The Jagged Emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 783 Annihilation of the whole army

Chapter 783 The whole army was wiped out ([-])

Yu Jin nodded, and asked Mao Hun's men to release Shuang Huan, and stepped forward to help them both up from the ground.

He smiled at the two of them and said: "Two generals, it should be said that it was a coincidence that you were captured by me today. Among them, He Qi helped me a lot, but it is actually a kind of necessity."

Zhu Huan snorted coldly, and said loudly: "It happened by chance, if it wasn't because of that bastard He Qi, how could you have caught the two of us!"

Yu Jin waved his hand and said, "General Zhu doesn't know something. Although He Qi's breakout was successful, I can assure you that within three days, he will become a subordinate of our army just like the two generals." prisoner."

Sun Huan thought for a while, and said: "This is almost impossible. Although there are only a few of our troops left now, he brought the troops to join General Han Dang. The two of them The joint army occupies a favorable terrain on the side of Sha Xian, and it may be able to resist the arrival of my lord's reinforcements."

Although Sun Huan's words leaked some of He Qi's secrets, Sun Huan did intend to reveal it.Now that he hated He Qi to the core, it was impossible for him to keep the next action intention for He Qi.

Yu Jin suddenly laughed a few times.

Seeing that Yu Jin was laughing strangely, Sun Huan asked, "Why is General Yu laughing so much?"

Yu Jin said rather proudly: "This general is laughing at you, General Sun, who is sometimes smart and sometimes confused."

"how do I say this?"

"It's okay to tell you. In fact, my family's family has already arranged another team to set off from Yiyang City, and then landed in Shaxian, and assisted General Fan Zhuang's team to defeat General Han Dang's team. General Han Dang is now He has also become a prisoner of my family!"

Shuanghuan was dumbfounded at this moment, and exclaimed at the same time.This kind of news was indeed a blow to them, but at the same time, inexplicably, they felt a kind of repentance and gloating towards He Qi in their hearts.

Yu Jin went on to say: "As for the reinforcements of your lord, Gongsunhou, they may indeed have appeared. However, their reinforcements must be thousands of miles away from here. At least this general can say with certainty that they will definitely not be able to pass through Yuzhang County now." Those who live in that place, let alone come to Jiangxia County?"

Shuanghuan said at the same time, surprised: "What? What does this mean?"

These two were the first to enter Jiangxia County to fight, so they could hardly get a lot of recent news from Yangzhou.On the other hand, He Qi has been lurking in the mountainous area, and the news is very closed, so that he didn't even know that Yuzhang County and Yuzhang's naval base camp were captured by Quan Cong in one fell swoop.

Therefore, Yu Jin told Shuanghuan truthfully what happened in Yangzhou recently.Shuang Huan was even more stunned when he heard it. It was really shocking that senior officials like Lu Fan and Bu Zhi could be captured.Moreover, it turns out that their retreat has already been cut off by someone, and he is still sitting in Jiangxia County and watching the sky? ?
Shuanghuan was originally a very proud person, but his self-confidence was like an autumn eggplant, which was hit by a burst of "frost" sent by Yu Jin.The two heads immediately lowered.And the two of them also became clear in their hearts, He Qi's cleverness is indeed as Yu Jin said, it probably won't last more than three days, and now Jiangxia County has completely become the territory of the Shu Han army, and he can't escape from others anymore the palm of your hand.

Yu Jin immediately said: "The two generals don't need to be so discouraged, victory or defeat is a common matter in military affairs." Then, Yu Jin thought about how to send these two to the eldest son Liu Chan.

About two hours later, Yu Jin's army was already on the march at this time, and they suddenly heard a loud noise like thunder in front of them.Then, countless moving torches appeared in the dark night ahead, forming a long shining dragon lined up like night stars, rushing towards Yu Jin's men and horses.

But no one will feel that such a scene is very beautiful, because maybe this is the enemy's attacking force, this is a matter of life and death, and no one will appreciate it in such a good mood anymore.As a result, all the men and horses immediately became alert.

But this kind of alert was quickly lifted, because Yu Jin was quickly notified that Gai Meng's cavalry was coming ahead.Everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Gai Meng immediately came to see Yu Jin.After Yu Jin told him some things, Gai Meng didn't stay any longer, and immediately led the cavalry to leave through the passage that Yu Jin's men and horses evaded. They were definitely chasing He Qi's men and horses.

Yu Jin immediately led the army to continue marching towards the lower city, and resisted in the middle of the night, and then took over all the defense of the lower city.

Gai Meng was chasing after him non-stop.He Qi's marching speed followed the scouts who found out that Yu Jin's army was motionless. Although He Qi was suspicious of Yu Jin's actions, he still ordered his army to slow down the marching speed.

Therefore, He Qi's approach really provided some convenience for Ge Meng.After Gai Meng's cavalry pursued urgently in the middle of the night, at dawn that day, the scouts returning from the front had already spotted He Qi's men and horses.Of course He Qi's men didn't dare to stop and set up camp to rest at this time, didn't they just seek death?But at this time, their marching speed has become extremely slow.

After Gai Meng heard the news, a sneer appeared on his face.He clearly knew that He Qi's men and horses were extremely exhausted, no matter how hard they ran, they would not be able to escape the pursuit of his own cavalry.

Therefore, Gai Meng actually issued an order to the cavalry to stop advancing and all dismount to rest.Such an approach, on the one hand, shows that Gai Meng's army has an absolute advantage in terms of combat power, and on the other hand, it also shows that He Qi's army is indeed at the end of the road.

An hour later, He Qi's men still walked more than ten miles away.The men and horses had rested enough, so Gai Meng ordered all the cavalry to attack.It took them less than half an hour to catch up with He Qi's men.

He Qi's men were all stunned.They never imagined that it was not Yu Jin's men and horses who chased after them overwhelmingly, but Gai Meng's cavalry team!

At this moment, He Qi suddenly realized, like a monk, he knew that it was absolutely impossible for him to escape this time.

An hour later, Gai Meng's cavalry easily ended the chasing battle of disparity in strength.Facing He Qi's exhausted army, they broke through He Qi's army without much effort, and then used more to capture the fleeing prisoners.

As for the three generals of He Qi's family, of course it was impossible for them to escape from Ge Meng's clutches, and they were all taken down, but they were all injured after fierce resistance.

(End of this chapter)

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