Chapter 798 Secret Planning ([-])

"The first one: Judging from the current situation, our army is about to take over the entire territory of Jiangdong. It means that we will take over the endless land and wealth of Jiangdong people. We can use this to lure Shamo Ke."

Zhang Fei nodded.Liu Chan continued not to express his opinion, but just listened.Yu Jin, Shi Guangyuan and the others continued to listen with serious faces.

Deng Ai went on to say: "The second favorable condition is that our current force is far stronger than that of Sha Moke's army. In fact, in the eyes of the general, it is precisely because of this that Sha Moke is against our army. Only when I feel fear in my heart will I think of going back at this time. Therefore, our army can even coerce Samoko by force, forcing him to stay and help our army fight!"

Hearing Deng Ai's words, Zhang Bao and Xiong Ping, who had always wanted to take revenge on Shamoko, actually began to nod in agreement with Deng Ai.

But Liu Chan's face suddenly changed, and he reprimanded Deng Ai in front of everyone: "Deng Ai, what are you talking about now? There are so many great generals here, so there is no room for you to talk! You retreat Down!"

Seeing Liu Chan's sudden attack like this, Deng Ai was a little frightened immediately, and he really couldn't understand why Shi Zi suddenly became like this.In fact, even in the bigger scene before, Shizi allowed anyone to freely express their opinions?

Deng Ai withdrew in some embarrassment.

Liu Chan looked around the crowd and said: "We will discuss this matter later, we still have time to deal with it. Don't forget, we have just finished a battle, and the most important thing now is not to discuss Shamoko. Instead, you all should return to your own positions to deal with various affairs after the war!"

After hearing Liu Chan's words, everyone realized that this was indeed the case, and hurriedly bid farewell to Liu Chan, and each went about their own business.

After everyone had left, even Zhang Fei followed Zhang Bao back to their Jiangzhou army, and finally there were only two people left by Liu Chan's side: Shi Guangyuan, the military advisor of the town army, and Meng Xi, the soldier who joined the army.

As expected, Meng Xi was very low-key, I didn't see him say a word at all just now, which formed the most stark contrast with Deng Ai's aggressive demeanor.And at this time, he didn't seem to intend to express his views in front of Liu Chan.

However, Shi Guangyuan spoke at this time.He asked Liu Chan: "Son, Sha Moke chose to leave at this time. I feel that what Deng Ai said just now seems to be somewhat reasonable. Maybe he is really worried that our army has become too powerful now. He I felt scared because of my guilty conscience."

Liu Chan nodded, but said somewhat ambiguously: "Maybe it really should be like this..."

What is "it should be"?Such a specious way of speaking is not what a decisive person like Liu Chan should say?

Therefore, Shi Guangyuan also felt surprised at this time, and asked, "What do you mean, son?"

Liu Chan shook his head and said: "Mr. Shi, it is very difficult for me to make a decision on this matter, please leave some time for me to think about it myself?"

What else could Shi Guangyuan say?He had no choice but to nod, and then walked away. He had his own affairs to deal with after the war.He, the military commander of the town army, didn't just come here with the army to watch the battle, and sit and enjoy the shade at the same time.

After Shi Guangyuan left, Liu Chan suddenly found that Meng Xi was still there, and he hadn't left with the generals just now.

Liu Chan asked him, "Meng Xi, do you have anything to say?"

Meng Xi stepped forward and cupped his hands, and said with some hesitation: "My lord, in fact, no matter what we say, we shouldn't just let Samoke's people leave."

Liu Chan frowned and asked, "So, do you also agree with Deng Ai's statement?"

"Perhaps Xiaowei Deng's analysis just now does have some truth. But the general has much more contact with Shamoko and his men than Captain Deng, so he understands their situation better. So The general feels that as long as the Wuxi barbarian clan continues to be under the leadership of Samoco, it will be impossible for the residents around them to live a stable life in the future."

Liu Chan suddenly discovered that Meng Xi's view was completely different from Deng Ai's. It seems that there should be more profound insights in the future!Then let Meng Xi continue talking.

Meng Xi swallowed her saliva, and said with difficulty, "So, in order to avoid future troubles, I think it's better not to let Sha Moke or go back to Wuximan's residence..."

Meng Xi, who has always been kind to others, actually has people who want to deal with them quickly. It seems that this Shamoke has really failed to the extreme, and he must be extremely selfish, so that he can make Meng Xi Such a person can have a murderous intent on him.

But Liu Chan still said to Meng Xi at this time: "Your statement is really a bit too vicious. Since Shamoke is our ally, we can't easily break the covenant we made."

Seeing Liu Chan's disapproval, Meng Xi could only sigh inwardly, the son is really too kind.If it wasn't for the fact that the other party was someone like Sha Moke, he, Meng Xi, would not have suggested that the prince should kill someone.

But Meng Xi was docile, and he cupped his hands to plead guilty: "The last general knows his mistake, and he will lighten his son to atone for his sin."

Liu Chan nodded and said, "You can do your own work first."

After nightfall that day, the battlefield had been cleaned up, and the wounded and wounded in the army, and even some of the Jiangdong Army's wounded, had been properly settled. The aftermath of the war was finally successfully completed.

As a result, the whole army was immediately in the joy of victory.

At this time, Liu Chan also began to feast the whole army.Alcohol had always been prohibited in his army, and only when necessary would he let everyone drink a little at the banquet.But today is different, because next they will rush out of Yuzhang County and head straight for Moling City.Therefore, in order to boost the morale of the entire army, Liu Chan decided tonight that the entire army will no longer prohibit alcohol.

Knowing that the prohibition of alcohol was lifted, the Shu Han army was all rejoiced.

After Liu Chan finished entertaining all the generals and allies such as Sha Moke, many people became drunk because of drinking too much.But Liu Chan never drank too much, and Deng Ai didn't drink too much, and the two of them became one of the few people who were still in good spirits after the banquet.

Liu Chan immediately waved to Deng Ai and said, "Deng Ai, follow me."

Deng Ai quickly stood up from his seat and followed Liu Chan to his tent.

Liu Chan immediately said to Deng Ai: "Your analysis of the Wuxi Man today is actually very reasonable. There was an important reason why I reprimanded you in public." Then he told Deng Ai what Meng Xi had said.

In the end, Liu Chan said: "There were so many people there at the time, it was impossible for me to agree with what you and Meng Xi said. Therefore, you and I must plan together with me to see how to deal with the five Ximan. Remember, what we have to deal with is Wuximan, because as long as the strength of Wuximan still exists, even if we get rid of Shamoko now, new Shamoko will continue to appear in the future."

Deng Ai was overjoyed when he heard the words, and immediately said: "The last general obeys orders!"

(End of this chapter)

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