The Jagged Emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 782 Annihilation of the whole army

Chapter 782 Entire Army Annihilated ([-])

It was a pity for Yu Jin to look at the cloud of dust that rose into the sky when He Qi's army went away, but because he had already gone so far away, there were no people in sight.However, many places on the side of Wuxi Man's army are still in a state of chaos at this time.

This time, Shamoko's army not only didn't help, but it still helped.

Yu Jin sighed, and suddenly turned to look in the direction of the lower city.At this time, the sun's light in the sky has weakened a lot. It's the beginning of winter, and the weather is starting to become a little cold. Although the weather looks good, it can already be seen that the time is almost at dusk.

At this time of the year, the night will come quickly.

Yu Jin knew very well in his heart that even if he immediately transferred everyone to pursue He Qi, as long as he went through a lot of hard work, he would be able to catch up.But Yu Jin was not very willing to do this. It was really out of style to use such a large army on his hand to bite an enemy army that had been disabled and had nowhere to go.

Therefore, Yu Jin did not go after He Qi's troops, but immediately dispatched unrecognized troops to help Sha Moke restore the order of the army, and most of the remaining troops started to clean up the battlefield and clear the prisoners.Then, Yu Jin himself sent messengers to the lower city, in order for comrade Gai Meng's cavalry to come out of the lower city and go after He Qi's men.

With the speed and fighting power of Gai Meng's men and horses, if they went to chase He Qi's remnants and defeated generals, it would definitely be much faster than Yu Jin's own army.Moreover, with the powerful assault ability of the cavalry, it is bound to be relatively easy to defeat He Qi's troops.

Shamoko really felt ashamed in this battle, and felt ashamed of his army's performance.It's rare for a person like him with a thicker skin than a city wall to have such thoughts.

Sha Moke came to see Yu Jin angrily, and expressed his gratitude to Yu Jin for sending someone to help him.Yu Jin is an old Jianghu. Although he was very dissatisfied with Sha Moke and his army for holding him back, he still held back his anger and pretended to be nonchalant, so that Sha Moke didn't have to worry about it. After all, the outcome It's common practice in military affairs.Yu Jin's open-minded performance made Sha Moke himself feel a little moved.

However, Yu Jin also saw many weaknesses of Wuxi Man's army from this.Since the son wanted to deal with Wuximan and Sha Moke in the future, Yu Jin suddenly wanted to plan something for the son.

Then, after clearing the battlefield, Yu Jin made a decision that surprised Sha Moke.Yu Jin ordered the whole army to march towards the city at full speed.

Sha Moke came to see Yu Jin again, and asked, "General Yu, why don't the army turn around and chase that bastard He Qi at this time, instead of suddenly going down to the city?"

In fact, Sha Moke fled because He Qi's small army broke through the army formation. He felt that his self-esteem was severely damaged, so that he always wanted to work on the battlefield without exerting any effort. He hated He Qi, and wanted to immediately lead the army to hunt down and kill He Qi.Therefore, Yu Jin's order made him feel a little unacceptable and incomprehensible.

Yu Jin forced a smile, why didn't he want to go after He Qi's men?But instead of chasing him with two legs, it would be faster to let Yu Jin's four legs chase him.

Yu Jin talked about the fact that he had already sent someone to lead Gai Meng to attack, and finally said: "Sha Shuai, I know that you are uncomfortable, but there is indeed a problem with our response to this battle, and this problem still exists. To be caught by He Qi, and let him escape by taking advantage of it, is really helpless."

Sha Moke couldn't help but feel a little discouraged when he heard this, but he suddenly said loudly: "Since He Qi ran away, haven't those two bastards, Shuanghuan, been caught by your side, General Yu? Hand over those two people to me, and see if I don't chop them up and eat their hearts and livers with wine!"

Seeing Shamoke's stern expression, he looked as terrifying as a demon god.Yu Jin really thought that this guy was probably not joking when he said such a thing, maybe he really dared to dig out Shuanghuan's heart and liver and eat them.In fact, people in this era even dare to eat human flesh, not to mention the tender heart and liver in the human body!
Shuang Huan was Yu Jin's unexpected spoils in this battle, and of course it was impossible for him to send it out for Shamoke to kill.Hastily waved his hands and said: "This is impossible! My family's son has always wanted to catch these two people, and today he can catch these two people. , We fought really badly in this battle, and we captured the two alive and sent them to the crown prince, so the faces of the two of us will always look better."

Hearing what Yu Jin said, Sha Moke also felt that it seemed to make sense.In addition, Shamoke owed Yu Jin a favor just now, so he reluctantly agreed not to kill Shuanghuan.

After Yu Jin sent Shamoke away, he immediately ordered someone to escort Shuanghuan up.They have fought more than once, and he really wants to see what these two look like.

Soon, Mao Hun escorted Shuanghuan to Yu Jin's body. At this time, the sun had already set in the sky, and the sky in the west was orange and brilliant, but the sky in the east was gray and white. The color seems to be covered by a light gray curtain.

These two people looked in a row, tied up with ropes, their original shiny armor was now covered with mud, and their faces were also covered with black mud, they looked like two beggars.The majestic General Jiangdong has become what he is now, and he is really in a mess.However, most of these should be thanks to He Qi.

Shuang Huan was forced to kneel at Yu Jin's feet by the gangsters, but he was still struggling to get up from the ground, and his temperament was indeed rebellious.Especially Zhu Huan, he was really hot-tempered, and he yelled and cursed uncleanly.

Seeing this, Mao Huan was really rude to Zhu Huan, stepped forward and slapped Zhu Huan twice, and scolded: "If you dare to talk dirty again, you bastard, I will immediately Use a knife to gouge out your tongue! Then I will see how you will curse."

Zhu Huan saw that Mao Huan was not someone to provoke, and what he said didn't seem to be joking, so he shut up quickly.

Sun Huan obviously recognized Yu Jin, so he asked, "General Yu, although the two of us have become your captives, please give us a clear explanation, whether you want us to live or die , I only need a word from you, why bother to humiliate the two of us like this!"

(End of this chapter)

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