Chapter 797 Secret Planning ([-])

When Sha Moke saw Liu Chan, he seemed to be thinking about something. Although he almost had to bend down to see Liu Chan, he waited patiently for Liu Chan to give him an answer.

As a result, not only does he not look vicious now, but he feels a little naive, like a bad guy who is extremely unlucky, looking forward to the arrival of good luck.

Liu Chan did exactly what Shamoke thought, he kept thinking, but for a while he couldn't think of how to give Shamoke's men to Liu Chan.After all, judging from the current situation, it is really as Shamoke said just now, after completely defeating Zhuge Jin's army, their road to Moling has become smooth sailing.

Only then did Liu Chan pretend to be embarrassed, and said to Sha Moke: "Sha Shuai, the cooperation between us has been going on for some time. Now you suddenly propose to withdraw the army and leave, and our army is unprepared. What should I do?"

Shamoke cupped his hands and said sincerely: "Liu Shizi, to tell you the truth, my troops have been out of their hometown for several months. My clan members have already begun to miss their hometown. Under such circumstances, even if I, Sha, want to stay and continue to help you, Shizi Liu, it seems powerless."

At the end of Sha Moke's speech, he unexpectedly let out a long sigh, really saying that he was as helpless as he was helpless.Such a Shamoke, how can he still be the usual high-spirited Shamoke?

Apart from Liu Chan sighing in his heart that Sha Moke's acting skills are really superb and his behavior is really treacherous, he can only continue to express sympathy for their experience on the surface.

Acting is really hard work sometimes!

Liu Chan couldn't help wiping off the sweat on his forehead, and said, "I understand Sha Shuai's difficulties. But I still want to implore Sha Shuai. Now is the time when the sky is high and the air is clear, and it is suitable for the army to fight. The season on the battlefield. In addition, our army will soon be able to go to Moling, which must be the place where the most people from Jiangdong are hoarded. Is Sha Shuai willing to see piles of gold mountains slipping away from his eyes?"

Hearing what Liu Chan said, Samokana's expression of sadness, which had been pretending to be [-]%, changed in such a short moment, and greedy light immediately radiated from a pair of oversized eyes.However, this was just a flash, and it immediately converged.

Liu Chan saw Sha Moke's performance in his own eyes, and sighed in his heart that this person is really difficult.

He then said: "Sha Shuai, even if you and your team really want to rush back because you miss your hometown, you should not be in a hurry, let alone leave here in such a hurry."

It should be said that Liu Chan's remarks are indeed reasonable, and it is difficult for Sha Moke to find a reason to refute.After all, before the action of a large army, a lot of preparations should be made.Especially like now, just after going through a big war.

Sha Moke had no choice but to say: "Liu Shizi indeed has some truth in what he said."

Liu Chan smiled and said: "So Shuai Sha, please don't be too anxious. I'm afraid we will have to rest here for a whole day or two before we continue to take action. So, during this period of time, I After discussing with the generals here, I will definitely give you a satisfactory answer."

Now that Liu Chan has already talked about this point, and Sha Moke had no intention of persuading Liu Chan all at once, so he didn't want to freeze the relationship between the two parties in this way.After all, the current situation has undergone earth-shaking changes compared to before, and their Wuxi Man is no longer in a strong position relatively speaking.If it gets stuck, it will actually be even more detrimental to Shamoko.

Sha Moke is a shrewd and sensible person, who knows when to release and when to collect, and now is the time to collect.

Moreover, Sha Moke was actually a little secretly happy, because Liu Chan's reply did exceed his original expectations.

But Shamoke's expression remained unchanged and said: "If that's the case, then we might as well wait here for a few more days. Just please give us an answer, Mr. Liu."

Liu Chan nodded, and then sent Sha Moke away.

When Liu Chan returned to the original place, all the generals present looked at Liu Chan with wide eyes.There are all kinds of courage in their eyes:
Some were happy, as if they had been expecting Shamoko to leave quickly; some were confused, as if they couldn’t figure out why Shamoko chose to leave under the current good situation; some were angry, and seemed to resent Shamoko Going to break my promise again...

Liu Chan's good mood because of Dasheng just now seemed to be extinguished a lot because of Shamoko's leaving.He saw that everyone was looking at him, and he immediately looked around at everyone.

Zhang Fei immediately stepped forward and asked, "Nephew Adou, it doesn't seem appropriate for Sha Moke to choose to leave at this time. You said that you would give him a satisfactory answer in these two days, are you really planning to let him go?" Will his men go back?"

Before Liu Chan could answer, Deng Ai, who had an ugly complexion beside him, stood up and said, "Actually, giving Shamoke a satisfactory answer does not necessarily mean agreeing to let them leave. Understand."

Zhang Fei didn't care about Deng Ai's sudden interruption, he turned his head and asked, "Deng Ai, what do you say?"

Deng Ai said darkly: "They chose to leave because they already felt that staying and fighting with our army has obviously become unfavorable. Therefore, as long as we dispel their thoughts, they will definitely choose to stay. "

It should be said that Deng Ai's answer was actually a clever trick, and it was too general and lacked practicality in the actual process.But in fact, it cannot be denied that there are still some enlightening things in what he said.

Therefore, both Liu Chan and Shi Guangyuan just looked up at Deng Ai, and the information revealed in their eyes showed that they were actually not satisfied with Deng Ai's answer in their hearts.

But Zhang Fei asked again: "What should I do specifically?"

Deng Ai replied confidently: "In fact, we now have two most favorable advantages."

Zhang Fei: "Oh? Which two?"

(End of this chapter)

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