Chapter 79 Framed
By the time the guards sent by Liu Chan came back to report, more than two hours had passed, and the gambling between Liu Chan, Gu Tong and Zhuge Rong had already ended for a long time.

This is not because the efficiency of the guards is too low, but because they did not go so smoothly when they went to Gu Tong's mansion to ask for someone, and when they went to Gu Shao's mansion to send someone off, they encountered a lot of obstacles, so they were delayed A lot of time.

However, to Liu Chan's disappointment, the guard came back empty-handed, which meant that Gu Shao accepted the two singers he sent.Liu Chan secretly sighed in his heart, Gu Shao is really a person who loves sex and not money!
Disappointed, he casually asked the guard, "What did Gu Shao say after accepting those two singers?"

One of the guards stepped forward and replied: "If you go back to your son, I haven't seen General Gu."

Liu Chan frowned, feeling a little annoyed in his heart, and said, "Before you set off, didn't I tell you to hand it over to Gu Shao?"

Seeing that Liu Chan was displeased, the guard explained: "The concierge of the Gu family kept blocking us and refused to let us in. I couldn't do it in the end, so I had to keep the two singers as required."

Liu Chan nodded, and no longer blamed them, but he was thinking to himself why Gu Shao's behavior this time was so different from the last time, that he didn't even see the face of the person who gave the gift, let alone an additional A letter of explanation.

It was night, and Zhu Yi was sitting quietly in his study, meditating.

A calm person usually doesn't particularly like lively people, they like the fun of thinking, and Zhu Yi is such a person.Therefore, whenever the night is quiet, he will be alone, either drink in the garden and watch the moon, or close all doors and windows, and think about all affairs quietly alone: ​​military affairs, family affairs and even national wars.

Then, someone outside the door gently knocked on the door of the study, and a servant entered the room to report to Zhu Yi, and Du Qi, a member of the army from the Right Governor's Mansion, came to see him.Du Qi is Zhu Yi's good friend for many years. Not only are they about the same age, but they have also known each other since they were young.They later entered the army together, Du Qiren joined the army, and Zhu Yi became a school lieutenant.

Zhu Yi heard that it was a friend who came to visit late at night, and he couldn't help but feel a little strange. With Du Qi's personality, it is impossible for him to come to chat with him in the middle of the night.He thought that it must be the governor Sun Jiao who sent him to convey some important military order, so he went out to welcome Du Qiying to the study.

But along the way, Zhu Yi saw that Du Qi's face was normal, and he didn't seem to be in a hurry, so he felt a little strange, and then he asked, "Brother Nuoye, why did you come to me late at night?" Then he asked Du Qi to take the next seat sit down.

Du Qi was naturally not polite, just smiled, and asked rather mysteriously: "Ji Wen, do you want to make a contribution?"

Zhu Yi said with a smile: "Brother Nuoye, are you joking with Shao? Now Jianye City is peaceful, and I, a little captain, can't go out with the army. Where can I get credit for it?"

Du Qi opened his eyes and looked at the study room. After seeing that there was nothing unusual, he took out a document from his sleeve pocket.When Zhu Yi saw it, a hint of surprise appeared on his rather handsome face, and he said, "Isn't this the document that Gu Xiaoze gave to the governor that day? After the governor read it that day, he immediately dealt with it. Is it in your hands?"

Du Qi showed his usual sly smile, and Zhu Yi immediately understood, does it need to be so clear?As a member of Sun Jiao's army, Du Qi had access to a large number of documents every day, so it was not surprising that he could secretly bring out one copy.

Du Qi gently put the document in Zhu Yi's hands, and said, "Don't Ji Wen want to read it?"

Zhu Yi didn't take the document in his hand.His calm eyes swept over Du Qi's face, and Du Qi still had a smile on his face, Zhu Yi didn't say anything after that, and just opened the confidential document and read it.

After reading it, Zhu Yi showed a dumbfounding expression on his face, and said, "This must be a fake document, how could such a thing happen to the king?"

"how do I say this?"

"Although the lord is away on an expedition, there are many guards around him. How could his sword be snatched away? Moreover, the other party actually killed more than 50 soldiers in two ships with a group of 14 or [-] water thieves. Where is my Jiangdong navy? Such a thing, even Gan Xingba back then, could not have done it. Besides, the leader of those water thieves is actually a child under [-] years old. Do you think this is possible? ?” Speaking of which, the unsmiling Zhu Yi couldn’t help laughing again because he found it interesting, and then wanted to return the document to Du Qi.

But Du Qi didn't laugh, or took the document, but pointed to the big seal on the document and said: "See clearly, is the big seal on it real?"

Zhu Yi was a little stunned when he saw it, this seal is definitely genuine!At this time, even though Zhu Yi was usually calm, he couldn't help losing his composure, and said anxiously, "Brother Nuoye, what's going on?"

Du Qi then lowered his voice and said: "As far as I know, the lord may have been assassinated by water thieves in collusion with Cao Wei, and was later rescued by a group of people, and then they asked for the sword he carried with him. Now the lord is probably repenting. The sword is given away, so it is used in the name of catching thieves, but in fact it is just to find the sword!"

Zhu Yi nodded, a flash of inspiration flashed in his mind, and he asked Du Qi, "Have many people read this document?"

"Everyone above the general level should have sent a letter. But I'm afraid there are not many who know the real situation."

Zhu Yi nodded, his face turned dark again.Du Qi knew Zhu Yi very well, and he could tell from his face that he must have a plan in his heart, and asked, "Ji Wen, did you already have a clever plan to catch the thief so soon?"

Zhu Yi shook his head first, then nodded, seeing that Du Qi was also a little confused, and urged Zhu Yi to explain.

Only then did Zhu Yi say: "Actually, I don't want to catch any thieves or do any meritorious service. I'm actually thinking, since few people know the truth, why not use it to do other things. I think This time, Sun Huan, Zhuge Rong, and Yang Huang must be doomed!"

Du Qi clapped his hands and said, "Oh, Ji Wen, do you want to take advantage of this news to accuse Yang Huang of being a water thief, and use a knife to kill people? After all, they are not from Jiangdong, and the time they came here It's still short!"

What Du Qi said was really a blind cat meeting a dead mouse. Although he thought that Zhu Yi was framing Liu Chan, Liu Chan was actually the one who took Sun Quan's Baihong Sword.

Zhu Yi sneered and said, "Sure enough, brother Nuoye understands my thoughts best!"

Du Qi sighed: "Unexpectedly, you are still brooding about what happened that day. But Sun Huan is not just an ordinary person, you must make a plan yourself."

Zhu Yi nodded, and said coldly: "It's natural, when have you seen me messing around? Those who offend me, Zhu Yi, I will definitely let them not end well!" Then, Zhu Yi walked to the window and opened it. Long closed windows.

A gust of fresh air floated in with a slight floral fragrance, as if with a hint of honey sweetness.

Zhu Yi was in a good mood immediately, and he didn't want to stay in this cramped study any more, so he invited Du Qi to drink in the garden.

Du Qi nodded, looking at the entire Jiangdong, there is almost no one else who Zhu Yi is willing to drink with, except Du Qi.So naturally Du Qi would not refuse, not to mention the beautiful scenery tonight.

At noon on the second day, three people came to the place where Liu Chan lived, but it turned out that it was Gu Shao's servant who brought the two singers back.

Liu Chan then looked at the two singers. Their looks were indeed extraordinary. Although they could not be regarded as beautiful, they were definitely top-notch beauties.I just don't know how Gu Shao sent it back after leaving it for one night?Is it dissatisfied with it?Liu Chan asked the servant angrily why General Gu sent him back.

The servant took out a letter from his pocket, handed it to Liu Chan and said, "My general said that after reading the letter, you will know what happened."

Liu Chan opened the letter and couldn't help laughing.Only then did he learn that Gu Shao did not go home last night, but had been handling military affairs in the barracks. When he came home at noon, he saw the two singers sent by Liu Chan, and immediately sent them back.

At the end of the letter, in addition to thanking Liu Chan for the gift as before, unexpectedly, he invited Liu Chan to have a banquet at the Gu Mansion tonight.

After reading the letter, Liu Chan felt a little joyful, and asked the two singers: "Did General Gu really not come home last night? Is it because your singing and dancing were so poor that General Gu felt dissatisfied and sent you off?" back."

The two now naturally knew that the underage young man in front of them was their new master, and saluted, "Master, we haven't seen General Gu yet."

Liu Chan nodded, and asked the servant of the Gu family to go back and tell Gu Shao that he must go to the appointment tonight, and then the servant went back to report.It's just that Liu Chan felt a little embarrassed about how to deal with these two singers.

But he thought of one thing, last night he cheated Gu Tong like that, so it would be no wonder if he didn't come to find him today!Liu Chan thought to himself, it would be better for me to return these two women!
Thinking of this, Liu Chan felt that there was no problem, so he ordered the two singers to perform for him on a whim.He really wanted to see the singing and dancing of these beauties who made Gu Tong feel so proud.

(End of this chapter)

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