The Jagged Emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 787 Knocking the Mountain and Shocking the Tiger

Chapter 787

At this time, Zong foresees that things will go on and on, but it will be difficult to clean up.So, he spoke out, and said to the people on both sides: "Your Majesty, Sha Shuai and all the generals, please be calm, please extinguish your anger for now, let's all sit down and discuss anything!"

Only then did Liu Chan hum, and asked Zhao Feng, Zuo Fu, and Huang Quan to step aside for the time being, and said to Sha Moke: "Sha Shuai, you should be very clear in your heart. Since you joined the war, our army has treated you well. If you are a guest. But you should also know that you must abide by the rules that should be followed, and it is impossible for me to give you a boundary that can be surpassed!"

Sha Moke said coldly: "Are you reminding or warning?"

The corners of Liu Chan's mouth twitched slightly: "Sha Shuai is not a fool, I should be able to understand."

Sha Moke snorted coldly, immediately cupped his hands to Liu Chan, and said loudly: "Sha knows, Mr. Liu, this is the end of our conversation today, farewell!"

Liu Chan really didn't want to hold back, and immediately stretched out his finger to the door and said, "It's easy to go, I won't send you off!"

Sha Moke immediately turned around and left with his men.

But Liu Chan's warning to Sha Moke was not just verbal.Who doesn't know how to sell lip service? Isn't the Ministry of Foreign Affairs just protesting with foreign countries every day?The result is that protests come and go, but it’s useless. I thought I was really safeguarding the territory and sovereignty. It’s just a typical Ah Q mental victory method!

Liu Chan is not the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, he is Liu Chan, the eldest son of the Shu Han, and he took further action against the Wuxi Man.

At noon the next day, Liu Chan ushered in a guest, a guest invited by Liu Chan himself.who?Peng Qi, one of the leaders of the Shanyue tribe!
Liu Chan personally led all the generals under his command to meet Peng Qi at the east gate with great enthusiasm.Liu Chan made such a grand and unusual battle, which immediately gave Peng Qi a big jump.Because even Deng Ai or Shi Guangyuan didn't make such a formation when they met him for the first time.

Moreover, Peng Qi suddenly felt that he was a little flattered, and quickly rolled down from the saddle, and quickly stepped forward to meet Liu Chan.

Liu Chan once again showed his extraordinary enthusiasm, but stepped forward to support Peng Qi, and said with a smile: "General Peng, this is the first time we meet, you don't need to be so polite."

The reason why Liu Chan called Peng Qi "general" instead of "handsome" like Sha Moke was because Peng Qi accepted the title of general bestowed by the Shu Han.

Of course Peng Qi knew the etiquette and rules of the Han people, so he didn't even dare to say so.

Liu Chan smiled, then took Peng Qi's hand, and said with a smile: "General Peng, I am very happy that you can come to see me in the lower city. Come, let me sign and introduce General Peng to me." The generals under your command."

Liu Chan's intimate behavior almost made Peng Qi feel panicked.He was extremely surprised to be greeted in person before, but now it is still like this, and the honor and favor in it are almost beyond his ability to bear.So much so that when he was walking with Liu Chan, he almost fell because his legs were weak.

Everyone couldn't help laughing, and Peng Qi's face suddenly became a little hot.

Liu Chan immediately comforted him and said, "General Peng, don't be nervous. From now on, we will meet each other frequently and even become colleagues. So, when we get acquainted, we will become calmer."

Peng Qi quickly said yes.

Then, Liu Chan introduced Yu Jin and others to Peng Qi, and everyone saluted immediately.

In fact, Peng Qi spent some time on Deng Ai's side to find out about Liu Chan's situation.Among them, of course, the situation of the leading generals under Liu Chan is also included.

As for a famous general like Yu Jin, it should be said that there are very few people in the world who have not heard of it.As for Gai Meng, Zhang Bao, Xiong Ping, and Meng Xi, they are all under Liu Chan's command, and Peng Qi certainly dare not neglect them.

After everyone got to know each other, Peng Qi said to Liu Chan: "His Royal Highness, the last general was invited by you to come to the lower city to pay a visit this time, and specially brought some gifts for His Royal Highness."

When Liu Chan heard that there was a gift, a bright smile appeared on his face.He was not polite, he couldn't make excuses like others, so he immediately asked: "What kind of gift did General Peng bring me? I heard that Shanyue is rich in products, so I must open it today." Eyesight."

When Peng Qi saw Liu Chan speak so boldly, without any affectation, he immediately felt very at ease in his heart, and he didn't feel a little uneasy like before.

Peng Qi smiled, turned around and beckoned to his entourage to bring over a long gift box.Peng Qi took the gift box from the entourage, held it flat in front of Liu Chan, and said respectfully: "The end will bring a good sword made by our Shanyue people to His Royal Highness, please accept it."

Zhao Feng took a step forward to take the gift box from Peng Qi. It is absolutely impossible for him to let Liu Chan go forward to get it. Even if Peng Qi does not seem to be an enemy, there is no guarantee that there will be danger.

Only then did Liu Chan open the gift box of the sword in Zhao Fengshi's hand, and a long sword with a relatively slender style and a very gorgeous shape and scabbard suddenly appeared inside.

The style of this sword is a bit different. Most of the swords of Liu Chan's generals are thicker in order to have combat effectiveness.And such a slender sword can only be said to be more for decoration.Obviously, Peng Qi must have known that Liu Chan had no strength to restrain a chicken and knew nothing about swordsmanship at all, so he spent all his time sending such a saber.

Liu Chan hummed, smiled with satisfaction, and said: "The sword that General Peng sent is indeed very beautiful, and I will accept it." Of course, such a gorgeous sword is unlikely to be used. He came to defend himself, so of course Liu Chan didn't move. This was just an expression of the gift giver's intentions.

Then, Liu Chan asked Peng Qi to follow them into the city.

Everyone came to the government office in the lower city, and a banquet had already been set up in the meeting hall, waiting for them to take their seats.

Therefore, Liu Chan immediately began to clean up the dust for Peng Qi.During the banquet, it was really lively.Liu Chan did give Peng Qi enough face, and actually let Peng Qi sit at the bottom of Yu Jin.

Sha Moke immediately learned the news of Peng Qi's arrival, and also learned that although Peng Qi's army was smaller than his, it was not too much less, especially that there was actually another army in Shanyue. You Tu, he has more troops than Peng Qi.In other words, Shanyue joined the Shuhan army, which is actually much more than their Wuxi Man.What's more, these Shanyue people are actually local snakes!
Sha Moke suddenly felt a little nervous and even a little bit of pressure in his heart.He suddenly began to reflect, should he control his arrogance a little bit in front of the Shu Han army?

And this is actually the reason why Liu Chan received Peng Qi so warmly.He just wanted to deter Shamoko, and the effect seems to have been achieved!
(End of this chapter)

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