The Jagged Emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 784 He Qi Was Beheaded

Chapter 784 He Qi Was Beheaded
After Gai Meng's cavalry team completely defeated He Qi's army, the whole army was full of joy and high morale.

Faced with such a sudden defeat, He Qi couldn't accept it in his heart.Perhaps in order to preserve his self-esteem, he almost wiped his own neck when he was surrounded by Ge Meng's men and horses. Fortunately, He Da was by his side at that time, so he quickly stopped him.

However, after He Qicheng was captured, Gai Meng personally met the famous Jiangdong general.At this time, He Qi had long since lost the luxury in the rumors, and the clothes on his body were completely dirty.

Gai Meng immediately had an unpleasant conversation with He Qi. At the beginning, He Qi still had the air of a Jiangdong general, and his tone was still cynical when talking to Gai Meng.Gai Meng was rude to him, and immediately told He Qi about Han Dang's capture, and finally suppressed He Qi's arrogance.

The place where Gai Meng completely defeated He Qi's men was actually not very far from Jiangxia City.Therefore, after thinking about it for a while, he decided that he could go back to Jiangxia City to rest for a while, and by the way, he could also hand over He Qi and others to the crown prince.

So Gai Meng's cavalry marched slowly, and entered Jiangxia City a day later.

At this time, Liu Chan's body has not fully recovered because of the diarrhea two days ago, at least his face still looks a little ugly.He has always paid attention to physical exercise, so he rarely gets sick.But now, after being treated with this poison, it really means that some illnesses have disappeared like silk thread. It has been several days, and the body has not fully recovered.

Such a situation did delay Liu Chan from dealing with a lot of affairs, so he had to hand it over to Meng Xi for the time being.Fortunately, with Meng Xi around, Liu Chan was at least at ease.

Of course, Liu Chan really hated He Qi in his heart right now.

Then, Meng Xi came to see her.He sent Liu Chan a great news.Liu Chan felt a little strange, the good news that Gai Meng won the lower city had just arrived, so where did this good news come from?
After reading the good news, Liu Chan suddenly realized.

The successful return of Gai Meng's army gave Liu Chan a very unexpected surprise.

The surprise here must be real. Of course, Liu Chan didn't really want this surprise to a large extent.Because from the good news that Gai Meng sent in advance, he already knew that such a huge army led by Yu Jin actually let He Qi's army of thousands of people successfully break through and escape.

However, Ge Meng did use a lot of good words to excuse Yu Jin in the good news.Of course Liu Chan knew that a large part of the reason why Gai Meng worked so hard to speak well for Yu Jin was because he was grateful to Yu Jin.Yu Jin led the army to rescue his besieged men, and this time gave him the credit for chasing He Qi's men.There is no reason for Ge Meng not to be here at this time, and to reciprocate Yu Jin.

After Liu Chan gently closed Gai Meng's good news, he began to meditate.Then, he made a decision in his heart.Although Yu Jin made a mistake in command, he managed to capture Shuanghuan in the end. From the perspective of military merit, this was a great contribution. According to the regulations, the contribution of capturing a general is enough to be worth Qianjun has been captured.

Therefore, Yu Jin's contribution this time far outweighs his negligence.What's more, no one has faults, what's more, it's the front line, the situation is changing rapidly, we can't be severely punished for the slightest mistake, right?Therefore, Liu Chan still felt that not only should punishment be banned, but rewards should also be ordered.

It seems that Liu Chan has become more and more mature now.

Then, Liu Chan told Meng Xi about his opinion, and asked, "What do you think of this?"

Meng Xi smiled and said: "The general thinks that the son is very good at doing this. General Yu is a famous general who has been famous for a long time. People like him can make such negligence, which shows that the situation at that time was either very difficult or dangerous. It was so sudden that the general was overwhelmed."

Liu Chan nodded and said: "Your statement is very reasonable. You pass on my order to General Yu, and I will record his credit for him here. You only need to write a combat report on the situation at that time and send it over. I can report it here. I must also appease General Yu for this son, so that he does not have to be disturbed by a negligence."

Seeing that the son was so considerate, Meng Xi was moved and of course immediately took orders.

Then, Liu Chan just said to Meng Xi: "The three famous generals of He Qi's family have been captured now, how do you think we should deal with them?"

The good news was sent to Liu Chan through Meng Xi's hand, and now Liu Chan entrusts him with all affairs, unless it is very important to ask Liu Chan for instructions, he can make decisions on many things by himself.Therefore, he actually saw the content of the good news before Liu Chan, and of course he knew the content well.

So, now that Liu Chan asked Meng Xi like this, if Meng Xi couldn't get a Shanyue person to come, he really seemed too incompetent.

Meng Xi had already figured out how to respond, and said, "My lord, with a famous general like He Qi and a senior official like him, we should treat him kindly. However, the granary in Jiangxia City was poisoned a few days ago, causing our army to The health of hundreds of soldiers under General Zhang Bao has not fully recovered, in order to appease the emotions of the soldiers and stabilize the morale of the army, the prince should punish He Qi severely!"

Meng Xi was quite similar to Zhuge Qiao. Zhuge Qiao was indeed a kind person, while Meng Xi always valued peace when leading people, so he seldom uttered harsh words like now.

Liu Chan's expression changed, knowing that Meng Xi's words really showed the seriousness of He Qi's matter, so he had to pay more attention to it.Liu Chan has always been rigorous in his conduct.

Liu Chan really hated He Qi in his heart, but that should be regarded as a personal grudge, he couldn't possibly kill someone out of personal grudge, right?There is only one human life, and every human life is equal and priceless, regardless of whether it is poor or poor .

Liu Chan immediately asked: "Is it really so serious?"

Meng Xi thought for a while, sighed, and suddenly said with a more serious tone, "My lord, the situation is probably more serious than what the last general said. Now Jiangxia City is relying on the troops of the last general and General Zhang Bao. Defense. Once they know that He Qi has been escorted into the city, they will definitely not let him go. The prince can't make the soldiers feel dissatisfied because of He Qi, right?"

Liu Chan also sighed suddenly.Because in Meng Xi's words, although the words were light, it was a murder suggestion that did not contain any word "kill".

Therefore, Liu Chan just nodded and said, "After Gai Meng enters the city, you can ask He Qi for his last words instead of me. Or, you can prepare a pen, ink, paper and inkstone for him to give to his family members." Leave a suicide note."

Meng Xi nodded, and said, "He Jing and He Da are probably inseparable from each other."

Liu Chan then asked, "Can the two of them have any children?"

Meng Xi understood what Liu Chan meant, and he had to consider the incense of the He family before killing someone.If it made the family extinct because of this, it would definitely be a very criticized thing in that era.Of course, if someone leaves an heir, it is indeed because Liu Chan is kind enough in nature.

Meng Xi replied: "Both of them have children."

Liu Chan nodded and fell silent.

Two days later, the three generals of the He family were beheaded in the school grounds.It's just that the soldiers are absolutely not allowed to watch the beheading scene, otherwise they will be severely punished. Killing should never be a kind of public entertainment.

Therefore, only Meng Xi, Gai Meng and Zhang Bao, and a few executioners witnessed the scene at that time.

(End of this chapter)

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