Chapter 790
Faced with Gu Shao's sudden agitation, Liu Chan's performance was still very calm, and he said: "Our army gathered in Yuzhang County should probably exceed 7 people. Of course, this includes us. including all the allies of the army."

More than seventy thousand!Gu Shao couldn't help but gasped.Such a large number of troops is enough to destroy them in Jiangdong.Thinking of this, Gu Shao's eyes suddenly widened, and he looked straight at Liu Chan: Destroy Jiangdong?This Liu Adou can't really do such a terrible thing, can he?
In fact, it's not that Liu Chan wants to do such an absolute thing, but that General Zuo's mansion far away in Chengdu has this heart!Liu Chan is just trying his best to complete the task assigned by General Zuo's mansion.

"If you can defeat Zhuge Ziyu's army, what will you do next?"

In Liu Chan's heart, he admired that Gu Shao's mind was really alert, and he was able to think of a lot of useful information from his little hint just now.

Liu Chan said: "At that time, General Quan Cong's great hatred may really be avenged."

Liu Chan's words were not straightforward enough, but of course Gu Shao understood:

Who is Quan Cong's enemy?Bu Lianshi and Sun Luban!

How can Quan Cong kill them or where can he kill them?Of course, you have to enter Moling to kill them.

The Jiangdong rebellion like Quan Cong was able to enter Moling, doesn't it mean that Moling has been captured by the Shu Han army?

With a slap, Gu Shao finally couldn't help himself, he slammed on the stone table, and said loudly: "If you do this, aren't you afraid that Cao Wei will take advantage of the fire? Moreover, Cao Wei is hoping that both of us will end up losing. , so they can profit from it!"

Liu Chan smiled and said, "General Gu, you are worrying too much. The two chief officials of our Shu Han Zuo General's Mansion are all extremely intelligent people. How could they not have imagined this? They should have already thought about it. way to deal with it.”

The two chief officials of Shu Han Zuo General's Mansion are of course Zhuge Liang and Dong He.Gu Shao actually didn't know Dong He, but he was familiar with Zhuge Jin, so he naturally knew a lot about Zhuge Liang.With Zhuge Liang's talent and prudence, if he hadn't made more thorough preparations, he might have allowed Liu Chan to lead the army into Jiangdong's mainland.

Gu Shao immediately asked: "What kind of proper arrangement?"

Liu Chan shook his head and said, "This is the highest military secret of our army. It's better for General Gu not to know."

Now Wei Yan and Ma Dai's actions should be about to start, but they can't just leak it to the enemy.He, Liu Chan, still has this bit of vigilance, so of course he has to refuse to answer Gu Shao's question.

Gu Shao nodded and said: "Liu Shizi, no matter what kind of proper arrangement, if you continue to attack Jiangdong like this, the final result will definitely provide Cao Wei with an opportunity. Therefore, I personally think that, Please return your troops to Jingzhou. My lord has already sent Mr. Zhang Wen to Chengdu as a special envoy, and he must go to seek peace with the King of Hanzhong. As long as the King of Hanzhong agrees to form an alliance with Jiangdong again, then our two families will reunite Become a solid ally and fight against Cao Wei together."

No matter how gaudy Gu Shao said, Liu Chan had already fought this battle to the point where it is now, and it is absolutely impossible for everyone's efforts to be wasted.

So Liu Chan said: "Mr. Zhang Wen Zen also met once, and Zhang Wen's demeanor is really extraordinary, so I have already informed Chengdu, and I will keep Mr. Zhang to live in Chengdu for a while, and there is no need to rush. It will be Moling."

Gu Shao frowned, unexpectedly, Liu Chan had already thought of putting Zhang Wen under house arrest in Chengdu.In other words, Zhang Wen's goal of seeking peace may not be achieved.

It seems that if this Liu Chan doesn't destroy Jiangdong this time, or if he himself is wiped out by Jiangdong's army, he will not let it go.

For the sake of what has been said, Liu Chan has completely let Gu Shao understand the general situation between the Shu Han and their Jiangdong.Well, it's the last moment.

Liu Chan then said to Gu Shao: "General Gu, we have already reached this point, and you must have understood what we mean. What I want to tell you here is that you should find a way out for yourself when you arrive. It's time."

Gu Shao frowned again, and said: "Liu Shizi revealed so much information to me, is he still trying to persuade me to surrender?"

Liu Chan may have such a faint meaning in his heart. After all, it is a good thing to be able to win Ai County.Zhang Fei's army can be completely relieved, and enter Yuzhang County to join Shi Guangyuan and the others.In this way, all the troops of the Shu Han and all their allies can realize the first meeting.

But Liu Chan was not very willing for Gu Shao to surrender, and the reason was already clear.

Liu Chan shook his head and said, "Zen said long ago that this is not the intention."

"Then what is your intention?"

Liu Chan sighed, and said: "I don't want my mother to be sad because of losing her husband. So, I want to let you go, General Gu. When you return to Moling, take my mother away immediately. I suggest you You can go to sea, or go north to Cao Wei to hide your name, or go south to Jiaozhou to live. In this case, our army should not be able to find you for the time being. When I rule the world in the future, it will not be too late to bring you back.”

"But what about the army in Ai County?"

"General Gu, the fall of Ai County is only a matter of time, and they can only surrender in the end. What's more, with me here, I can't torture and kill the prisoners. So their best way out is naturally when you leave, Going out of the city to surrender can also avoid further casualties on both sides."

Gu Shao nodded, in fact, he was a little moved by Liu Chan's feelings for Sun Shangxiang.He cupped his hands towards Liu Chan and said, "If that's the case, please give me some time to think about it, Mr. Liu."

At this moment, Zhang Fei's rough voice suddenly came from outside the post pavilion: "There is no need to think about it any more, as long as I kill you now!"

Gu Shao and Liu Chan looked out at the same time, and they saw Zhang Fei who was as strong as an iron tower.Zhang Fei was in command of the army, so he came here no matter what.

Liu Chan got up quickly, blocked the entrance of the pavilion, and asked, "Why did Second Uncle come here?"

A fierce light flashed in Zhang Fei's eyes, and he said, "Of course they came to kill people! Gu Shao's followers have all been taken care of by me."

Liu Chan couldn't help exclaiming, but Gu Shao's face became extremely pale.He knew that the day of his death had come, even if there were a hundred of them, he would not be able to defeat one Zhang Yide.

Gu Shao suddenly said proudly: "Death can be lighter than a feather, or heavier than Mount Tai. I, Gu Shao, can die under your sword today, and I am very happy!"

Zhang Fei suddenly laughed and said, "Very well, you Gu Shao is kind! My army has completely blocked your way back to Ai County, so you can't go back now. But you can go , you can bring your followers back to Moling now!"

Now it was Gu Shao's turn to exclaim, "Zhang Yide, how could you do this!"

Zhang Fei looked at Liu Chan and said, "If you don't stop, you will be subject to chaos! I can't watch my nephew Adou hesitate. You go, I will tell your army that you have been tricked and killed. Presumably After they get the news of your death, they will definitely give up resistance and surrender."

Gu Shao couldn't help but look up to the sky and let out a long sigh.Liu Chan didn't plot against him, but they were plotted against by Zhang Fei at the same time.

Zhang Fei continued: "You can leave at ease, with my nephew Adou here, I will definitely not kill any Jiangdong people who have surrendered."

Gu Shao felt a little grateful, but also a little angry.He immediately cupped his hands to Liu Chan: "Maybe the two of us will see each other forever."

Liu Chan suddenly said: "General Gu, when you leave, please change into the clothes of ordinary people or merchants, and then secretly go back to Moling City to pick up my mother, and then go away. I will help you release the clothes you have already lost. The news of being killed in Ai County, to ensure that you can pick up my mother safely."

Gu Shao knew that even if he went back to Moling now, he would have no face to see his lord Sun Quan again.He had no choice but to agree.So, Gu Shao took his one hundred entourage and headed south.To the east is Yuzhang County, where the Shu Han army must be extremely well-prepared, and it must be difficult to go. It is better to go south first and then go east.

On the same day, the defenders in Ai County learned of Gu Shao's death.

Early the next morning, Gu Shao's army disarmed and surrendered.

As for the news of Gu Shao's death, Liu Chan has already sent a message to Yuzhang County, asking Shi Guangyuan to disclose it to Zhuge Jin.They will definitely send the news to Moling as quickly as possible.

(End of this chapter)

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