Chapter 796
? ?This battle, whether it is lower than the Jiangdong Army that has been stalemate with Shi Guangyuan for 20 days, or for the Shu Han Army, the situation has really taken a turn for the worse, making the next situation completely clear.

At the same time, this correspondingly means that Jiangdong Army will no longer have the strength to pose any threat to Yuzhang County in the future.Yuzhang County was finally firmly in Liu Chan's hands, and it became a solid base for them to continue to march into other areas of Jiangdong!
This battle has completely laid the foundation for the Shu Han army to gain a foothold in the Jiangdong mainland!

After Zhang Fei pursued him for twenty or thirty miles and killed and captured many enemy soldiers, he turned around and came back to see Liu Chan under Gai Meng's advice.

At this time, Zhang Fei's body was covered with dust, and many places were stained with human blood.Perhaps it was because the murderous aura hadn't completely subsided, which caused his whole body to give people a terrifying feeling, as if the person standing in front of them was not actually a person, but an animal that had opened its bloody mouth and was about to choose someone. And the evil beast that devoured.

Liu Chan may be very close to Zhang Fei, but he seems very indifferent to Zhang Fei's feeling, as if he doesn't have much feeling.Therefore, after seeing Zhang Fei's return from a distance, he immediately rushed forward to greet him.

Liu Chan could see Zhang Fei's heroic posture galloping across the battlefield very clearly from the sidelines at that time. His subordinates really couldn't find a single enemy. If any enemy dared to stop him, they would be killed with a single shot. So much so that he rushed to the end, as long as he reached the place, the enemy army must retreat in all directions.

It was precisely because of Zhang Fei's brave and invincible performance that the morale of the cavalry was greatly boosted, and finally helped them break through the interception of the enemy's heavy armored troops.

Liu Chan then asked Zhang Fei about the situation in chasing the enemy along the way, and after hearing Zhang Fei say that the situation along the way was very good, and he did not encounter any tricks such as ambushes from the enemy, Liu Chan was relieved.

Then, Gai Meng and others also came to see Liu Chan one by one.Of course Liu Chan was another compliment.Then Deng Ai also came, and he didn't look very excited or happy because of the army's complete victory.

In fact, it seems that Deng Ai's performance is not too maverick.In this battle, he returned some of his troops to Zhang Fei, but Liu Chan actually only sent his troops out at the end.

In other words, since the outbreak of this battle, Deng Ai's army has actually been used by Liu Chan as a reserve team.During this period, Deng Ai kept sending people to Liu Chan to ask him to attack, but Liu Chan did not agree after all.

With Deng Ai's strong personality, if he can be willing to be lucky, then it will be a hell.

And everyone knows Deng Ai's character, so they don't provoke him. When he comes over, most of them just avoid him a little bit, just like Deng Ai is a plague god now.

Liu Chan also knew Deng Ai well, but he deliberately pretended to be stupid, but he calmed Deng Ai with gentle words, but didn't mention how Deng Ai behaved just now.This also made Deng Ai's face look even uglier.

Then Samoke also came to see Liu Chan.

The supreme leader of the Wuxi Man, now he really looks like the return of a demon god, with a murderous aura all over his body.He threw the barbed wire thorn bone in his hand to the ground, made a pounding sound, and raised a cloud of dust. His unusually tall figure jumped from his unusually tall war horse just now. down.

Sha Moke's appearance is indeed very eye-catching, and even Zhang Fei is a little envious of this person's strong sense of presence at this time and this place.

Sha Moke then took a big step, and quickly came to Liu Chan's body. Liu Chan's height still only reached his waist.As a result, if Sha Moke wants to see Liu Chan, he should not try to lower his head.

Sha Moke bowed to Liu Chan, and said, "I pay homage to my son, Sha has lived up to your entrustment, my son, and finally successfully completed the task."

Liu Chan saw that Sha Moke's body was covered with dust, and his situation was similar to that of Zhang Fei, but this time he was doing his best to participate in the battle.

Although Liu Chan didn't know what kind of medicine he was buying in his gourd, he couldn't figure it out, but he was a little happy about Sha Moke's transformation.

Liu Chan then smiled and said: "Sha Shuai's performance today is really obvious to all. He really made the first contribution to our army's victory today!"

In fact, the ones who contributed the most in today's battle were neither Shamoke's men nor Gai Meng's men, but the men commanded by Zhang Bao.They actually formed the overwhelming advantage of the Shu Han army over Zhuge Jin's troops, the so-called "backbone".

But in order to win over Sha Moke, Liu Chan still wants to give the first credit to Sha Moke on the surface.Outsiders are outsiders, and sometimes it is necessary to be polite to them without getting too close to them.

At this time, Sha Moke suddenly said something unexpected to Liu Chan in public, which immediately made everyone feel astonished.

After Sha Moke thanked Liu Chan for his achievements, he bowed his hand to Liu Chan again, and said: "Liu Shizi, after this big victory, the Shu Han army has won a decisive victory. Therefore, Sha feels that it is time for us to It's time for the two to part ways."

Liu Chan was a little stunned at first, and then asked: "What does Shuai Sha say?"

"Liu Shizi, my family has followed you all the way to the present, and the loss has been extremely heavy. It is time to go back to our residence to recuperate. Therefore, Liu Shizi, let Sha lead the army and leave."

Of course, even if Samoko doesn't mention the spoils at this time, he will definitely talk to Zong Yu next time.Moreover, Zong Yu is obviously much better at speaking than Liu Chan.

It was only at this time that Liu Chan realized why this Shamoke was fighting so hard today, and why he still offered to start the game!I dare say that he wants to make Liu Chan feel grateful to him through this battle, and then everyone will have a good get-together and break up!
Liu Chan couldn't help cursing this Shamoke bastard in his heart, and it was impossible for him to send away Shamoke's men so easily.

The Wuxi barbarian clan in Shamoke has always been like a poisonous nail nailed to Jingzhou's body. This time, he will take the opportunity to remove the poisonous nail, so how could he let them go at this time?

There is only one thought left in Liu Chan's mind now: Do you, Shamoke, want to get away?Don't think about it!

(End of this chapter)

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