the government office, the first thing to do was not to check whether He Qi had left anything for him in the treasury, but to immediately summon the officials of the former Jiangxia County, and continue to appoint some grassroots officials. Officials, let them hurry up and help the people out of the list.

As for Han Dang, at this time he finally received the latest battle report sent to him by the little bit of conscience left by He Qi.

However, the news that not only Shuanghuan's entire army was wiped out, but also He Qi's own army had lost more than half, immediately made Han Dang feel as if he had been struck by lightning.In such a situation, in such a situation, it seemed that Jiangxia County fell into the hands of the Shu Han Army.

And such a thing, for Han Dang, is tantamount to a catastrophe.Because the matter is very simple, he accepted the appointment as an official to guard Jiangxia County!
The previous repeated defeats have already made Han Dang feel ashamed, and now he has lost even the guarded Jiangxia County, how can he go back and explain to the lord Sun Quan?
When Han Dang thought of this, his face was ashen for a while, and he couldn't lift his spirits at all.

In fact, he doesn't know at all now that the current blow is actually just a trivial matter.The next blow He Qi gave him was to give up Jiangxia City without resistance, and to sell Han Dang accordingly, ruining the news of Han Dang's army's final retreat. The intensity of the blow to him is unknown. It is several times heavier than the news now.

As Han Dang's deputy, Tai Shixiang obviously got the news very quickly, knowing that He Qi sent them the latest battle report.But when he saw Han Dang, he saw Han Dang's face was extremely ugly, he was just sitting there in a daze, holding a document tremblingly in his hand.

Tai Shixiang quickly stepped forward to salute, and asked, "General Han, how is the situation with General He Qi?"

Han Dang sighed listlessly, and handed the battle report in his hand to Tai Shixiang.

After Tai Shixiang took it and read it, his face suddenly became similar to that of Han Dang, and he said in surprise: "How is this possible? Didn't He Qi and the others fight very well before?"

Han Dang didn't answer, and didn't know whether he was sad or thinking.

Tai Shixiang couldn't bear it any longer, and suddenly said loudly to Han Dang: "General Han, it's too late now, we should quickly return the army to Jiangxia City. Otherwise, once the Shu Han army surrounds Jiangxia City, we will This side will become a bunch of lonely ghosts, with nowhere to go!"

What Tai Shixiang could think of, how could he, Han Dang, not think of it?But Han Dang still hesitated.

Seeing this, Tai Shixiang couldn't help shouting again: "General Han, you should be more sober, He Qi must have sold us this time, we absolutely can't wait here to die!"

Han Dang was still thinking about himself.

Tai Shixiang's voice soared again: "General Han, why are you so confused! If we don't hurry up now, the last strength of Jiangxia County will be gone by then!"

In fact, Han Dang's temper has always been good, and his measure is indeed very good, and he is also very capable of promoting juniors, so many young people like to work under his command.But being good-tempered doesn't mean having no temper. Han Dang raised his head and gave Tai Shixiang a stern look. Tai Shixiang was a little frightened, and quickly lowered his head, not daring to speak nonsense anymore.

After Han Dang thought about it again, he said just now: "Forget it, let's retreat immediately, even if I, Han Dang, are responsible for the lord's entrustment!"

Han Dang was really sad because of this decision, but Tai Shixiang was the opposite, the joy on his face could not be concealed anymore.He immediately rushed out of Han Dang's big tent excitedly to prepare for the departure.

But preparation takes time, and in the state of stalemate between the two armies, withdrawing troops during the day is an impossible task.Therefore, their army still needs to wait until late at night, under the cover of night before they can leave the battlefield.

But another extremely serious problem that Han Dang's army had to face now was that Liao Hua's troops had come to join Fan Zong's troops more than a day ago.They must follow Liu Chan's order and cooperate together to deliver a fatal blow to Han Dang's troops.

So, in the afternoon of the same day, Fan Zhuang's troops attacked from the front. Han Dang didn't expect such a sudden change in the matter, so he had to end the preparations for withdrawing troops and rush to fight.

The two sides fought inextricably again.

At this time, Liao Hua's troops suddenly rushed out from the flanks, and Han Dang's army was in chaos, and they were completely defeated for a while.

The battle ended faster than expected. Nearly 2000 of Han Dang's troops were captured, and the rest fled in all directions.Even Han Dang and Tai Shixiang finally ran out of luck this time, and they became prisoners of the Shu Han army at the same time.

In this regard, three of the Jiangdong Army's four troops distributed in Jiangxia County have now been wiped out, and only He Qi's army is left, which is actually on the verge of being crippled.

(End of this chapter)

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