The Jagged Emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 777 He Qi’s Bad Move

Chapter 777 He Qi's Bad Move ([-])

Liu Chan immediately asked Zhao Feng to send people to various parts of the city to check whether there was also a large area of ​​poisoning.

But what surprised Liu Chan was that although the city became a little chaotic because of the poisonous well water, no one was poisoned at all.

Therefore, Liu Chan had to admit that someone might have poisoned the meals of the army and his government at the same time.

But when the doctors had no clue, Shi Hui, who is both a pharmacologist and a poison expert, stood up.After a new inspection, she suddenly found that the poison had been placed in the grain.

Not only Shi Hui himself, but also the doctors who failed the test immediately scoffed at this conclusion.Only then did they know why the symptoms of all the poisoned people were so mild.Because the poison was put in the food, the cooks and the firemen of the army had to wash the food before cooking, which meant that most of the poison had been washed away.Then the symptoms of all poisoned people, of course, cannot be too serious.

Perhaps, this is why the enemy survived because they were fools.

Therefore, Liu Chan immediately ordered to review the people who had moved food in the army, as well as all the people in the kitchen in the government office.

But the result was beyond Liu Chan's expectation again, and everyone should be fine.

And at this time, Liu Chan's stomach finally started to hurt, and his legs were weak when he went to the toilet, which was probably an unavoidable torture.

The next day, Zhao Feng finally found the murderer who poisoned him.This is not one or two people committing the crime.Because he found that the grain eaten by the Jiangxia County government office was the same as the grain eaten by Zhang Bao's men and horses, and they were all taken from the granary in Jiangxia County.Zhao Feng immediately took the doctors over to check, and it turned out that the few grains left in the granary had actually been poisoned.

That is to say, these grains may have been intentionally poisoned by He Qi's men when they withdrew from Jiangxia City.As for the target of poisoning, I'm afraid it was the Shu Han army who entered Jiangxia City, not some enemy who deliberately sneaked into the government office and barracks and poisoned people on both sides.

However, the poisoner might be a rookie, but he didn't think that putting poison in the food is actually a very stupid way.It is precisely because of this that Liu Chan and Zhang Bao's men escaped unharmed.

When Liu Chan heard what Zhao Feng said, he couldn't help but hate the Jiangdong people for their viciousness.

In fact, Liu Chan quickly thought of a person: Zhang Lu who had passed away in Chengdu.Historically, when Zhang Lu was conquered by Cao Cao and retreated, he did not burn everything in the treasury and granary. Although his younger brother Zhang Wei did suggest this, he thought that these things belonged to the common people, so All the warehouses were just sealed up with seals, but not destroyed.

There is really a world of difference between Jiangdong people and Zhang Lu's approach, and it can be seen who is the real good person and the person who cares about the common people.

Under the current situation, Liu Chan has no way of judging whether the order to poison the grain in the granary was given by who in Shuanghuan or by He Qi.However, because of this incident, Liu Chan really felt very annoyed.

Because although his poisoning was mild, even so, he had diarrhea all night last night.Now my body is almost dehydrated, and I am so weak that I can only lie on the bed and cannot move, like a limp dead insect.

Zhang Bao immediately came to visit Liu Chan.Because he was busy dealing with the affairs of the army and the camp last night, he ate later than Liu Chan. At that time, many soldiers in the barracks had already suffered from poisoning.Therefore, Zhang Bao himself was not poisoned, and he still looks alive and kicking.

Apart from visiting Liu Chan, Zhang Bao also had something to come over to despise Liu Chan, and asked, "My lord, although no one in our army died of poisoning this time, there must be a way to deal with it?"

Liu Chan was lying on the bed, his lips were a little white, and there were some flakes on them, obviously because of dryness, it could be seen that his body was really dehydrated.Looking at him like this, he really looked quite pitiful.

Liu Chan said weakly: "Let Zhao Feng interrogate those officials from the former Jiangxia County, maybe we can find out some clues. When He Qi and the others retreated, those high-ranking officials also followed. Now it is probably time to investigate. gone."

Zhang Bao nodded, and said, "The general obeys orders. Also, the grain in the granary seems unedible, what should we do with it?"

Liu Chan asked softly: "Then do you have any way to deal with it?"

Zhang Bao said: "The general thought that it would be better to burn them all, because they are not edible anyway. It's a pity, and without these grains, we have to continue to transport some grains from Puqi City. Otherwise, the soldiers will probably starve in the future."

Liu Chan didn't have much physical strength now, so he didn't bother to think about it, so he hummed and said, "Okay, then I will leave this matter to you to deal with."

After Zhang Bao made a promise, and told Liu Chan to rest and take care of his body, and he didn't have to worry about other things, he said goodbye to Liu Chan.

Just when Zhang Bao walked out of Liu Chan's room, Liu Chan suddenly stopped Zhang Bao.

It turned out that Liu Chan suddenly felt that it seemed inappropriate for Zhang Bao to burn the grain.Because once you set fire to the food, it will inevitably lead to many speculations from the people. After all, it is all food collected from them. Anyone who sees it and hears it will feel distressed and have resentment towards the Shu Han army. .In other words, in the end, it was the Shu Han Army who finally got retribution for the bad things Jiangdong Army did...

This is why Liu Chan suddenly stopped Zhang Bao.

Zhang Bao turned around, walked quickly back to Liu Chan's bed, bowed and asked, "Is there any other orders, my lord?"

Liu Chan said: "The grain remains in the granary, don't burn it, so as not to have a bad effect."

"If you don't burn it, what will you do in the future?"

Liu Chan thought for a while and said: "Those grains are indeed poisoned, but they should still be used as grain seeds. When the spring begins, they will be distributed to villages and villages for farmers to sow seeds. In the future, these grains will always Food that cannot be grown is also poisonous, right?"

Hearing this, Zhang Bao couldn't help but smiled, and said, "This is a good way, my son. If you are afraid that the grain grown will be poisonous, let the farmers wash the grain before sowing, haha..."

Hearing Zhang Bao's words, he knew that he had never done farm work.

Liu Chan added: "However, we must continue to inform the residents inside and outside the city about the poisoning of the food in the granary, so that they can know what kind of style Jiangdong Army is, and win the hearts of the people for our army."

Zhang Bao nodded, and then ordered to leave again.

A day later, Zhao Feng's interrogation finally came out.He got news from a small official who was in charge of the granary under Ji Cao, saying that he himself had seen He Qi's men block off the entire granary before retreating, but he didn't know what they were doing inside. something happened.

However, with such testimony, it seems that the mastermind behind the poisoning of the granary is about to be revealed - He Qi!
(End of this chapter)

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