The Jagged Emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 786 Knocking the Mountain and Shocking the Tiger

Chapter 786

After Deng Ai entered the city of Chaisang, as in the past, he immediately sent his good news to Liu Chan.Of course, what he didn't know at the time was that Liu Chan had already left Puqi City, and even entered Jiangxia City at the fastest speed, and then led his army to the lower city.The lower city is actually the west direction of Chaisang City.

In the past, Shi Guangyuan's army often had to detour a long way to send information to Liu Chan.Like Deng Ai, starting from Chaisang, you have to go south through Liling and Haihun, then continue south through several counties and cross Yuanshui to enter Yichun, then turn eastward to Liuyang City, and then go north. After passing Xiajun City, they were able to reach Puqi City where Zhang Fei was originally located.In this way, I really don't know how many times the wrong way will be increased.

And with Gai Meng's occupation of the lower city, the news has already reached Deng Ai in Chaisang.Therefore, in order to let Liu Chan get the good news as soon as possible, and at the same time to ask Liu Chan for instructions on the next actions of his and Peng Qi's troops, Deng Ai immediately sent another report to the lower city.

Therefore, Liu Chan and Gai Meng were finally able to know the news that Sun Zhen had died in the first place.And this news helped Yu Jin and Gai Meng suppress the arrogance of Shuanghuan and He Qi successively.

And Liu Chan's action order to Deng Ai was actually not complicated, but he was ordered to rush to help Mr. Shi Guangyuan who was fighting in Yuzhang County immediately after the army rested.As long as their army can defeat Zhuge Jin's reinforcements, then they are equivalent to clearing out most of the Shu Han army around Moling.At that time, it is almost impossible for the Jiangdong Army to have enough troops to prevent the Shu Han Army from threatening Moling City.

Having said that, Liu Chan saw Yu Jin after entering the lower city.

Liu Chan immediately comforted Yu Jin, and persuaded this old general, who is now Liu Chan's most important military assistant, to stop feeling uneasy about letting He Qi lead the army to break through.

Facing Liu Chan's understanding, Yu Jin couldn't help feeling very moved.As for Samoke, as Liu Chan's most important ally, Liu Chan really had to meet this guy again.

However, as the battle progressed to the current field, the strategic goals formulated by the Shu Han army in the early stage had been fully realized, and the next step was to start implementing the strategic intention of the Left General's Mansion in Chengdu to eliminate Jiangdong.

And in Yangzhou in Jiangdong, the Shu Han army also found two important allies, namely Youtu and Peng Qi.And these two people have a high degree of Sinicization, and they are very determined to join the Shu Han side, so even though they are also barbarians, these two people are very able to cooperate with the combat strategies of Shi Guangyuan and Deng Ai.

Even, a large part of the high-quality weapons that the Shu Han army is fighting in Yangzhou today are actually provided by the Shanyue people.In this case, it really greatly relieved the pressure on Huang Quan, who was organizing logistics supplies in Xiangtan.Of course, this also correspondingly eased the pressure on Jingzhou, which is now in a state of waste.

Moreover, the Shanyue people are natives of Jiangdong. Compared with the Wuxi Man from Jingzhou, they also have the factors of geographical advantage and human harmony at this time.

Therefore, Liu Chan has been thinking about these issues along the way, and found that with the end of the war in southern Jingzhou, the role and status of Shamoke's Wuxi barbarian army has actually begun to show a downward trend.

Therefore, when Liu Chan saw Sha Moke this time, his attitude changed slightly from the previous pure appeasement.He had a conversation with Sha Moke in the meeting hall of the government office next time. Even in the presence of generals from both sides, Liu Chan still warned Sha Moke unceremoniously. Not satisfied.

Liu Chan actually said this to him in full view, which immediately made Sha Moke feel very uncomfortable, and even said that he had become angry from embarrassment, and his face, which was originally full of beards, suddenly turned a sauce purple, which looked quite scary .

But Liu Chan is too familiar with Zhang Fei, and Zhang Fei's appearance is ugly enough, so he has naturally developed a strong immunity.He still continued to tell Sha Moke very calmly, that the spoils captured by Samo Ke in the previous battles along the way have always been privately collected by himself, and he needs to provide enough detailed information on his side.After the battle between the two sides is over in the future, the two sides will rate them.

When Liu Chan said this, he was completely shaking the mountain and reminding Sha Moke not to be as unreasonable as before when doing things next.

Sha Moke snorted coldly, and suddenly stood up from his seat with a snap.His figure was originally extremely tall and burly. Even if he stood up in the hall, he still looked like a tall iron tower to Liu Chan.Even Shamoke's face had become ferocious due to anger, and fire was about to burst out of his eyes the size of copper bells.

There was no other reason why Shamoke was so angry. He originally thought that the generals of the Shu Han had turned a blind eye to his actions all the time, but they had already tacitly agreed that all the spoils belonged to them.Now that the war in Jingzhou has just ended, these Shu Han people actually started to beg for those spoils?

For a person like Sha Moke, if something good comes into his mouth, even if you pry it with an iron rod, it is impossible for him to let go.Therefore, the reason why Shamoko was angry was actually here.

But Liu Chan is actually not easy to mess with. Although he doesn't particularly care about the spoils, because as far as she knows, there are not many of them.Shuanghuan's army and He Qi's army were already large in number, and their daily consumption was already staggering. It was absolutely impossible for them to leave many good things.He just needs to remind Sha Moke at this time, at least let him know that the agreement between the two of them has always been valid, and it is not what Sha Moke can say!
Therefore, Liu Chan still sat peacefully in his hall, staring at Shamoke calmly.

Of course, Liu Chan's generals will not be easy to mess with.They saw Sha Moke standing up and looking at Shizi with such a fierce look. Although his hand was not on the saber yet, it would definitely be a terrible thing if he suddenly had an attack.

So, Zhao Feng immediately rushed from Liu Chan's side to the hall, blocking the front of Liu Chan's table, the saber was already out of its sheath.Zuo Fu and Huang Quan also stood next to Zhao Feng, and of course they held the saber in their own hands.

As for Yu Jin, Gai Meng, Zhang Bao, Xiong Ping, and Meng Xi, they immediately stood up from their seats, crossed the table in front of them, and confronted Sha Moke and his young men.

The atmosphere suddenly became a little tense, and the situation was on the verge of breaking out.

(End of this chapter)

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