Chapter 800
Early the next morning, Liu Chan summoned Shamoke without informing Zhang Fei, the big man in the army, or discussing with his town army strategist Shi Guangyuan, who had joined the army, Meng Xi and others.

Sha Moke never expected that Liu Chan's reply to him would be so fast.He saw Liu Chan's hesitant expression clearly yesterday, and secretly thought that it would take at least a few days for him to make a decision, and he was already prepared to deal with Liu Chan's procrastination.So much so that now Liu Chan's quick decision made him feel a little uneasy.

Indeed, Shamoko's feeling is correct, he should feel uneasy.But it's a pity that his wisdom is not enough. Even if he is wise enough, it may not be too easy to guess Liu Chan's intentions in making a decision for a while.

Then, Liu Chan told Shamoke the strategy he discussed with Deng Ai last night.Of course, what he has to do at this time is definitely not just to inform Shamoko and let him do as he pleases.After all, Sha Moke is not a general commanding troops under Liu Chan's command. As long as one of his orders goes down, the other party must follow the rules.

Therefore, Liu Chan had to spend some time persuading Sha Moke at this time. Of course, in front of people like Sha Moke, the most indispensable thing for him to submit obediently was temptation.

But this time, Liu Chan also adopted Deng Ai's suggestion, and he was really not afraid of spending money.After haggling with Sha Moke, he outrageously agreed that as long as Sha Moke's troops could capture the most important Qiantang County and cut off the communication between Wu County and Kuaiji County, he would allow Wuxi Man The army looted and looted Qiantang County for three days!
Although in history, the state regime has often sold its own people in this way in order to borrow the power of foreign nations, that is to say, there are no shortage of cases in history in exchange for such things, but this definitely means that the government has betrayed itself the people.No matter how great and lofty and righteous the government finds for themselves, they can never conceal their ugly and selfish purpose in order to keep their own power!
And Liu Chan, who has been trying his best to protect the civilians, why did he suddenly become like this at this time? Then, has he become no longer different from ordinary ugly politicians?
Liu Chan looked at Shamoke's tall figure rushing out of his big tent, and suddenly a cruel smile appeared on his face, and said in a low voice: "Shamoke, Shamoke, no matter how much you want Qiantang people Wealth, we have to wait until you can win Qiantang County!"

I see!The reason why Liu Chan was able to reach such an agreement with Shamoke was because he believed in his heart that Shamoke's men would not be able to win Qiantang County at all.

The Shuhan army and even the Shanyue people soon got the news that Shamoke's army would not leave.Zhang Fei and others immediately came to ask Liu Chan the reason, because they all knew that Liu Chan had already had an interview with Sha Moke.It was after that interview that Shamoko decided not to leave.

Then even if you want to know with your toes, the reason why Sha Moke didn't leave must have been persuaded by Liu Chan.

But the strange thing is that Liu Chan is no longer as straightforward about this matter as before, but has become silent.And You Tu and Peng Qi, who are also allies of the Shu Han Army, under Shi Guangyuan's instruction, also went to Sha Moke, who was also an ally of the Shu Han Army, to inquire about the situation.

But what puzzled these two people was that Sha Moke, like Liu Chan, was also tight-lipped about not only the content of the discussion between the two of them, but also the result of the discussion.

Weird, really weird.Such doubts, like the thick fog in the woods in the morning, linger in everyone's heart and linger.

But Liu Chan immediately made them no longer have time and thoughts to think about it.Because Liu Chan suddenly thought that the whole army had issued an order to attack Poyang County immediately.

The first to receive the order was actually the cavalry team commanded by Gai Meng and Xiong Ping.And then all the rest of the infantry.This also means that in order to take down a small Poyang County, the Shu Han army, together with their allies, launched a huge army with a total number of more than 7.

Such a move is really too appalling.But behind the appalling, it actually means that this move is killing a chicken with a sledgehammer.

With this in mind, the generals led their respective armies to attack the neighboring Poyang County as quickly as possible.

But what made everyone dumbfounded, or surprised from ear to ear, was that Poyang County, which they thought would be resisted by the Jiangdong Army after death, they only fought two small battles, and the enemy hardly made a move. After any decent resistance, the whole territory has fallen.

As for Zhou Bing, the prefect of Poyang County who has been very active in conquering the Shanyue people, as Deng Ai said, facing a super-large-scale enemy army, and feeling that he has nothing to do, he really didn't do anything. Made the decision to resist, but actually gave up relying on the city to resist, and ran away directly.

Is this what Zhou Dory, who is quite famous in Jiangdong, did?It really surprised all the generals.However, at this time, probably only Liu Chan and Deng Ai understood the reason why Zhou Dory made such an abnormal move.

Moreover, Liu Chan really admired Deng Ai in his heart. His strategy has become more and more refined after fighting the Jiangdong people during this period of time.

At the same time in Liu Chan's heart, he couldn't help sighing that Zhou Bing was judged by historians to be good at using conspiracies and tricks, but in fact his conspiracies and tricks were nothing compared to those of Deng Aiden Shizai.Zhou Dory probably wasn't even qualified to give Deng Ai shoes.

Then, Liu Chan began to announce the next battle direction to the generals.He will divide all the Shu Han army under his command, together with the allied forces, into two parts.Some of them will head for Moling in the northeast, while the other will continue to head east, aiming at the middle of Wu County and Kuaiji County, that is, Qiantang County and Fuchun County.

Even, if possible, Yuhang, which is located in the surrounding area, will also be taken down together.In this case, the Shu Han army completely suppressed the hands and feet of Wu County and Kuaiji County, the two counties closest to Moling, making them too busy to take care of themselves and unable to reinforce Moling.

As for the candidates for the division of troops to attack Qiantang County, Liu Chan publicly announced that they were Sha Moke and Deng Ai.The army led by Deng Ai will act as the backup and support force of Shamoko's army.

Of course, before the division of troops, their joint force had to go to Xiayi County.And this task should not be difficult for their huge force.

(End of this chapter)

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