The Jagged Emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 779 Shuanghuan seizes power

Chapter 779 Shuanghuan seizes power ([-])

He Qi told He Da not to talk too much, but he still said kindly to Shuanghuan: "Since Yu Jin's army came with such a mentality, some of them must feel proud because of it. Even if there is no one in the Shu Han army, But Samoco's Wuxi barbarian army must also have some. Moreover, as far as I know, the Shu Han army and the Wuxi barbarian army are not completely monolithic, but often have disputes. This has long been confirmed. Therefore, the lack of cooperation between them is also a weakness that we can take advantage of."

Although Sun Huan couldn't think of any good ideas in his mind at this time, when he heard He Da say this, he immediately said: "Even so, if we want to act like this, the risk will not be much less than storming the city." of."

He Qi somewhat appreciated Sun Huan's opinion, and said, "If there were only these, the risks our army would have to face would indeed still be very large. But there is one more thing: our U-turn attack this time is a veritable 'counterattack' .As long as we move fast enough and ruthlessly enough to make the enemy completely unable to react, there will inevitably be chaos in their army. At that time, we don't have to waste time to defeat Yujin's army, but to tear a hole Just rush over."

Then, He Qi went on to say: "As long as we rush over, the following situation will not be a big disaster for us. Because everyone, don't forget that there is an army of General Han Dang nearby. We are in a stalemate with Fan Zhuang's army near Shaxian. He should have led his army towards Jiangxia City by now, and we can join forces with him in the past. At that time, our troops will also be strengthened accordingly."

He Qi didn't know whether he really didn't know or pretended not to know, given Han Dang's situation, how could he easily get rid of the enemy's entanglement and get away.Even the real situation is that Han Dang's army has long been wiped out. Even Han Dang and his deputy Tai Shixiang have been captured by the Shu Han army. How can they retreat to Jiangxia City? possibility.

And when it comes to Han Dang's troops, Shuanghuan couldn't help feeling ashamed, and secretly despised He Qi for being able to say such a thing now. Could it be that his face is really worse than the city wall? Want thick?When they evacuated Jiangxia City in an emergency, they had already sold out Han Dang's men, so what's the point of meeting them smoothly at this time!
However, since He Qi has analyzed the situation to such an extent, it is always the most brilliant opinion among the few of them.Now that no one has proposed a better solution, it seems that they can only reluctantly accept He Qi's idea.

But Sun Huan suddenly said at this time: "General He, even though we all agree with your opinion, you have brought everyone into such a desperate situation today, and you must bear most of the responsibility!"

Hearing that Sun Huan suddenly challenged He Qi again, Zhu Huan seemed to find his excitement all of a sudden, and immediately followed up and said, "And it's completely predictable. .”

Hearing this, He Da's heart couldn't help trembling, knowing that things might be bad for He Qi, he immediately asked loudly, "What exactly do you want?"

But Sun Huan said nonchalantly: "I agree with General Zhu Huan. In short, General He Qi must be responsible for our current situation!"

He Qi couldn't help sighing, and asked, "Then how do you think I should take responsibility for everyone's current situation?"

After Zhu Huan sneered, he said, "I personally feel that General He Qi, you are no longer suitable to lead all of us in the next battle."

Sun Huan immediately nodded and agreed with Zhu Huan's statement.

Father and son He Qi and He Da didn't expect that Zhu Huan would dare to say such a thing, this Shuang Huan clearly wanted to take away his military power!

After being silent for a while, He Qi asked without emotion: "Do the two generals really think so?"

Shuanghuan was not the kind of polite person, of course he immediately admitted it.

He Qi's face suddenly became ugly, but to He Da's surprise, He Qi actually said: "If that's the case, I, He Qi, am willing to be dismissed automatically. But the problem is, after I am dismissed, the army will be handed over to And someone to command?"

Sun Huan said: "I personally think General He Jing is quite suitable."

After Sun Huan finished speaking, he suddenly glanced at Zhu Huan.

Zhu Huan had been coveting He Qi's army for a long time, but he didn't expect that Sun Huan would push He Jing out suddenly. He originally thought that Sun Huan had the same thoughts as him, could it be that he was wrong?

But He Qi sighed and said: "You two don't know something. Although my younger brother is known as a good general, he has the ability to fight on the battlefield. If he is the commander of the army, it will not work."

He Da was already annoyed by his father's voluntary dismissal, but now he said that even He Jing couldn't accept the military power, so should the military power be handed over to these two bastards on the opposite side?
He Qi immediately said: "Father, you can't..."

But He Da's job was over, and He Qi continued to talk.

Sun Huan said again: "Since General He Jing is not suitable, let's leave it to General He Da?"

Now He Da was a little stunned.

He Qi still didn't agree.

Sun Huan asked in embarrassment: "If the above two are not suitable, I would like to ask General He Qi, who is the most suitable?"

He Da said with a sour taste, "I think you think you are the most suitable candidate!"

He Qi ignored He Da's words, and said directly to Shuanghuan: "Actually, I do have a candidate in my heart, and that is indeed the two in front of me."

This was originally a ghost idea in Shuanghuan's heart.And the reason why Sun Huan said that just now was that he was beating around the bush to ask He Qi to hand over power. They didn't expect He Qi to be so acquainted with each other, and the two couldn't help but secretly delighted.

He Qi immediately said calmly: "I want to give the position of general Sun Huan to General Sun Huan, and General Zhu Huan to serve as General Sun Huan's deputy. The rest of us will be under the two commanders. You How do you feel?"

Sun Huan was overjoyed immediately, but Zhu Huan's complexion suddenly became ugly, because he didn't have the habit and temper of being subordinate to others, let alone being under Sun Huan's command!

After all, the matter was settled in this way, and the four generals dispersed immediately.

He Da caught up with He Qi and asked anxiously, "Father, why did you hand over the command of the army to those two? Even if you hand it over to Second Uncle, it's better than handing it over to them!"

He Qi sneered, and said, "Don't join us for now, go and call your second uncle over!"

Twenty-five minutes later, the whole army set out under Sun Huan's order.

(End of this chapter)

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