Chapter 795
When Yu Jin heard Liu Chan say this, the serious expression on his face suddenly became more serious.He immediately turned his head to look at Shi Guangyuan, as if expecting the gentleman to give a clear answer.

But Zhang Fei's face is still relatively calm, and it seems that there has not been much change.He seemed to be thinking too, but when he saw Yu Jin looking at Shi Guangyuan, he also looked at Shi Guangyuan, also expecting Shi Guangyuan to give a good answer.

Seeing that everyone was looking at him, Shi Guangyuan suddenly felt a sense of attention.Especially the two people in front of me, one is Zhang Fei and Zhang Yide, the number one warrior in the world today; the other is Yu Jin Yu Wenze, one of the five good generals under Cao Cao in the past, and a well-known veteran general in the world.There is no reason for Shi Guangyuan to be unhappy when he is stared at by two people like this.

Shi Guangyuan coughed lightly, and said: "Samoke is not a fool, on the contrary, he is a cunning and calculating man. He should be very clear that the battle between us and the Jiangdong Army has reached today's level." At this point, the original advantage of the Jiangdong Army has long been lost, and the advantage has been completely transferred to our side. Our army has now completed the transition from defensive attack to active offensive. Therefore, the strength of the Jiangdong Army has become stronger and stronger. It is getting weaker and weaker, even if Shamoko's army can't reverse the current situation even if they join them, it is impossible for Shamoko to make such a self-defeating move."

When everyone heard the words, they couldn't help but nodded in agreement.

Before Shi Guangyuan finished speaking, he continued: "Furthermore, Sha Moke is a person who doesn't know what reputation is, but cares about petty profits. The property of the government treasury in various counties that we seized before is still unknown. I haven't had time to break up with him, and it's unlikely that he will suddenly do something against the water at this time."

After Shi Guangyuan said this, everyone's hearts suddenly became brighter.

Then, Liu Chan smiled and said, "Then since Shamoke has sent someone to ask for help, it's time for our army to attack and completely defeat the Jiangdong army."

Liu Chan then asked Shi Guangyuan and said, "Mr. Shi, now should be your turn to contribute strategies to defeat Mr. Zhuge Jin's army."

Shi Guangyuan nodded and told Liu Chan that they have two plans that can be implemented at this time to deal with the current situation.

First, Liu Chan can send a general who is good at fighting, and lead an infantry team that exceeds the number of Jiangdong soldiers to directly attack the opposite Jiangdong Army's formation.In this case, they have adopted a joint combat strategy with Shamoko's army, advancing towards the enemy army layer by layer, until they finally defeat the enemy army.

This is an extremely safe way to deal with it, and it is completely used to take advantage of Liu Chan's large number of troops. As long as they can fight steadily without any major omissions, they will definitely win today's battle.

The second option, because the cavalry under the command of Gai Meng and Xiong Ping had already gone to the battlefield at this time and was waiting for the order to attack.Therefore, Shi Guangyuan suggested that Liu Chan could mobilize Gai Meng's cavalry to suddenly appear in the middle of the battlefield or on any flank with a high-intensity impact.

Liu Chan then asked, "Why did the cavalry appear in the middle of the battlefield?"

Shi Guangyuan looked at the new recruit Meng Xi who was standing beside him. In fact, the arrangement and arrangement of tactics should be his job, so he needs to answer.At this time, Shi Guangyuan also deliberately wanted to test Meng Xi's ability again, to see if he was qualified to join such a huge joint force.

Meng Xi stepped forward and returned: "The cavalry uses high-speed impact as the most powerful weapon. Since they appear on the battlefield, their duty must be to violently attack the enemy's position. Therefore, if they appear on the battlefield The central government must implement the central breakthrough tactic and want to decide the outcome in one battle. However, as the general situation shows, this tactic poses a relatively high risk to the cavalry. If there is a difference between the two armies, the cavalry It must be to break through the current stalemate and help the army on one wing of my family defeat the enemy first, and finally gradually achieve overall victory."

When Shi Guangyuan heard Meng Xi's analysis, he couldn't help but nodded and smiled at first. He should be very satisfied with Meng Xi's analysis.

In fact, there is not so much time on the battlefield to argue over which of the two proposals proposed by Shi Guangyuan is more perfect.What is needed now is Liu Chan's judgment and decision-making ability. The sooner a decision is made, the best for the Shu Han army.

Liu Chan thought about it for a while, and stopped asking for opinions from Yu Jin and others, and stopped discussing with Shi Guangyuan.He immediately called the herald and said: "Immediately order the two generals Ge Meng and Xiong Ping to order their cavalry to attack first and must complete the central breakthrough tactic to smash the enemy's formation at once!"

Liu Chan's order was not over yet, he continued to give orders, saying: "Order General Zhang Bao to command all the remaining infantry units. Once the enemy's central army formation shows signs of loosening, he must immediately lead the army to attack the enemy. Press it all up!"

After Liu Chan finished delivering the order, he suddenly called Zhao Feng to bring Liu Chan's war horse over.Not only Zhao Feng, but also the people around Liu Chan felt very strange: The prince wanted to ride a horse here for no reason, what exactly did he want to do?

Zhang Fei asked, "Nephew Adou, what are you doing riding a horse now?"

Liu Chan smiled and said: "I want to go to Gai Meng's cavalry. I'm afraid they won't be able to push the Jiangdong Army's position this time. I have to attack with them and put a little pressure on them. Besides, It’s been a long time since I’ve been on the battlefield in person, and I want to experience that man’s passion for myself.”

When Liu Chan said this, everyone couldn't help laughing.How dare a powerless person like Shizi boast in front of these generals that he wants to go to the battlefield in person?No wonder they all had to laugh.

Liu Chan blushed, and said loudly: "What? Don't you believe that I can also go to the battlefield to kill the enemy?"

Everyone didn't dare to laugh anymore, but after looking at each other, they came to a tacit understanding: they couldn't let Liu Chan take risks on the battlefield.

Zhang Fei immediately came out and said, "Nephew A Dou, your third uncle and I haven't fought on the battlefield for a long time, and I'm going to get sick from staying in the camp all day long. I think you'll let me give you this opportunity." Me. Let me lead the cavalry team of Gai Meng and their two bastards. I can guarantee that with your third uncle leading the way, even if that bastard Zhuge Jin can use troops, I can also beat his soldiers into a group and only go around. Runaway rabbit!"

Liu Chan thought about it, and there is no reason why Zhang Fei, an enemy of ten thousand people, can play a smaller role than himself!The results and victories he wants most now, his own personal limelight is not important.

So of course Liu Chan agreed to Zhang Fei's request.

A quarter of an hour later, Zhang Fei rode his black-tailed horse, led Gai Meng and his cavalry to draw a dusty arc on the battlefield, and suddenly rushed to the position of the central army where Zhuge Jin was. .

Zhuge Jin was shocked, but he was also guarding against the cavalry of the Shu Han army, so he immediately mobilized the heavy armored troops to rush forward to resist.

Zhang Fei's drive was the most powerful indeed. After half an hour of confrontation between the two sides, and Liu Chan also sent Zhang Bao to lead the remaining half of the infantry into the battlefield.

As a result, Zhuge Jin's army suffered a disastrous defeat in which the whole army collapsed.

Zhang Fei was so unreasonable that he led the cavalry to chase and kill the soldiers of the Jiangdong Army who had already fled in all directions.

(End of this chapter)

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