The Jagged Emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 794 I want to attack

Chapter 794 I want to attack
The combat meeting actually went very smoothly.

Since the Shu Han and its allies can now be said to be fighting in the hinterland of Jiangdong, although they have already occupied a territory in Yangzhou, it should be said that this territory is actually very small, and there are still enemies on all sides.Therefore, in today's serious confrontation between the two armies, it is difficult for them to take strategies to defeat the enemy.

Besides, it's winter now.According to the time previously set by Liu Chan, they should end the war by the early spring of next year at the latest, otherwise Jingzhou, which is slowly recovering, will face the dilemma of being dragged down by the war and unable to recover its vitality.In fact, even the Yizhou side may hardly be able to support such a protracted war.

Therefore, if it is not allowed in terms of strategy, and cannot afford to wait in terms of time, it is impossible to leave too much room for Liu Chan's army to operate.Therefore, in this case, it gave Liu Chan courage, and he must lead the army next, and have a decisive victory with Zhuge Jin's army!
Therefore, after the general strategy is established in this way, the next step is to arrange the order of the army's attack.

At this time, Sha Moke's performance was definitely beyond Liu Chan's expectations. He actually stood up from his seat and asked Liu Chan for orders. His army should be used as the starting lineup to attack Zhuge Jin's army first. attack.

When Liu Chan heard what Shamoke said, he opened his mouth wide. He didn't know what to say for a while, so he could only look at Shamoke, and then at Shi Guangyuan and Yu Jin.

In the end, the order of attack of the army was determined.Since the number of Zhuge Jin's army is about 7, it is not necessary for the Shu Han army's army of more than [-] to go to the battlefield at one time.In addition, Liu Chan was a little worried that these troops came from different places and belonged to different people, so it would be extremely difficult to cooperate.

Therefore, between quantity and quality of cooperation, Liu Chan chose the quality of cooperation.And there is a contradiction between the two. With the quality of cooperation, it means that the number of troops sent should not be too large.

Therefore, Liu Chan decided to keep the two armies of the Shanyue people, which were also the two largest armies among them. The Ximan army attacked Zhuge Jin's army together.

After the meeting dispersed that day, Liu Chan left all the generals of the Shu Han to continue discussing military affairs.The first topic Liu Chan ran out was to let everyone discuss the reasons for Shamoko's abnormal behavior.

After discussing for a while, everyone had their own opinions, and they couldn't come to any unified opinion for a while.The human heart is indeed the most elusive thing.

Liu Chan saw that this was the case, and Sha Moke's personal thoughts didn't seem to be that important. It's better to let everyone continue to discuss how the Shu Han army should fight next, so as not to waste too much time.

Early the next morning, the army in the camp of the Shu Han army started to move.Then, the camp of Shamoke's Wuxi barbarian army also took action.The number of troops dispatched by the general of the Shu Han army has exceeded [-] at this time, and there is a faint trend that the more the fight continues, the larger the army will be.

But Samoke's Wuxi barbarian army is not the case.They fought a few battles with the Jiangdong Army in Jiangxia County. The results of the battle were actually quite bad, and the loss of personnel was also quite a lot.In addition, they still have to leave some troops to defend the camp, and there are only about [-] people who can attack.

Zhuge Jin's people had already found out that Liu Chan and Zhang Fei had personally led the army.Although he had received Liu Chan's life-saving grace, he was frightened by the retreat of the Zhijiang Camp and was about to die of a serious illness. It was the doctor Liu Chan sent at an emergency to pull him back from the Palace of the King of Hell.

But now that the two armies are facing each other, it's not just Zhuge Jin's life that is at stake.This is a major event related to the future of Jiangdong, as well as the life and death of thousands of soldiers and ordinary people in Jiangdong.Therefore, even though Zhuge Jin was grateful to Liu Chan in his heart, he still insisted on defeating Liu Chan's army.

What's more, Zhuge Jin is deeply trusted by the lord Sun Quan. A scholar who is a confidant should die, and he is not afraid of death. Are you afraid of being rescued by the enemy?
Zhuge Jin's logic is actually a bit strange, but he really did this to appease his complicated emotions, and it was actually very effective.

Then after learning the news that Liu Chan's army was attacking, Zhuge Jin also led his army to fight.

In front of the formation of the two armies, under the instruction of Yu Jin, Liu Chan finally saw the very tall Zhuge Jin in front of the opposite formation.But even though he was wearing a pair of bright silver armor, he could still feel that he was more of a literati than a fierce general like Zhang Fei.

Liu Chan looked at the big banner beside Zhuge Jin fluttering with the cold wind, and then the neat army formation under the flag, and secretly praised Zhuge Jin for being quite skilled in military affairs.

Then, Liu Chan said to the herald who had been waiting by his side for a long time, "The time has come, let Shamoke's first troops attack first."

The herald immediately ran to the rear, looking for his messengers to send orders to Shamoko.

A few minutes later, Shamoke took out his excellent weapon, Tribulus Guduo, shouted loudly on the horse, and led his army to charge towards Zhuge Jin's army.

Zhuge Jin frowned slightly when he saw that Wuximan's army was the first to attack this time, probably because he felt a little strange. This was something that had never happened in previous battles.But his doubts were actually just swept away, he immediately regained his composure, and immediately dispatched some people to fight with the Wuxi barbarian army.

As the battle gradually unfolded, Zhuge Jin saw that there was no movement from the Shu Han army for a long time, so he began to invest some troops on the battlefield on the Shamoke side.

Sha Moke's Wuxi barbarian army was not an elite army.The troops that Zhuge Jin had invested in before were actually not elite troops, but support troops from various counties and counties that he collected along the way.To put it bluntly, it's just a motley crew assembled improvised.

However, it is indeed not easy for such a miscellaneous army to reach a tie with the Wuxi barbarian army.But as Zhuge Jin stepped up on the battlefield, these troops were all elite troops, and the situation on the battlefield was quickly reversed.

The number of people in Samoco is relatively small, and it really started to suffer, and some areas began to be overwhelmed.

Liu Chan then asked Yu Jin and Shi Guangyuan and said, "Samoke's current situation is not deliberate deception again, and then we will be pitted again, right?"

The meaning of Liu Chan's words is actually to ask whether Shamoke is doing this on purpose, and then took the opportunity to guide Jiangdong Army on the battlefield.

(End of this chapter)

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