The Jagged Emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 791 The 3rd Army is ready to go

Chapter 791 Three Armies Ready to Go ([-])

The reason why the Jiangdong Army defenders in Ai County and Gu Shao's problems were solved so smoothly, and there were no major hidden dangers left for the time being, should all be attributed to Zhang Fei.

Perhaps in many cases, age often represents a kind of experience and experience in handling affairs.Zhang Fei has followed Liu Bei through countless ups and downs in his life, so he naturally has the ability to deal with difficult problems.

Liu Chan was very grateful to Zhang Fei.

Then, Liu Chan and Zhang Fei together, the war has reached the level it is now, and all the Shu Han army and allied forces have all poured into the Yangzhou mainland in Jiangdong, which actually means that the next battle to destroy Wu The battle has been started at the same time.

The Shu Han army is still facing the problem of logistical supplies.Huang Quan is in charge of this matter, and he is still far away in Xiangtan.Originally, his location was indeed very good. It was relatively centrally located between Jiangxia County, the Yangtze River Channel, Jiangling City, and Liling City to the south, which made it easier for him to manage and deploy strategic materials to various battlefields.

But now the situation has undergone a major change. After all the troops entered Yangzhou, it would be too far away and the loss would be too great if they were to transfer various materials by land from the south of Jingzhou.On the one hand, this is because of the inherent factors of the land route, and on the other hand, because Yangzhou and Jingzhou are separated by a Luoxiao Mountain, it must be much more difficult to cross the road for transporting supplies than the army marching.

Therefore, in Liu Chan's view, the delivery of logistics materials should not need to go by land, but should all be changed to the Yangtze River waterway. Under the current situation, they can be sent directly to Yuzhang County.Moreover, it should be said that the delivery of supplies by water had already begun shortly after Quan Cong captured Yuzhang's naval camp.Therefore, the Shu Han army should already be familiar with transporting supplies from the Yangtze River waterway to Yuzhang County, and there is no operational problem.

In addition, the waterway of the Yangtze River has been firmly controlled by the water army led by Quan Cong and Zhou Cheng, and the Jiangdong water army in Ruxukou has been unable to regain control of the waterway, which means that the waterway of the Yangtze River is now It is very safe for the fleet.

Therefore, Liu Chan wanted to discuss with Zhang Fei. In order to facilitate Huang Quan's deployment of various strategic materials, there was no need for him to stay in Xiangtan City any longer.

After listening to Liu Chan's narration, Zhang Fei couldn't help but nodded sharply, agreeing with Liu Chan's words.He then asked: "Nephew Adou, where do you think Huang Quan should change his residence is more appropriate?"

Liu Chan replied: "I have three pre-selected locations here. The first one is Jiangling City. The business of Jiangling City has become prosperous now, and many merchants have also built many wharves for transporting goods and warehouses for hoarding goods on the river. In addition, Jiangling City is located in the middle reaches of the Yangtze River, and the distance between Jiangzhou and Jiangdong is very suitable. It is an ideal place to transfer materials. Moreover, the population there is sufficient. Even if we don't use the army to transport materials, we can hire a lot of labor Help, increase some employment opportunities for the local area, and correspondingly promote the economic recovery of Jiangling City."

Zhang Fei nodded. From his personality and perspective, he would not care about the employment of ordinary people or the economic recovery of Jiangling City. Those things were too complicated.He just said: "The location of Jiangling City is indeed very good. And there is a relatively strong army stationed there, and there are guys like Ma Liang and Pan Jun in charge, so the law and order should be very good."

Liu Chan nodded.The law and order on the grain road is indeed very important. Otherwise, if any accident occurs and the grain and supplies are destroyed, it will be a very fatal thing for the frontline army.

In fact, this is why Liu Chan has always wanted to keep Liao Hua's army for defense in areas like Dongting Lake where water thieves are common. Later, even after Liao Hua's army was transferred to attack Han Dang's army, Liu Chan did not hesitate to attack Han Dang's army. The reason why they rushed back to Dongting Lake to garrison.

Therefore, Liu Chan really admired Zhang Fei for being able to see this point that he had overlooked for a while.

Zhang Fei went on to say: "But even if Jiangling City is located in the middle, it seems to me that it is still too far behind. Our army's next battle will not only fight in Yuzhang County, but also fight all the way to Moling. Go to the sea. Therefore, Huang Quan's residence for dispatching supplies must be relatively close to the front line."

Hearing Zhang Fei's analysis, Liu Chan said, "Third Uncle, what do you think of Jiangxia County? The water and land transportation in that place is very developed, and it is even more convenient to dispatch water transportation than Jiangling City."

Zhang Fei nodded and said: "Jiangxia County is indeed a very good place, and it is an important place that Cao Wei, our army, and even the Jiangdong Army that has been driven out of Jiangxia County by our army must fight for. But this place should be said to be a In a more dangerous place, Cao Wei occupies the area north of the Yangtze River in Jiangxia County, and is eyeing Jiangxia County. The number of residents is too small, and the docks and warehouses have been severely damaged by the war, I am afraid that it is difficult to take on the function of a material transfer station."

Seeing that what Zhang Fei said made sense, Liu Chan threw out his third plan and asked, "If it's Chaisang's case. What do you think? Although this place was captured and taken down by Deng Ai's army just now, The time is about the same as that of Jiangxia County, and the situation is obviously not that stable. But this place has advantages that are incomparable to other places. This city is very dangerous, and because it used to be the capital of Jiangdong, the city defenses have always been well built. The facilities inside are also very complete.”

Zhang Fei nodded and said: "Chai Sang is indeed a good place! After Deng Ai took Chaisang this time, he did not kill in the city, so the people's hearts did not fluctuate too much. We only need to send A garrison should be able to ensure the safety of Chaisang."

Liu Chan nodded, seeing Zhang Fei's evaluation of Chaisang, it seemed that there was a kind of tacit understanding that heroes see and agree, and couldn't help but feel a little happy.

But Zhang Fei continued: "Chai Sang is indeed very good, but I personally think that if Huang Quan is allowed to go directly to Yuzhang County, what do you think?"

Liu Chan has always been very cautious in doing things, and rarely does rash things.He has always attached great importance to the safety of food roads and supplies, so he always protects them very carefully.That's why he kept Huang Quan far away from the frontline battlefield, and let Shi Liang lead thousands of troops to protect the rear city like Xiangtan.

So, now that Zhang Fei is going to move the material transfer point to Yuzhang County on the front line, his heart can't help but tremble.If something goes wrong in the defense of the Shu Han army, then the strategic materials may suffer heavy losses.Given the current shortage of food in Jingzhou, Liu Chan is obviously unwilling to take this risk.

(End of this chapter)

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