The Jagged Emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 780 Who is planning who

Chapter 780 Who Plans Who ([-])

In fact, Shuanghuan is not two people who like to fight in the nest and ignore the current enemy situation.Due to all kinds of grievances and grievances between the two of them, daily quarrels are definitely inevitable, but in terms of confrontation, they still cooperate.

Therefore, a large part of the reason why the two of them dealt with He Qi like this before the battle was indeed as they each said, they had indeed lost confidence in He Qi's character.What's more, these two people are people who are full of confidence in themselves. I feel that my ability will not lose to He Qi, and they are determined to bring the army out of the current predicament, so that it is logical to seize power in front of He Qi things.

But as for why He Qi handed over the military power to Sun Huan instead of Zhu Huan who has more experience in the military, this is indeed a somewhat puzzling thing.But after He Qi bid farewell to Shuang Huan, he asked He Da to find He Jing, and outsiders had absolutely no idea what the two brothers had said between them.

But the relationship between Shuanghuan immediately became a little subtle, and even changed from the original state of relaxation to the state of cold war again.Of course, the problem lies with Zhu Huan, of course he is extremely unwilling to serve as Sun Huan's lieutenant general, and even expressed in front of He Qi that he is not willing to be the so-called lieutenant general.

But under He Qi's persuasion, Rang finally agreed to Zhu Huan's request and let him serve as Sun Huan's lieutenant general, and of course Sun Huan would not have much opinion on this.

Therefore, even when Sun Huan gave the order to the whole army to march, Zhu Huan did not have much enthusiasm to carry out the order.

On the way, because He Da willingly gave up the military power to Sun Huan, and caused some very bad consequences with He Da, the army he originally commanded was forced to hand over to Zhu Huan.In other words, among the three members of the He family, in the end only He Jing was left with an army of about [-] people.

Now that He Da has no army to command, in fact, he only has his own escort of about [-] people left by his side.He quickly caught up with He Jing's troops, and found He Jing who seemed a little calm in the army.

Seeing his father's military power being taken away by those two bastards, Shuanghuan, and his uncle still acting like an old god, He Da couldn't help feeling angry.

He stepped forward and casually cupped his hands at He Jing, somewhat annoyed, and said, "Second Uncle!"

He Jing turned his head and saw that it was He Da, so he just said "Oh, so it's you."

What do you mean by "So it's you", He Da seemed to be even more angry when he saw He Jing being so heartless.He left the horse that was catching up with He Jing, and rode side by side, with a trace of dissatisfaction, he asked: "Second uncle, my father's military power has now been taken away by that Shuang Huan, why do you still look so leisurely?" look!"

He Jing looked at He Da's handsome face, which was six to seven points similar to He Qi, and smiled. It seemed that although He Da was very smart, he still lacked the necessary experience. When things come to a head, you will lose your composure.But this is also an excusable matter. The Sun Huan in front is younger than He Da. As for Zhu Huan, he is younger than him, but his official position is much older than himself. But isn't this Shuanghuan the same as a young man who still can't control his temper?
He Jing smiled and said: "Your father wanted to send it out, and your second uncle couldn't help it. Besides, you were there at the time, but you weren't there. Why didn't you stop your father? Are you here to keep me in trouble? You are obviously unreasonable!"

He Da's face couldn't help but move, the reason is indeed the reason, it seems that the mistake he made on his side is obviously bigger, and it is more unreasonable.But He Da still felt that He Jing's attitude that seemed to have nothing to do with him was really not what a close relative should have.

He Da immediately raised his eyebrows and said, "Second Uncle, how can you treat my father like this? Then, didn't he come to discuss with you just now? Then you should persuade him again!" At the end, He Da's The voice became louder, and the volume became very loud. The soldiers marching around all turned their faces to look at them.

But He Jing suddenly smiled, stretched out his hand and patted He Da's shoulder, and said, "Don't get excited! The second uncle was just joking with you just now. Your father is my real brother, how could I not care about his affairs?" What? So stop shouting, your father has already made arrangements for this matter, you should go back to your father immediately."

Seeing He Jing, He Da didn't seem to be joking with him, but seemed more serious about it, so he had no choice but to stop complaining to He Jing, bowed his hand, turned his horse's head and went back to look for He Qi.

Seeing He Da walking back and forth, He Qi asked him, "What did you go up front just now?"

He Da muttered, "Go talk to Second Uncle about something."

He Qi is a smart person, and he knows He Da's character very well. He probably already guessed He Da's intention to find He Jing, and asked, "Are you going to ask him about military power?"

He Da said angrily, "Father, I just can't figure it out, why did you give up the military power to that Shuanghuan?"

He Qi sighed, and said: "My son, you are not young anymore, why are you still being self-willed like a child, and still not able to take charge of yourself?"

He Qi's words really came out of feelings.

He has seen too many outstanding young people on the battlefield recently. Whether it is the Shu Han side, except for Yu Jin, almost all young people are fighting in the army, and there is no veteran at all. On their Jiangdong Army side, that Sun Huan's age was younger than He Da's, but his handling of things was poor, and everything else was considered very close. The sudden birth of these people made He Qi suddenly realize that he seemed to be old, even in a suit The fancy clothes no longer made him feel young.

In fact, it was precisely because of the appearance of these outstanding young people that He Qi suddenly had many objects to compare with He Da's talent.After all, only by comparison can we draw a certain standard of judgment, and only then can we surpass the level of each other.Therefore, He Qi was surprised to find that his son, whom he was always proud of, was actually not as good as those young people.

When He Da heard He Qi say this about himself, he couldn't help showing a hint of dissatisfaction on his face.

But He Qi waved his hand and said: "You don't need to worry about this matter, I have already made proper arrangements with your second uncle, and you can manage all the guards on my side."

Of course He Da still obeyed He Qi's authority, and these remaining guards were indeed very important, they were the capital they used to save their lives in the next battle.He didn't dare to say anything more, so he had to accept the order.

In the afternoon of the same day, Sun Huan got a report from the scouts who rushed back from the front, saying that Yu Jin's pursuit force was not far away.

Sun Huan suddenly felt a little nervous in his heart, after all, this was a life-and-death battle.He immediately asked the herald to send someone to report the enemy's situation to Zhu Huan, He Qi, He Jing and others, and also began to order the whole army to be on alert and prepare for an assault.

(End of this chapter)

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