The Jagged Emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 778 Shuanghuan seizes power

Chapter 778 Shuanghuan seizes power ([-])

He Qi's troops hurried and finally approached the boundary of the lower city, but soon He Qi stopped the advance of the army in a state of astonishment and despair.

Why?Because the cavalry team sent by He Qi brought back a piece of news that everyone on their side could not bear: the lower city has fallen!
At this moment, He Qi suddenly discovered that his men and horses had now fallen into a miserable situation with nowhere to go and chasing soldiers.His face suddenly became extremely pale, and there was even a trace of livid in the paleness, obviously quite resentful.

He Qi really hated at this time, he shouldn't have given up on Jiangxia City so easily at that time, thinking that he could easily enter the lower city to defend it, and thus be able to stop Yu Jin's army from pursuing it!
In fact, to put it bluntly, He Qi's psychology is quite complicated now, and he has even developed a sense of fear.Because the poisoning incident in the granary in Jiangxia City was indeed caused by him, and it is unknown how many people died of poisoning because of it.Then, once any high-ranking official dies because of this, He Qi must be the one who will be accounted for in the end.

Thinking of these, He Qi couldn't help but feel a burst of frustration.

At this time, seeing He Qi suddenly ordered the army to stop, Shuanghuan couldn't help but feel strange.After all, now is an extraordinary period, and the situation has become very unfavorable to his side. Yu Jin's men have been biting their backs tightly all the time, and they may chase them all at once.

So, Shuanghuan immediately came to see He Qi at the same time.The two of them were completely annihilated by Liu Chan's army now. This feeling of sympathy for each other actually made the two people who were originally incompatible no longer quarrel like before.

What's more, the two of them have become extremely weak in front of He Qi, and almost lost the right to speak. This situation also forced Shuanghuan to temporarily unite.

When He Qi saw Shuanghuan coming to see him in such a hurry, with his mind, he had already guessed their purpose without even thinking about it.He couldn't help but secretly sighed in his heart, these two people are probably going to have a big fight with him today, right?I will definitely lose my face because of this.But losing face is still a trivial matter. If one's own army is wiped out by Yu Jin again, that will be the most serious thing!
Immediately, Zhu Huan stepped forward and bowed his hands to He Qi, and asked in a somewhat hostile tone: "General He, why didn't you let the army advance all of a sudden?"

Sun Huan actually nodded his head in a serious manner, with a puzzled look on his face.

Seeing this, He Qi didn't even have the thought of sighing anymore, this Zhu Huan is really not a good person to get along with, and he doesn't leave room for others at all.

Knowing that the matter cannot be concealed, He Qi had no choice but to tell Shuanghuan exactly what they were facing now.

Shuanghuan couldn't help but turned pale with shock, and felt angry towards He Qi in his heart.Because at the beginning, it was He Qi who insisted on going his own way, did not listen to the arguments of the two of them, and decided to give up and continue to defend Jiangxia County.

Now it is really better, the way to Xiacheng in front has been blocked by Gai Meng's troops, Jiangxia city behind can't go back, and Yu Jin's army is chasing after them, they are already in a desperate situation.

Zhu Huan's temper must have been much worse than Sun Huan's, and he exploded immediately, taking a step forward and approaching He Qi.

His height is about the same as that of He Qi, and he glared at He Qi angrily and shouted loudly: "It's all because of your good deeds! If you were willing to listen to the two of us at that time, how could you get to where you are today. We in Yangzhou I can't go back, and I can't go back to Jiangxia City, the area to the south has already fallen into the hands of the Shu Han army, and the Yangtze River is to the north, let everyone follow you to jump into the river!"

Sun Huan also said with resentment: "Now the waterways of the Yangtze River have been completely occupied by Quan Cong's army. Even if you go to jump into the river collectively, they can still use warships to salvage you."

Seeing these two people singing together, He Qi couldn't help being angry because they were all sneering at him.

And He Da also came to see his father He Qi at this time, and he happened to listen to Shuang Huan's words.Even He Qi was angry, and He Da had no reason not to be angry.He couldn't help but let out a cold snort, and walked quickly to He Qi's side, as if he wanted to strengthen He Qi's momentum.

He Qi still suppressed his anger at this time, smiled wryly, and said, "You two generals, don't be angry. Now that the matter has developed to such a point, it is not what we could have expected at the beginning, not to mention, this is definitely not what we have. The situation that any one of them would like to see. Therefore, we still have to discuss with you as soon as possible, how to deal with the current situation."

When Shuanghuan heard the words, he suddenly became silent.They are all smart people, it is impossible not to understand that what He Qi said is actually more reasonable, and it is really the most urgent matter.

He Qi saw that the two stopped talking nonsense, so he continued: "Two generals, judging from the current situation of our army, we may only have two paths left: one is to attack the city by force and take If we take it down, then we can escape the danger smoothly. But the problem is that the lower city is a priority, and the city is not so easy to take down. In addition, we lack the equipment for siege now, and there are Yu Jin's army is not letting go, and it may not be realistic to take down the city in a short time."

He Qi's analysis was indeed reasonable, and everyone knew it very well, so everyone nodded.

He Qi went on to say: "Then, the only way left for us now is to go back."

Sun Huanqi said: "The way back? Are you going to turn the direction of the army back to Jiangxia City? But there are two huge armies of Yu Jin and Sha Moke blocking that direction!"

He Qi nodded, and said helplessly: "If we don't do this, our army will have to go forward and attack the lower city. The consequence will be that our entire army will be surrounded by the army of Yu Jin and Sha Moke. Encircle and suppress. Under the encirclement of the two of them, there is absolutely no possibility of us being spared."

Zhu Huan sneered and said: "If you go back to what you said, with our current troops, going head-on to the tens of thousands of troops on the other side of Yujin is tantamount to hitting a rock with an egg, or it is the same as asking for self-destruction. ?"

He Qi explained: "General Zhu, you can't say that."

Zhu Huan glared at He Qi again, as if still angry, and said, "I can't say that, so what should I say?"

"General Zhu, please think about it carefully. Yu Jin led so many troops here, he must be extremely powerful in terms of momentum, and he has already determined that they will win this battle."

When Zhu Huan heard this, he shouted: "Is there any need for you to say this?"

He Da finally couldn't bear it this time, and reprimanded: "General Zhu, pay attention to your attitude!"

Zhu Huan immediately replied with a loud cold snort, completely ignoring the kid He Da.

(End of this chapter)

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