Chapter 793

After the banquet was over that night, Sha Moke took Sashi back to his camp.

Sha Moke then asked Sha Shixun whether he was in Puqi City during that time, as Liu Chan told him, all the troops were disarmed and put under house arrest.

Sha Shixun actually felt a little uncomfortable answering this question.Because he knows.Most of the reason why they suffered such treatment in Puqi City could not be blamed on others, but because Shamoco's behavior was a bit too outrageous.

Seeing Sha Shixun's hesitant expression, Sha Moke felt very strange in his heart, and asked loudly: "Tell me quickly, did such a thing happen?"

Sha Shixun could only nod his head.

With a slap, Shamoke slapped the table in front of him with a slap.His strength was really too great, and he easily smashed the table case apart, turning it into a pile of scattered wooden sticks!Really great power.

Then I heard Sha Moke shouting loudly: "This Liu Chan boy, you really deceived me too much, you really dare to break ground on Tai Sui's head!"

Seeing Sha Moke's stern voice, Sha Shi hurriedly persuaded him: "Brother, don't shout so loudly. If others hear and report Liu Shizi, what should we do?"

"Hmph! If he heard it, what can he do to me? I won't fight anymore, and I won't help those bastards fight this bad battle anymore!"

Sha Shixun quickly stood up from his seat and said in surprise, "Brother is not fighting anymore, so where are you going?"

Sha Moke shouted: "Where am I going? I want to attack Jiangdong's city by myself, I want to kill and set fire by myself, and I want to make a fortune by myself!"

Sha Shixun's face turned pale immediately at Sha Moke's words.He also stayed in Puqi City for a long time, enough to understand the temperament of Liu Chan, the son of the Prince of Hanzhong.He found that Liu Chan was different from others. Not only did he not kill enemy prisoners, but he also loved the people very much.Between the army and the people, he often puts the people in front of the army and gives priority.

Sha Shixun also heard about Sha Moke's looting of Wuling County.He felt that the reason why people like Liu Chan didn't pursue it was obviously because the situation at the time forced Samoke to send troops to help him, so he put that matter aside for the time being.

But now Liu Chan has received the help of Shanyue people who have much more troops than Wuximan's army, and the status of Wuximan's troops has dropped by more than one level.At a time like this, you, Sha Moke, still say that you will not fight, and you want to repeat the same tricks to loot the cities in Jiangdong?

Shashi couldn't help but tremble when he thought of this.He was really worried that once Liu Chan got angry, he would immediately lead the army to attack their Wuxi barbarian army.In that case, they might never be able to return to Wuximan's residence in this lifetime.

Sha Shixun quickly said: "Brother, don't do this!"

Sha Moke frowned, and asked proudly, "Why not?"

Sha Shixun persuaded: "Brother, the situation today is different from the past. The Shu Han army now has local troops like Shanyue to help them, and they don't really need our help. If we do something too outrageous at this time It's hard to imagine that Liu Chan will tolerate our army like before!"

Sha Moke stared at Sha Shixun with eyes as big as copper bells, but his heart moved.He knew that what Sha Shixun said was actually very reasonable.Moreover, such a situation had already begun to appear when he was in Jiangxia County.At that time, in front of everyone, Liu Chan mercilessly warned him not to work any more.

In fact, Sha Moke was very unconvinced by Liu Chan's warning at the time, but he also had a corresponding feeling in his heart, so he didn't fall out with Liu Chan at that time.If this kind of thing was put on another time, he would have done it with Liu Chan long ago, so there is no reason to back down.

Sha Moke immediately asked: "In your opinion, what should our army do now?"

Sha Shixun sighed, and said: "Since we have formed an alliance with the Shu Han, we should not back down when we should contribute. But..."

Shamoko asked, "But what?"

Sha Shixun said: "But judging from the current situation, it is not suitable for us to stay and help the Shu Han army in combat. Besides, we are not familiar with the terrain here. Moreover, they have an army of Shanyue people, which should be enough Yes. So, we should look for a good opportunity to leave here and go back to our hometown."

Sha Shixun's words really hit Sha Moke's mind.Sha Moke nodded, but didn't speak for a while.

Liu Chan has already learned about the current battle situation on the front line from Yu Jin, Shi Guangyuan and others.Their army has fought against Zhuge Jin's army three times. The Shu Han army has a great advantage because of its large number of people.But because the current situation is too unfavorable for Jiangdong, Zhuge Jin firmly defended his defense line with strong tenacity, and refused to retreat no matter what.

Moreover, judging from the current situation, Zhuge Jin's army seems to be slowly increasing, and it is obvious that it continues to be supplemented by troops sent from various counties and counties.

Moreover, with the arrival of Liu Chan and Zhang Fei, Yu Jin's position as commander-in-chief was automatically lifted accordingly, giving way to Liu Chan.And Liu Chan also began to reorganize the army.He returned the Jiangzhou Army that Zhang Fei had originally handed over to Gai Meng, Deng Ai and others to command Zhang Fei.

Gai Meng is relatively indifferent here.After all, his side is still dominated by cavalry, and the infantry was later handed over to Meng Xi for command and use.

But for Deng Ai, this is not a very happy situation.In fact, he had intended to hand over Zhang Fei to his Jiangzhou army to swallow him.But following Liu Chan's order, Deng Ai had no choice but to return the army of thousands of people to Zhang Fei very reluctantly.But fortunately, he continued to recruit troops along the way, and he also took in many Jiangdong Army prisoners, and returned so many people to Zhang Fei, but it would not cause a fatal weakening of the army under his command.

And Zhang Bao's army naturally returned to Zhang Fei's command.

In this case, the army under Liu Chan's command is more clearly divided into three parts: the Jingzhou Army directly under Liu Chan, the Jiangzhou Army under the command of Zhang Fei, and all their allies.

Together with Yu Jin, Shi Guangyuan and Meng Xi, Liu Chan personally went to check the enemy's situation around the defense line of the two armies, and learned about the actual situation of the confrontation between the two sides.

Then, Liu Chan immediately summoned all the senior generals in the army and the three allies of Shamoke, Youtu and Peng Qi, and held the largest combat meeting together to discuss and determine how to defeat Zhuge Jin's army. The army should arrange its attack and so on.

(End of this chapter)

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