The Jagged Emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 785 Hopeless and Desperate

Chapter 785 Hopeless and Desperate
After the three generals of He Qi's family were beheaded, Liu Chan immediately ordered someone to properly bury them outside Jiangxia City, so that the He family members could move their bodies back to their hometown in the future.

Three days later, Liu Chan's body finally recovered.And Fan Zhuang's troops have also entered Jiangxia, taking over the defense of Jiangxia City from Meng Xi and Zhang Bao.

In this way, the war on the boundary of Jingzhou was finally over, and the army of Shu Han had completely captured Jingzhou.

Therefore, Liu Chan immediately led the army to drive eastward to the lower city.

As for Deng Ai, his army did not take much effort to capture the dangerous city of Chaisang, which was definitely beyond Deng Ai's expectations.Because in his prediction, Chaisang is much more dangerous than Liling. When he attacked Liling, the army lost a lot, so he was actually very worried about the price of attacking Chaisang. Too big for him to bear.

But it may be God's pity, his army only besieged Chaisang for a few days, and even made a few symbolic tentative attacks, the enemy troops in the city actually came out and surrendered themselves.

At the beginning, Deng Ai doubted that Chaisang would be in such a situation.Because the host in this city is Sun Jun, the governor of the three armies of the Jiangdong Army, a big man who would shake the land of Jiangdong several times when he stepped on his foot.And this Sun Jun had never heard of a cowardly person, so with such a big man around, how could Chaisang surrender so easily?

Of course Deng Ai couldn't believe it.However, as the number of Jiangdong troops leaving the city and surrendering became more and more, Deng Ai finally knew that something was wrong, and some major changes must have occurred in the city.Then, he finally learned that Sun Jun had died of illness and no one was handling the affairs of the city.

Therefore, although Deng Ai was still a little suspicious in his heart, since he knew that Sun Jun's health had always been poor, he let his army march in with a little caution.

Deng Ai's nervous mood finally calmed down after the army was dispatched to various places in the city and began to disarm the Jiangdong Army in the city.In fact, he was also secretly pleasantly surprised in his heart, this was clearly giving him a city for nothing!

Then, Deng Ai took people to Chaisang's mansion and saw Sun Jun's body.Due to the sudden death and the chaos in the city, Sun Zhen's body was not taken care of, and even after passing away for so many days, it was not properly encoffined.Fortunately, it was already the beginning of winter, and the corpse did not have any peculiar smell.

Seeing Sun Jun's desolate scene, Deng Ai had a rare kindness, and ordered people to restrain him and bury him.Then, he immediately sent someone to report the information of Sun Jun's death to his son Liu Chan.

As for Zhang Fei, he had already broken through Luo Xiaoshan.The second obstacle that his men and horses will encounter is Ai County, where He Qi originally stationed troops.But what Zhang Fei never expected was that the number of people in Ai County at this time was completely beyond his expectation.

Because Gu Shao had to retreat to Ai County after he broke through from Shi Guangyuan.In the end, maybe his luck was really bad, and he met Zhang Fei's army before he had a long rest.

So, very sadly, Gu Shao's men fell into the siege of Zhang Feijun again.

Gu Shao's situation immediately became very difficult.

But from this difficulty, Gu Shao actually saw a lot of things very quickly.

Since Zhang Fei's army dared to break through Luo Xiaoshan, it meant that his army had no worries about the attack this time.Therefore, Gu Shao quickly thought that either Shuanghuan and He Qi's troops had been defeated, or they had been beaten to the point where they could not fight back.In other words, General Han Dang's men are actually in danger.Then there is Jiangxia City, I am afraid that it will soon face the fate of being captured.

Then there was Shi Guangyuan's side. After he successfully broke through the siege, he didn't send any troops to chase after him.Shi Guangyuan did this obviously not because he had already obtained communication with Zhang Fei, and asked Zhang Fei to break through Luo Xiaoshan and come over to surround Ai County.In that case, Gu Shao's men would still be unable to fly.Because Luo Xiaoshan was still in the hands of the Jiangdong Army at that time, and the communication methods were backward, the communication between Shi Guangyuan and Zhang Fei could not be so fast.

Therefore, Gu Shao immediately figured out the reason why Shi Guangyuan led his army to the east: Lord Sun Quan's reinforcements were probably about to reach Yuzhang County.So Shi Guangyuan's army must have defended Yuzhang County in the past.After all, Yuzhang County is absolutely an indispensable hub for the Shu Han army and Quan Cong's navy.

But even after thinking through these things, Gu Shao was still extremely worried.

Because there is still that goddamn Deng Ai's army on this battlefield.On the way to Ai County, he sent scouts towards Liling, and the news he got was that Liling had been captured by Deng Ai's troops, and the defenders in the city were almost completely killed by Deng Ai.At this time, Deng Ai's army has definitely begun to surround Chaisang City.

Sun Hao, the governor, is kind to Gu Shao, and since Sun Zhen's condition is getting worse, he is really worried about the condition of the governor and the safety of Chaisang City.He really wanted to reverse the current predicament very much, but he knew that he was powerless.

In this battle with the Shu Han army, they should have fought well at the beginning and had a certain advantage.But as the war unfolded, the situation on their side became more and more passive.The generals of the Shuhan army are all very young, but all of them have distinct personalities and are able to stand on their own, so that even their veteran generals in Jiangdong have been defeated one after another!
Gu Shao can only make up his mind to defend Ai County now, and wait for the lord's reinforcements to attack quickly.As for Chaisang, he is really out of reach, he can only pray in his heart that the governor will be safe and Chaisang City will be safe.

But Gu Shao's wish must be beautiful, but the reality is much crueler than what he imagined:
On the battlefield in Jiangxia County, the troops of Shuanghuan, He Qi, and Han Dang had all been uprooted by Liu Chan, and none of these famous generals could escape.Even the three generals of He Qi's family were beheaded by Liu Chan.

Sun Jun, the governor whom Gu Shao was looking forward to, had already died of illness, and Chaisang had already fallen into Deng Ai's hands.

Furthermore, Liu Chan's troops have already begun to gather in the lower city, and soon all of them will be able to enter Yangzhou to fight in the mainland.

In other words, Gu Shao has now become a remnant of the lone army, trapped in the square inch of Ai County.

As long as there are no major changes, the fate of Ai County being captured by the Shu Han army is definitely doomed.

(End of this chapter)

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