Chapter 789 Where to Return ([-])

It took Liu Chan two days to finally reach the surrounding area of ​​Ai County without stopping.

At this time, Zhang Fei was already there waiting for Liu Chan's arrival.According to general practice, before Liu Chan set off, his actions must have been sent to Zhang Fei through documents.In order to ensure Liu Chan's safety, Zhang Fei must have sent many scouts along the way to lead the way.Therefore, of course Zhang Fei was able to know the exact time of Liu Chan's arrival very clearly.

Zhang Fei did not see Liu Chan for some days.When the two met, they naturally had a pleasant conversation.Then, Zhang Fei took Liu Chan to his barracks.

That night, Liu Chan and Zhang Fei had a secret and heart-to-heart talk in his tent.Of course, Liu Chan's intention is actually very simple, which is to show Zhang Fei the purpose of his hard work this time.

After Zhang Fei listened to Liu Chan's narration, his originally smiling face suddenly became very serious.After all, Liu Chan actually said that he wanted to meet that Gu Shao in person?Although it doesn't seem to be a big problem who Liu Chan is going to see.But Gu Shao's identity is special after all, Liu Chan specially came from so far away to meet a husband who was remarried by his stepmother?If such a thing is spread, I am afraid that it will be difficult for Zhang Fei and his elder brother to overcome the hurdle in his heart.

What's more, Liu Chan did this, emotionally speaking, it was actually a kind of betrayal of Liu Bei's own father.

Therefore, Zhang Fei was of course surprised that Liu Chan came with such a purpose.He immediately stopped him and said, "Ah Dou, you are acting too emotionally. If my elder brother finds out about this in the future, how will you explain it to him?"

Liu Chan was actually very distressed about this matter, but he always cared about Sun Shangxiang in his heart.Moreover, the political marriage between Liu Bei and Sun Quan has caused great harm to Sun Shangxiang. It is impossible for him to capture her husband now and leave it to Liu Bei to deal with in the future, right?
Liu Chan sighed, and said, "Second Uncle, you don't have to persuade me. What I'm doing now can be regarded as replacing my father and making some necessary compensation for Sun Shangxiang..."


Liu Chan shook his head and said, "Second Uncle, you know that I have always respected you the most, but in this matter now, please let me be self-willed for a while?" The eye sockets are red.

Zhang Fei felt sour when he heard it.For a great man like him, he actually felt that his eyes were a little sore.He took a deep breath and sighed: "Since this is the case, if someone dares to use this matter as an argument in the future, I will definitely not have sex with your third uncle!"

Zhang Fei's words are an endorsement for Liu Chan's actions.Liu Chan was really touched this time, and tears flowed down involuntarily.

In the early morning of the next day, while waiting for the sun to rise, Zhao Feng followed Liu Chan's order and went to the city of Ai County to write a letter to Gu Shao.

The letter from Liu Chan was quickly delivered to Gu Shao by the soldiers.

After Gu Shao saw it, he felt very surprised.Because the title of the person who wrote the letter was not Zhang Fei as he had guessed in his mind, and this was not an extremely common letter of persuasion. It was actually a letter from Liu Chan, who Gu Shao thought was still west of Luoxiao Mountain.

The content of Liu Chan's letter is actually not complicated, it just wants to invite Gu Shao out of the city to meet him for a while.

Regarding Liu Chan's content, Gu Shao was not without worries.He is well aware of his current situation, the army is already in a situation of being besieged on all sides.Perhaps, under such a difficult situation, the soldiers can still have the courage to fight the enemy desperately.But if this Liu Chan set a trap for himself outside the city, I'm afraid the morale of the army inside the city will be in chaos.

But Liu Chan has actually assured Gu Shao very frankly in his heart that he just wants to meet Gu Shao once, and he will never play any tricks.Moreover, Gu Shao had previously obtained the letter from Liu Chan from his father Gu Yong.He also already knew that when Liu Chan went to Jiangdong, he used the alias of Yang Huang and Yang Hansheng. At that time, Gu Shao invited Liu Chan to his house as a guest.Therefore, Gu Shao already has a certain understanding of Liu Chan's temperament.

In addition, Liu Chan has always been quite magnanimous when dealing with the captured Jiangdong soldiers.This also added points to Liu Chan, making Gu Shao feel that Liu Chan should not be a villain who would play tricks with him.

So, after a day of thinking, Gu Shao accepted Liu Chan's proposal and agreed to go out of the city to let the two have a secret meeting.

At noon that day, Zhang Fei withdrew the army west of Ai County.The two parties had already agreed in advance that they could not bring too many entourages to the meeting.

Therefore, Liu Chan only brought Zhao Feng, Shi Hui, Zuo Fu, Huang Quan and fifty white-eared guards.And Gu Shao also kept the agreement, but brought a hundred entourages.The two sides met at the post booth in the east of the city.

Gu Shao did recognize Liu Chan himself at a glance, indeed the same Yang Huang he had seen at that time, but at the same time he was surprised by Liu Chan's change in his heart.

Of course, with Liu Chan's current body, it was because of his rapid growth. When he met Gu Shao at that time, he must have grown up a lot.But what surprised Gu Shao even more was the change in Liu Chan's temperament. It was a kind of inviolable temperament faintly exuded, a leadership temperament that only those in the highest position can cultivate.For a child like Liu Chan who is only fifteen or sixteen years old, he is really too precocious.

Even so, the little guy in front of him is actually the enemy who threatens them Jiangdong the most.But this is also a little guy who is devoted to his wife!

And Liu Chan was also a little surprised by the changes in Gu Shao.The Gu Shao he met in Jiangdong at that time was a considerate and personable scribe.But now Gu Shao is a general covered in thick armor.Moreover, the expression on his face showed that he was exhausted, obviously caused by too much pressure.

Gu Shao gradually stabilized his mentality, then stepped forward quickly, bowed his hands to Liu Chan and bowed lightly, and said, "It's been a long time, Mr. Liu." His tone seemed quite indifferent, as if meeting someone It's just an old man who met by chance many years ago.

Liu Chan smiled, and replied: "General Gu, you are finally here. I am very happy to see you again!"

(End of this chapter)

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