Chapter 788 Where to Return ([-])

After Liu Chan handled Peng Qi's matter well, the report that Zhang Fei's army had surrounded Gu Shao's troops in Ai County had also been sent to the lower city.

Liu Chan was very concerned about Zhang Fei's battle report.After all, Gu Shao is not as simple as ordinary people to him, he is Sun Shangxiang's current husband.Even out of the idea of ​​loving Wu and Wu, he will pay more attention to Gu Shao.

So Liu Chan called Yu Jin to discuss.Moreover, Liu Chan bluntly revealed his inner thoughts to Yu Jin, and asked: "Yu Jin, my son is very contradictory about Gu Shao's matter in his heart. I know that it is impossible for Gu Shao to be besieged this time." If he breaks out again, even if my second uncle made a mistake and made him break through, all the surrounding areas of Ai County are now under the control of our army. How long will his troops be able to fight? However, on my side I intend to let Gu Shao go."

Yu Jin suddenly felt that this matter was indeed of great importance, and it was related to the family affairs of the King of Hanzhong. After all, Sun Shangxiang was once the wife of Liu Bei, the king of Hanzhong.And this Gu Shao, who is being besieged by Zhang Fei, happens to be Sun Shangxiang's remarried husband!

If the entanglement in this is mentioned, it will definitely be deep, and the entanglement is difficult to untie.In other words, once Gu Shao is caught, his situation is likely to be much more dangerous than others.Because even if Liu Bei had no intention of dealing with Gu Shao, once it was about his own face, the face and dignity of the King of Hanzhong, it would be absolutely difficult to say.I have never heard that the dignity of the monarch can be hurt.

Thinking of these things, Yu Jin suddenly felt dizzy here. He didn't seem to be involved in the Wang family's family affairs at all.

Seeing that Yu Jin did not speak, Liu Chan hesitated or thought much longer than usual, so he urged: "Yu Jin, please help me again?"

In fact, as far as Jin is concerned, he has solved Liu Chan's family affairs more than once, so he feels overwhelmed again now.Facing Liu Chan's earnest gaze, he really couldn't harden his heart anymore.After all, this is a new boss who can appreciate his talents and can absolutely trust him.When he was in Nanyang County, he should have died, but Liu Chan gave him a chance to be born again.

Thinking of this, Yu Jin suddenly felt a sense of enlightenment: Since he is already a person who can die once, why not die for Liu Chan, a bosom friend?
Yu Jin began to abandon that neutral position.

Therefore, Yu Jin said: "My son, the current situation in Ai County, we only got a battle report from General Zhang Fei here, and we are not familiar with all other situations, so we cannot make the most appropriate arrangements."

Liu Chan nodded, but knew in his heart that Yu Jin hadn't finished speaking, and there should be something to say later.

Yu Jin continued: "So, in order to make better arrangements, Shizi needs to have first-hand intelligence and information."

Liu Chan thought for a while, first-hand intelligence and information?Then, he suddenly realized, and said: "General Yu, I finally understand, I will leave the city immediately and head to Ai County!"

Yu Jin smiled, Shizi's intelligence was indeed like a genius from the sky, and many things didn't need to be said too straightforwardly, but he could still understand the deep meaning of the speaker's words after hearing it.

Yu Jin immediately nodded to Liu Chan and said, "Maybe that's exactly what it should be. However, before setting off, the prince should make a proper arrangement for the next movement of the army in the lower city."

Of course Liu Chan was anxious, but he also knew that in a small place like Yi'ai County, where Gu Shao's troops of thousands of people were stationed, it would be difficult for Zhang Fei to capture it in a short time if it was used for defense.Therefore, he certainly has plenty of time to make the most appropriate arrangements for the army in the lower city.

Therefore, Liu Chan immediately summoned the generals under his command to conduct a collective discussion. This was Liu Chan's usual practice before taking new military actions.

Then, Liu Chan summoned Sha Moke again.However, because Liu Chan had knocked the mountains and shaken the tiger before, and gave him a certain deterrent, it is impossible to be too tough this time, but should focus on comforting with good words.The so-called "combination of hardness and softness" and "combination of kindness and strength" is actually the truth.

Then, Liu Chan announced that the army under his command would be handed over to Yu Jin in the next operation, and Meng Xi was promoted by Liu Chan again, surpassing Gai Meng to join the army as Yu Jin.Of course, Shamoco's men and horses continued to perform their duties of fighting with the Shu Han's army.

After Yu Jin took over this army, Liu Chan also stipulated their next move.That is, like Deng Ai's troops, they began to gather in Yuzhang County.

When this army reaches Yuzhang County, they will definitely meet Shi Guangyuan and the others.Then by then, the troops of Deng Ai and Peng Qi must have been in place, and Liu Chan or Zhang Fei have not yet arrived there. If such a huge mixed force goes their own way, it must be an extremely serious weakness.Even if they have an absolute advantage over Zhuge Jin's troops in terms of military strength, they are likely to be defeated one by one by the enemy.

Therefore, Liu Chan also issued a new letter of appointment to Shi Guangyuan of Yuzhang at the same time. Once Yu Jin's army arrived, all troops would join Yu Jin's command and accept his command.As for Shi Guangyuan, he served as the military adviser of the whole army with the rank of military adviser of the town army, but the army he originally commanded was still handed over to him to command.

In this case, Yu Jin will become the military commander of the Shuhan Army in Yuzhang County at that time, and several generals under his command will still control their own troops.So, by then, there shouldn't be too much confusion.

In fact, it is precisely because those troops are so large in number, they should have reached an astonishing 7 or more, and the composition is so complicated that ordinary people absolutely cannot control it.And dealing with all kinds of intricate relationships is by no means Shi Guangyuan's specialty, so he originally had the highest strategy, but Liu Chan still chose Yu Jin, who is extremely experienced in military affairs, to take his place.

After all the orders were issued, nearly two days had passed.Liu Chan suddenly felt relieved.

So, at noon that day, Liu Chan took Zhao Feng's white-eared guards, Zuo Fu, Huang Quan, Shi Hui, and nearly 3000 infantry escorts to the lower city under the escort of Yu Jin and others. the door.

The weather in early winter has already felt a strong coolness, and the temperature above the sun seems to have dropped a lot, so that even the sun has become less warm.But here is the Jiangdong area, which is actually relatively humid, which makes people not feel too dry.

Liu Chan explained to the general again, and then bid farewell to them and set off on the road.

Looking ahead at the undulating horizon despite the jumping horses, Liu Chan suddenly had a strange feeling in his heart: where can he go back.

(End of this chapter)

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