The Jagged Emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 781 Who is planning who

Chapter 781 Who Plans Who (Part [-])

Half an hour later, the figures of Jiangdong Army's troops quickly appeared in front of the two armies of Yu Jin and Sha Moke.

Judging from the billowing dust in front and the cross-section of the army, the number of this army is indeed quite large, probably all the troops under He Qi's command.Yu Jin seemed surprised by Jiangdong's sudden turn around and counterattack.

After all, in Yu Jin's judgment, even if He Qi's men had already heard the news of the fall of the lower city, they would inevitably be in a state of chaos, and it would be impossible to make a new decision quickly.

But the speed of action of He Qi's army was far beyond Yu Jin's expectations.And they were still so fast that Yu Jin couldn't cope.In fact, how did Yu Jin know that at this time the person in command of the original He Qi army was no longer He Qi, but Sun Huan.

In a little panic, Yu Jin quickly ordered the army to stop marching and enter a state of combat readiness.Since Yu Jin's vanguard was his Troubleshooting Army, after Yu Jin's personal drills, they were already able to carry out Yu Jin's orders.So, the action speed of these soldiers seemed to be very fast, and they soon began to form battle formations.

But the situation on Wuximan's side is a little bit worse.When they came to pursue them, they all thought that the enemy army was fleeing in a hurry, they were simply a group of bereaved dogs, they had no fighting power at all, and they just waited for them to arrive and capture them.

But at this moment, they have completely forgotten how they were beaten by He Qi's army at that time, so they could only withdraw from the battlefield in a hurry, and ignored the allied forces of Gai Meng and others.

When people are excited, even if they don't need to learn, they will soon forget the pain of scars.

In addition, Wuxi Man has a large number of troops, and the soldiers themselves are not very disciplined, so that when the troops led by Sun Huan suddenly appeared and rushed over quickly, their marching array immediately became a riot , only the noise of yelling and cursing remained.

Seeing Wuxi Man's preparations would definitely take a long time, so Yu Jin had no choice but to order his Jiefan Army to attack first, and then ordered the follow-up troops of the Shu Han Army to prepare to continue to enter the battlefield.

Yu Jin was really annoyed and disappointed by Wuxi Man's army in his heart.If it weren't for the need for their help, he would never want to join such an army.

Yu Jin's character really dislikes those troops with loose military discipline.The Qingzhou Army led by Cao Cao was defeated by Zhang Xiu. The Qingzhou Army itself was extremely poor in discipline, and immediately began to burn, kill and loot along the way.When Yu Jin led his army to meet Cao Cao, he mercilessly beheaded hundreds of Qingzhou soldiers on the spot without asking for instructions.

Sun Huan knew very well that if this battle failed, he would lose his own life, so he really worked hard this time, and it was very rare that he personally led his guards to the front of the army.

Sun Huan's demonstration effect seems to have been echoed by the soldiers.Yu Jin's Jiefan army was the first to make contact with the enemy, but they were not able to withstand their impact, and they were smashed and dispersed in an instant.Fortunately, this was only the situation on the front, and the Xiefan army behind them still worked hard to resist the impact of Sun Huan's army.

Then, even though Zhu Huan, who was the deputy general, was at odds with Sun Huan in his heart, he still had to lead the army to join the war for his own wealth and life.Therefore, Zhu Huan immediately commanded his men and horses to rush into the army of Zhifan army from the flank.Shuanghuan's cooperation was indeed very effective, and immediately caused great trouble and shock to the Jiefan Army.Seeing this, Sun Huan urged his troops to continue to attack the Jiefan army, and the progress was very smooth.

Yu Jin frowned immediately.He had obviously seen Shuang Huan who was rushing to the front line. These two people are really desperate to fight now.

He immediately ordered the follow-up troops to continue to invest in the front battlefield and must defend the front line.Because he has already seen that the current situation of the enemy army definitely wants to use a surprise attack to break out of the encirclement.He Yu Jin came to pursue them this time, and of course he wanted to intercept and destroy them all.

But the strange thing is that the troops in He Jing's hands had already arrived at the periphery of the battlefield, but they didn't rush the army into battle as soon as they arrived, like Shuang Huan did.They walked slowly on the edge of the battlefield.

Sun Huan obviously discovered the actions of He Jing's army, so he was of course very anxious.Although his assault is now very smooth, but with the gradual input of the enemy's troops, he has no reason to believe that after the old fox's operation in Yuban, he can easily break through successfully.Therefore, he urgently needs He Jing's men to come and support him.

Sun Huan immediately called the herald, and shouted loudly: "Go and tell He Jing to let his men go into battle for me!"

The herald looked at Sun Huan with a strange look, and there seemed to be a bit of contempt in his hesitation.But Sun Huan was very anxious now, and he couldn't see the expression of the herald at all.

Seeing that the herald did not move, he immediately shouted: "You bastard, why don't you send someone out quickly!"

Only then did the herald accept Sun Huan's order, and after turning around, the look of contempt on his face became even stronger.

In He Jing's army, He Jing and He Da stood on either side of He Qi, and the three watched the battle going on in full swing at the same time.

At this time, He Jing suddenly said: "Brother, I think they are fighting to the same degree now, it's our turn to act?"

He Qi nodded, and said: "Convey my latest order to the entire army, I want the command of the entire army!"

He Da was surprised to hear He Qi's order, and looked at his father in disbelief.At this moment, He Qi had a confident smile on his face.

So, He Jing immediately dispatched messengers to the battlefield ahead.This army is He Qi's army, and it is impossible for his soldiers not to listen to him.

At this time, He Qi suddenly issued a new battle order, and He Jing's men immediately rushed to the left wing of the battlefield.

Because as Yu Jin's troops gradually approached Shuanghuan's side, Yu Jin was attracted by Shuanghuan, and unconsciously there was a big gap in the left wing's troops.Shuanghuan became the bait released by He Qi, and that's where He Jing's men attacked.

And as long as He Jing's troops break through there, they will face the chaotic army formation of Wuxi Man next, and they will be more likely to break through.

He Qi's scheming was rewarded, and He Jing's men easily broke through the empty positions of Zhifan's army and rushed past Yujin's formation.Yu Jin was anxious, but suddenly realized that the troops in his hand were no longer enough to make up for the gap.

And at this moment, something that surprised Yu Jin even more happened.

Shuanghuan was still at the forefront, but they didn't know that the troops behind them had already started to turn around to the gap opened by He Jing's troops.

Later, when Shuanghuan found out that something was wrong, it was too late, and there were less than 700 troops left around them.At this time, the troops led by He Qi had already passed through more than half of the Wuxi barbarian army formation.

Shuanghuan couldn't help but roared at the same time.Because they knew that after Han Dang, they were also betrayed by He Qi!However, at this time, they had already fallen into the siege of the troubled army, and they had completely lost hope of breaking through.

In the end, He Qi successfully broke through the Wuxi barbarian army formation and led an army of more than 3000 people to successfully break through.Of course, the road ahead for them must be bumpy and not so optimistic.

This time, Shuanghuan, who was counted to death by He Qi, finally ran out of luck, and finally was able to surrender under the siege of the Jiefan army, and became Yu Jin's prisoner.

But even though the results were good, at least two generals like Shuang Huan were captured, but He Qi and the others were still able to break through. Of course, Yu Jin felt very frustrated.Of course, the Wuxi barbarian army also made him feel a little angry. With so many troops, only less than a thousand people were left behind. They are simply a group of bastards who eat nothing!
(End of this chapter)

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