Chapter 80
When Gu Tong woke up from his drunken slumber, he touched his head, which was still suffering from a headache, and then exclaimed.

The servants of his family thought that the young master was in an accident, so they rushed into Gu Tong's bedroom one after another, but they saw Gu Tong staring blankly at the ground in a daze.He jumped off the couch, grabbed the butler by the collar and asked sharply, "Where are the singers at home?"

The butler tremblingly took out a piece of paper and handed it to Gu Tong.After Gu Tong saw it, he almost fainted from anger, pushed the butler away, came to the stable, rode a horse and rushed to Zhuge's mansion.

When he rushed to Liu Chan's residence, he was stopped by Liu Chan's guards, instead of respectfully delivering a letter, he brought out the two singers and handed them to Gu Tong, which made Gu Tong feel rather stunned.

——This guy Yang Huang is teasing me like this, is it really just to watch the performance of these two divas?You might?However, since it has been returned to me, then...

Gu Tong thought of this in his heart.

At the same time, when Liu Chan and Zhao Feng came to Gu Yong's mansion, Gu Shao himself was waiting for him at the door, and the courtesy was really thoughtful.However, Gu Shao, the eldest son of the dignified Gu family, did this, which made Liu Chan feel a little flattered. After all, he himself is not Liu Chan, the son of Liu Bei, but just a tourist from a different place.

Liu Chan took two quick steps and cupped his hands, saying, "General Gu went out to meet him in person, Huang is really ashamed."

Gu Shao smiled and said: "Where, where, Mr. Yang is our distinguished guest, please come in!" Then he led Liu Chan into the mansion ahead of him.

Although Gu Yong himself has a high position and authority in Jiangdong, he is very simple, so the mansion is actually not luxurious. Compared with Zhuge Mansion, it can only be regarded as slightly better.

When the two talked all the way, they came to the hall where the banquet was held.The place is actually not big, but the food and drinks on the tables have already been prepared.

But what made Liu Chan feel a little strange was that Gu Shao actually invited him alone to the Nuo Da Banquet, not even an accompaniment.

However, Liu Chan thought of Gu Yong's stereotyped appearance of a man who does not drink alcohol, is reticent, and behaves very decently at all times. From this, he can know that the behavior style of his heirs under the education of Gu Yong's family tradition is inevitable. Not the kind of person who likes to be tedious and lively.Therefore, the doubts in Liu Chan's heart were naturally relieved.

Gu Shao asked Liu Chan to take a seat next to him. Liu Chan knew that this was not someone else's home, and all the etiquette could be done casually, so he thanked Gu Shao and then sat down calmly.

Gu Shao knew that Zhao Feng's martial arts skills were extraordinary, and seeing that he was just standing beside Liu Chan, he invited him to sit down as well.Zhao Feng just excused that he was just a little guard and didn't dare to sit down.

Seeing this, Liu Chan said to Zhao Feng: "General Gu invited you to be seated because he respected you. Don't disappoint the general's good intentions, you should also be seated."

Only then did Zhao Feng nod his head, and after another salute to Liu Chan and Gu Shao, he took his seat under Liu Chan.Gu Shao saw that Liu Chan was so educated and reasonable, and he liked it very much. He ordered someone to serve Zhao Feng's wine and vegetables, and then said: "The wine, vegetables, and vegetables at home are simple, so please don't be offended by Young Master Yang and Brother Zhao."

Liu Chan looked at the food and wine on the table, but in fact the food was complete, and said with a smile: "General Gu is serious, the food and wine are quite enough." Then the three raised their glasses.

After drinking for three rounds, Liu Chan guessed in his heart that Gu Shao should also start talking about the purpose of his banquet today, because Gu Shao didn't tell him in the letter to himself.

Sure enough, Gu Shao put down his wine glass and said to Liu Chan: "Shao was only on duty in the Governor's Mansion a few days ago, and it just happened to coincide with the meeting. Mr. Yang sent two generous gifts because of this, Shao is really ashamed."

Liu Chan secretly laughed in his heart: Since my son even gave you two generous gifts, but you didn't accept them, and now you want to come to me for a banquet, wouldn't you still pay for it?

But thinking about it, Liu Chan said very modestly: "If it weren't for General Gu's document, I don't know how long I, Shu Wu and others will have to argue with people in the governor's office. This is the General's credit. Secondly, General Gu is a hero from Jiangdong, Huang usually doesn’t see him, so it’s a great honor to meet him now.”

Gu Shao was famous in Jiangdong since he was a child, and he did not know how many compliments he received, but now he is still heavily sugar-coated by Liu Chan. He couldn't help showing a bright smile on his face, and once again raised his glass to toast Liu Chan and Zhao Feng.

After gulping it down, Liu Chan asked, "I know that the general is not satisfied with the previous two gifts. If the general has anything he likes, please tell me. Huang will try his best to find it for the general."

Gu Shao waved his hands and smiled, "Young Master Yang, you are too serious. You and I met by chance, not to mention that Shao doesn't have much need."

Seeing that Gu Shao shirked so cleanly, Liu Chan knew that his ambition was not here, so he stopped talking about it.After the three of them drank for a while, Gu Shao asked Liu Chan, "I heard from my brother Dayuan earlier that Mr. Yang is from Jingzhou, is it true?"


"Then Mr. Yang, has he ever been to Dantu Beigu Mountain?"

Liu Chan's heart trembled, and he already understood everything in his heart.Presumably that time in Ganlu Temple, everyone just met once. Unexpectedly, Gu Shao has such a good memory, and he may remember his own appearance, so he started to inquire about his identity.

Liu Chan stabilized his mind, and said calmly: "Dantu has heard of it before, but where is this Beigu Mountain?"

Gu Shao groaned and said: "That day at the Ganlu Temple in Beigu Mountain, I saw a person who was very similar to Mr. Yang, so I mistakenly thought it was Mr. Yang."

"There are many people in the world who have some similarities in appearance. For example, the complexion of Wei Yan and Wei Wenchang in the Jingzhou Army is quite similar to Guan Yu and Guan Junhou. They both have red faces."

Gu Shao also didn't argue any more, he smiled and offered another glass of wine to Liu Chan, and said, "Young Master Yang, have you ever heard that a strange thing happened in my Jiangdong recently?"

Liu Chan was attracted by Gu Shao's words, and asked, "What's so strange?"

"It started with the urgent document I sent to Dudu Sun that day."

Liu Chan waved his hand and said, "Since it's a matter of urgent documents, I'm afraid that General Gu's words are inappropriate."

Gu Shao said with a smile: "This matter is actually not urgent. It's okay for Mr. Yang to listen to it. It is said that my lord was assassinated by a group of water thieves on the river a few days ago, but the sword he was carrying was snatched away."

Liu Chan's heart was shocked again, it was clearly what he did.But he was kind enough to save people, and now he was accused of being a water thief by that bastard Sun Quan?Liu Chan suddenly felt very uncomfortable in his heart. If Sun Quan was here now, maybe he would rush up to give him a few slaps immediately.

Liu Chan asked: "Since ancient times, the assassination of emperors can be said to happen endlessly, but why is it such a strange thing?"

"Mr. Yang didn't know something. The document said that the group of water thieves was extremely powerful. With the strength of 50 people, they killed more than [-] people in my Jiangdong, and finally retreated. What is even more surprising is that their leader actually It's a child of twelve or thirteen years old. Sigh, I didn't expect it to be quite similar to Mr. Yang."

Hearing this, Liu Chan knew that Gu Shao was deliberately using these insinuations to test his identity, whether he was the leader of the water thief.His reaction was very quick, and he said: "General Gu's words are wrong, Huang is a child of an innocent family, and even at 01:30, he doesn't want to be similar to the water thief."

Gu Shao's eyes showed a smile that was not a smile, but he still apologized to Liu Chan and said: "The world is troubled now. Although Mr. Yang has a master like Brother Zhao to protect him, the world is dangerous. Even if you don't want to If troubles arise, people with a heart can still come to make trouble at any time. If Mr. Yang has had enough fun in Jiangdong, then the elders in the family will worry about it, and they can go home as soon as possible."

Liu Chan knew that Gu Shao was implying himself that in order to avoid being involved in this matter, it would be better to leave Jiangdong as soon as possible.

Liu Chan secretly guessed that Gu Shao might really believe that he is the leader of the water thieves!He couldn't help but secretly sighed that he was unlucky, but he was actually somewhat grateful that Gu Shao didn't report on him.In this case, although it is impossible to find direct evidence, because the Baihong Sword has already been given to Han Long.But as long as Liu Chan is detained and personally identified when Sun Quan returns, he will never escape from birth.

Liu Chan sighed, raised his glass and said to Gu Shao: "Thank you, General Gu, for your guidance. Huang has indeed been away from home for a long time, and it should be time to go home now. But the general also needs to know that sometimes 'thieves' in this world are not A real thief, but a 'soldier' ​​is a real thief. Come, let me toast the general again!"

Gu Shao nodded and said: "Mr. Yang is really talented and intelligent. He knows ten things after hearing one thing! Shao has been taught." Then, he raised his glass and drank the wine.

However, now that the matter has come to this point, Gu Shao's task for tonight's banquet will be completed, and Liu Chan is satisfied with Gu Shao's test.The two of them stopped talking to each other in a false way, and just chatted about some poems and songs about their own experience while drinking, and the atmosphere seemed more harmonious.

By the time Liu Chan finished the banquet in Gu Yong's mansion and was sent out by Gu Shao, it was already late at night.

Because Liu Chan was in a good mood, he never got drunk, but today he was seven to eighty percent drunk.After he boarded the carriage, he leaned against the carriage and fell asleep drowsily.

(End of this chapter)

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