The Jagged Emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 792 The 3rd Army is ready to go

Chapter 792 The Three Armies Ready to Go (Part [-])

He then said: "Second Uncle, Yuzhang County itself is the location of the battlefield, that is, the terminal station for grain and grass transportation. It is extremely risky for the three armies to set up a transfer station there. In fact, Chaisang is far from Yuzhang County. Zhang County is only a short distance away. When the battle in Yuzhang County is over in the future, we can let Huang Quan go there."

Seeing Liu Chan say this, Zhang Fei actually made a lot of sense.Liu Chan had proposed three proposals, but he directly rejected two of them.If I insist on the plan I proposed, it is obviously not appropriate.

So, Zhang Fei said: "Okay, let Huang Quan go to Chaisang. At the same time, Shi Liang who is stationed in Xiangtan should also be ordered to lead the army to protect Huang Quan's safety, and then garrison in Chaisang together. I believe that in the future His troops should be enough to defend Chaisang."

Liu Chan nodded and said, "Very well, my nephew will immediately ask Xu Xiang to draft a call-up order and send it to Xiangtan."

Zhang Fei asked again: "Then when shall we set off for Yuzhang County?"

"Since Ai County has been taken, we can leave tomorrow and the day after tomorrow except for a small number of people to guard the prisoners."

Seven days later, Liu Chan and Zhang Fei arrived at the boundary of Yuzhang together.

Since messengers had been sent to Yuzhang to inform Shi Guangyuan of Liu Chan's marching status in advance, they all knew the specific time when Liu Chan could arrive.Therefore, at this time, Yu Jin and Shi Guangyuan have led a large group of people waiting for Liu Chan.

Liu Chan and Yu Jin have only separated for a few days, but they haven't seen each other for a long time with Shi Guangyuan, Deng Ai and others.Of course, Liu Chan was very happy to see them.What's more, he saw Peng Qi in the lower city last time, and this time he also met another big man in Shanyue, You Tu, so he was of course quite excited.

Of course, Gai Meng and others were also present.Samoke is also there, at least his tall and burly figure makes it impossible for Liu Chan not to notice his existence.It's just that Sha Moke obviously doesn't get along well with everyone, so he seems to be suspected of being rejected by others, and he just stands alone on the edge of the crowd.Otherwise, with his stature and strength, he could easily stand in the front.

Liu Chan immediately rolled down from the horse, and quickly came to Shi Guangyuan.Shi Guangyuan and others immediately saluted Liu Chan.

Looking at Shi Guangyuan, who is still glowing red, it seems that he has adapted to the current military life and no longer feels hard work.

Liu Chan said with a smile: "Sir, you don't need to be too polite. Mr. Guan, your complexion is still rosy!"

Shi Guangyuan smiled and said: "That's true. I eat the aquatic products of Poyang Lake and the grains of Jiangdong every day, and I am full of praise!"

Knowing that Shi Guangyuan was joking again, Liu Chan also said, "It seems that you are not here to fight, sir, but to play here!"

Shi Guangyuan waved his hand and said with a smile: "Hey... I am just satisfying my appetite in private while fighting. My son, you must not make publicity everywhere, otherwise the General Zuo's mansion will find out, maybe I will You will be reprimanded here."

Is it not enough for Shi Guangyuan to say these words in such a way?It's simply too ostentatious.Everyone also knows that Mr. Shi sometimes likes to tell some jokes, so they couldn't help laughing.

Then, Yu Jin, Gai Meng, You Tu, Peng Qi and others stepped forward to salute Liu Chan and Zhang Fei again.Even if Shamoke didn't want to at this time, it was impossible for him to become a different kind, so he reluctantly stepped forward to greet Liu Chan and Zhang Fei.

But in fact, Sha Moke was also a little happy in his heart.Because the army that Sha Shixun had been leading for him, which he had left behind in Puqi City, also came along with Zhang Fei's army at this time.The soldiers of this army were formed by the most well-dressed young and middle-aged men of the Samoco tribe, and they were the capital of Samoco's dominance over the Wuxi Man.These people have no accident, of course he is happy in his heart.

Of course Zhang Fei was also very happy at this time.

One is that they actually reached the territory of Yangzhou, and they also took down the most important base of the Jiangdong navy, which is the naval base camp in Yuzhang County.Zhang Fei found that it was really hard to imagine this wonderful feeling in his mind if he didn't come to see it on the spot.

Furthermore, he also met his son Zhang Bao who had been reunited after a long absence.He was happy in his heart, and it made more sense.

So, after exchanging pleasantries, everyone entered Yuzhang City together.

After everyone entered the government office, the banquet for Liu Chan and Zhang Fei began immediately.

Since Liu Chan treated Peng Qi very kindly in the lower city, this news may have spread among all Shanyue people by now.Therefore, in order to keep a bowl of water level and avoid giving them the impression of favoritism, Liu Chan also paid special attention to You Tu at this banquet, not only talking about some topics with him, but also toasting to him frequently.Liu Chan's actions really made Youtu feel that he was valued, and of course he felt very happy in his heart.

Originally, because Peng Qi was able to be summoned by Liu Chan in the lower city and received a very grand welcome, Youtu felt a little jealous of Peng Qi in his heart.But after tonight's banquet, he felt that his heart was indeed balanced.

Sha Moke still looked lonely, except for talking to Sha Shixun, he seemed a little silent.But Zhang Fei seemed to have a good impression of Sha Moke, and Sha Moke also liked Zhang Fei better, so the two immediately chatted while drinking.

After the banquet was over, Liu Chan actually didn't drink much, and his mind was still very clear.Therefore, he summoned Yu Jin, Shi Guangyuan and Meng Xi at the same time.Yu Jin is the commander-in-chief of the whole army, Shi Guangyuan is the military adviser, and Meng Xi is Yu Jin's joining the army. If he wants to inquire about the current military situation, of course he must first find these three.

The four of them talked for about an hour before ending.

At this time Zhao Feng brought Deng Ai in.When Liu Chan saw that Deng Ai was able to find him at this time, he couldn't help but feel a little moved. The relationship between them was really not blown out.

The two immediately started talking at Bingzhu Ye.

(End of this chapter)

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