The Jagged Emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 776 He Qi’s Bad Move

Chapter 776 He Qi's Bad Move ([-])

After defeating Han Dang's army, Liao Hua's and Fan Zhuang's troops immediately sent a victory report to Liu Chan and Zhang Fei who was far away in Puqi City.

Of course, apart from the good news, Liu Chan’s previous orders to Liao Hua and Fan Zhuang were only issued to Han Dang’s army, which meant that they did not complete the task for them. To make an arrangement, it is natural to ask Liu Chan for instructions.

At this time, Zhang Fei had actually led the army to leave Puqi City, and their good news probably had to go through a lot of ups and downs before reaching Zhang Fei's hands.

But Liu Chan received the good news smoothly later.After some consideration, he believed that since Liao Hua's army came out to fight, not only Yiyang City, but also Dongting Lake's Shu Han forces were almost completely in a vacuum.In a short period of time, there may not be any major problems, but if it takes a long time, I'm afraid it will not be a good thing.

What's more, Dongting Lake is so important in Liu Chan's future planning, it is absolutely impossible for it to cause any trouble.

Furthermore, now that the end of the war in Jingzhou is a foregone conclusion, there is actually no need for the troops in the hands of Liao Hua and Fan Zhuang to join the war.

Therefore, Liu Chan issued a new order to Liao Hua and Fan Zhuang.Liu Chan asked Liao Hua to lead the army back to Yiyang City and the south bank of Dongting Lake to continue to garrison, to suppress possible water thieves there.

As for the order to Fan Zhuang, it was for Fan Zhuang to station Sha Xian.It can be regarded as a gateway to the west of Jiangxia County, and it can also threaten the waterway of the Yangtze River. It is a relatively important stronghold and needs to be guarded by troops.

However, it does take some time for the good news to be transmitted from the battlefield to Jiangxia City, and these are things that will come later.

It is said that on the day Liu Chan entered Jiangxia City, it was nightfall. Liu Chan had so many government affairs to deal with that he was so busy that he didn't have time to eat.

But when he was hungry and ready to eat dinner, Zhang Bao suddenly broke into Liu Chan's study without notification.He saw that Liu Chan had already eaten a few mouthfuls of food, and there was a small hole in the rice in the bowl. He knew that he had eaten a little, and he was still chewing the food in his mouth slowly.

Zhang Bao's face suddenly turned pale.He yelled: "Your Majesty, don't eat!" After that, he quickly stepped forward and swept away Liu Chan's bowl and chopsticks.

Liu Chan was taken aback by Zhang Bao's rude and strange behavior, and even forgot to chew the food in his mouth.He still knows Zhang Bao's character. He is indeed very impulsive, but because of his good upbringing, he has always done a good job in behavior.The way he is now, could it be that he suddenly went crazy.

Zhang Bao then shouted again: "My son, spit out the rice in your mouth, it's poisonous!"

With a puff, the food Liu Chan was chewing was sprayed out immediately.Zhang Bao suffered disaster immediately, and his bright black armor was immediately covered with food, which was really embarrassing.At that time, these were not important things now. The important thing was that Liu Chan was frightened by Zhang Bao's words that the food was poisonous.Because he had eaten at least two mouthfuls of rice, no, after Liu Chan thought about it, it seemed to be three mouthfuls.

Liu Chan's face suddenly turned pale.

At this time, Zhao Feng also rushed in, and when he was separated from Yu Jin, Zhao Feng and his white-eared guards returned to Liu Chan's side, responsible for protecting Liu Chan's personal safety.

The reason why Zhao Feng appeared at this time was because he had already heard the report from his subordinates, saying that General Zhang Bao suddenly broke into the son's study.So he had to rush over immediately to check the situation.Then, he saw the scene where Zhang Bao suddenly swept away the bowls and chopsticks in Liu Chan's hand, and yelled at Liu Chan loudly.

Of course, Zhao Feng couldn't allow Zhang Bao to be so rude to the prince, just when he was about to draw his sword to deal with Zhang Bao, he suddenly understood the content of Zhang Bao's scolding just now.Immediately, like Liu Chan, his complexion became paler than that of a dead person. Because the situation happened so suddenly, he stood there blankly for a while.

Then, Liu Chan immediately yelled, and suddenly picked at his throat with his hands.In the end, Liu Chan vomited again and continued to pick, until he vomited out everything in his stomach and almost vomited out the stomach acid before ordering Zhao Feng to get water.He forced himself to drink a lot of water again, and he didn't give up until he couldn't drink any more.

At this time, Zhao Feng had already sent for a doctor.After the doctor gave Liu Chan a diagnosis, because Liu Chan didn't eat much, and he vomited and poured water, he was almost not poisoned.However, in order to prevent accidents, the doctor still gave Liu Chan a prescription for detoxification.

Seeing that he couldn't die, Liu Chan finally breathed a sigh of relief, and his pale face finally recovered a little bit of humanity.

In fact, not only Liu Chan, but everyone present also breathed a sigh of relief.In order to prevent any further accidents, the prescription was handed over to Shi Hui, who was a pharmacologist and let her prepare and decoct the medicine, so as to avoid any further accidents.

Even if he survived the catastrophe, Liu Chan was rejoicing, but of course he was very angry in his heart, and immediately asked Zhang Bao loudly: "Which bastard dared to poison me, I must kill him!"

Zhang Bao said helplessly: "Actually, not only Shizi, but also hundreds of people in my military camp have been poisoned."

When Liu Chan heard this, he couldn't help wondering: "Hundreds of people were poisoned? Could it be that someone poisoned us in the well water? Otherwise, how could so many people be poisoned at the same time!"

Zhang Bao replied with an ugly face: "There is indeed such a possibility. However, the son lives in the government office, and the well water used must be different from my military camp. Maybe someone has water sources in many places in the city. Poison it!"

Liu Chan was shocked, he could do such a thing, if someone is not good, not only his own people, but even all the residents in the city will die because of this, what a vicious heart!
Thinking of this, Liu Chan yelled that it was not good, and immediately asked Zhang Bao to send troops from the barracks to inform the residents in the city not to eat or drink.

Then, Liu Chan immediately summoned his newly appointed officials and asked them to work with the doctors to find out whether the source of the poisoning was water.If it is true, then the problem this time is really big.

After half an hour of inspection, the doctors checked the water in all the wells in the government office, but there was no toxicity at all.The water source used by Zhang Bao's military camp was also checked and found to be no problem at all.

But why this happened is not a matter of the water source, where the poison was dropped.It is impossible for the enemy to poison the food in the government office and the barracks at the same time, right?
And when the doctors were checking the water source, some guards in the government office suddenly started to have a stomachache.Physicians were dispatched one after another, and it turned out that all the symptoms of poisoning were mild. They only needed to be detoxified and went to the toilet a few more times to recover, and they would not cause fatalities.

(End of this chapter)

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