Chapter 799
So, Liu Chan immediately discussed with Deng Ai.As the conversation unfolded, Deng Ai's instruction to Liu Chan became more and more profound.

At this time, Liu Chan unfolded a battle map on the table in front of him, and beckoned Deng Ai to take a look.

After Deng Ai settled down in front of the table, Liu Chan pointed to the area marked Poyang County on the map, and said: "It can be said that our army has completely controlled the surrounding areas of Yuzhang County and its south. The Jiangdong area to the north of Luling County. However, if our army wants to go straight to Moling City, we will actually encounter some obstacles on the way. Look here." Liu Chan used his fingers to fight more The words "Poyang County" on the map.

Deng Ai expressed his opinion: "Now the prefect of Poyang County is the well-known Zhou Dory. In the hands of this person, he led the army to chase and run around in the mountains. However, he was no match for Mr. Shi Guangyuan after all, and he was settled by Mr. Shi's two or three strokes. He could only lead the army to retreat into his territory. went."

Liu Chan nodded and said, "The situation is indeed as you said. But if this person is a tough person, he will definitely fight to the death with our army in Poyang County."

Deng Ai suddenly laughed.Liu Chan wondered, "What are you laughing at?"

Deng Ai quickly restrained his smile, cupped his hands and said: "Your Majesty, although this Zhou Dory is indeed good at fighting, if you have studied his military use, you can find that his tactics have always been tricks, and the pattern has always been consistent. Not much. It is okay for a person like this to make some small achievements, but if he wants to use his ability to change a big situation, it is absolutely impossible for a person like him to do."

Liu Chan nodded, but said, "It's okay for you to get straight to the point."

After Deng Ai answered yes, he continued: "A person who is good at using small tricks must like to wait, waiting for the enemy to show his weakness for him to take advantage of. Therefore, our army's next actions must be fast, and we must It's so fast that Zhou Bing's brain can't react. When the brain is not enough, a person like him has only one choice: panic!"

Liu Chan hesitated and said, "You mean, Zhou Dory will abandon the city and run away?"

Deng Ai said firmly: "Nine times out of ten it must be so!"

When Liu Chan heard this, he tapped his fingers on the table suddenly, and the low and irregular wooden sound suddenly came to mind in the big tent.

After a while, Liu Chan said to Deng Ai: "Maybe we can do something about this."

Deng Ai immediately asked: "What kind of article does the prince want to make?"

After Liu Chan thought for a while, he said: "Isn't Shamoke complaining that they have suffered heavy losses? Then we will give them the advantage of Poyang County. After the Wuximan Wuximan wins the battle, the morale will inevitably decrease. Then it became prosperous. At that time, if Shamoke thinks about me again and says he wants to leave, I will have enough reasons to keep his people.”

Deng Ai nodded, and said: "At that time, Shamoke's army was a victorious army, and there was really no reason to leave. But my son, according to what you just said, the reason why we want to stay The troops living in Wuxi Man do not want to cooperate with them for a long time! Next, we should take action against them, after all, Moling will be in front of us soon."

Liu Chan said in agreement: "It is true. Then what do you think should be done next?"

Deng Ai continued to point to Poyang County, and said, "Your Majesty, if we want to fish Jinao from the sea, we must be willing to use the bait. This is the so-called 'if you want to take it, you must first give it'."

Liu Chan immediately asked, "What kind of bait, and how do you want to fish for the Golden Ao?"

Deng Ai tapped his finger in Poyang County, and said: "This so-called bait is obviously not enough to give Shamoke a victory in Poyang County."


Deng Ai looked at Liu Chan, then lowered his head, and then moved his finger on the battle map facing east, and finally stopped between Yi County and Yi County to the south, and said: "Your Majesty, please look here. In fact, we If you want to go straight to Moling and launch a direct attack on Moling, the fastest choice is to go through Yi County."

Liu Chan wondered, "Then what's the purpose of pointing out the area south of Yi County?"

Deng Ai's face suddenly showed a little complacency, but also a little gloomy expression.His finger moved away from Yi County, and suddenly turned to the due east, which completely deviated from the direction of Moling in the northeast direction.As for the due east direction, the farthest east is the sea, and a little further back, that is Kuaiji County, the important place of Jiangdong.

Deng Ai said: "At that time, General Mo and Mr. Han Long's caravan went to Wujun and Kuaiji, the two most prosperous counties in the east of the Yangtze River. This county is the gathering place of the powerful families and surnames in Jiangdong. Especially Wu County, it brings together the largest and most powerful Gu, Lu, Zhu, and Zhang families in Jiangdong. Although Kuaiji is slightly inferior, the two families of Yu Fan and Wei Teng The ethnic group has absolute influence in the local area."

Liu Chan may not understand these situations as clearly as Deng Ai, who has personally seen them, but he is generally clear about the situation, so he asked: "So?"

"So, the prince can use the reason that we must seize Qiantang County and Fuchun County, which are located between Wu County and Kuaiji County, and implement the necessary lures. In terms of Shamoke's greedy personality, He's bound to be hooked!"

Liu Chan nodded and said, "It seems that you want to use a borrowed knife to kill people."

Deng Ai said gloomyly: "Samoke is an ally of our army. He could do things that were treacherous before, but our Shu Han army is a loyal and benevolent army, and we definitely cannot do things to attack the allies. "

Deng Ai's words stopped after reaching this point.When smart people talk to each other, sometimes there is no need to speak too clearly, otherwise it is really a very meaningless matter.

Liu Chan said: "Since you want to use the power of the powerful families in Wujun and Kuaiji counties to deal with Shamoke, I think this is very good. However, the reasons for sending troops to Qiantang and Fuchun counties are not enough. In fact, let Sha Moco sent troops to these two counties, there is indeed a practical need on our side."

Now it was Deng Ai's turn to be surprised, and said: "Please show me, Your Majesty."

"Wu County and Kuaiji County are the territories of Soochow. There is no problem. The problem is that Wu County is regarded as the inherent territory of the four powerful families of Gu Lu, Zhu and Zhang, and the situation in Kuaiji County is similar. That's it. Therefore, once our military power is directed at Moling, the big families in Wu County, which is the closest to Moling, and Kuaiji County, which is a little further away, will have to resist this, and will never allow us to approach their territory. .”

When Liu Chan said this, Deng Ai already understood the meaning of Liu Chan's words in his heart.

Once Sha Moke's army attacked the two middle areas of Qiantang County and Fuchun County, it was equivalent to directly attacking the territory of those wealthy families.Therefore, the first object they had to resist became not the Shuhan army attacking Moling, but the more powerful Wuxi barbarian army!
Therefore, in the end, Wuximan and Shamoke's armies fought to the end, no matter which side won, it would be beneficial to Liu Chan, and both sides must have suffered serious losses.

In this case, Liu Chan and Deng Ai's plan of "killing with a borrowed knife" is actually not one, but two "killing with a borrowed knife" plan, like the two blades of a long sword. It was the men and horses who killed the rich families in Jiangdong!
In fact, only Liu Chan's side is the one who makes a profit in the end!Liu Chan was actually the one who covered his face and couldn't see his face, but in fact he was the master who held the wounding sword in his hand!
(End of this chapter)

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