Chapter 862 Power Ownership
With the news that Zhuge Ke brought back that Sun Quan might have died, it spread like a whirlwind in the official circles of Moling City and among the people. Even the news like Zhang Zhao could not be controlled, let alone such shocking news!

Some of the officials and dignitaries in Moling City panicked, while others started running around, planning for Sun Quan's funeral.Since then, Jiangdong has entered the era of "posthumous power".

Faced with such a chaotic situation, Gu Yong's previous preparations for Zhang Zhao's return from defeat suddenly came in handy in a timely manner.

Therefore, Gu Yong and Zhang Zhao met immediately.Because the situation had deteriorated to such a situation, and it had deteriorated so rapidly, the small rift between the two people was suddenly healed again.

Therefore, this time there is no dispute between the two.After chatting briefly with each other, they made a decision at the same time: they must visit Sun Jing at the same time.

As Sun Quan's uncle, Sun Jing had always had a very high status in Jiangdong.In addition, he also had a son, Sun Jiao, who served as the commander-in-chief of the Jiangdong Army. Naturally, his family was elevated to a higher level, which made Sun Quan's status even higher.

Therefore, now that Sun Quan may have died, the Sun family must have a respectable old man to preside over the affairs.After discussing with Zhang Zhao, Gu Yong and Zhang Zhao naturally decided that the candidate was none other than Sun Jing.

Therefore, Gu Yong and Zhang Zhao rushed straight to Sun Jing's mansion.

But when they arrived at Sun Jing's mansion, they just ran into the carriage that Sun Jing's family was preparing to travel outside the gate.

Gu Yong and Zhang Zhao glanced at each other, feeling a little anxious in their hearts.Now that many dignitaries in Moling City have already started to flee one after another, is it possible that Sun Jing is going to run away when he sees the situational troops now?But he, Sun Jing, is a member of the Sun family. Where can he escape now? Even if he escapes, will the Shu Han army let him go?
Zhang Zhao immediately stepped forward and forced all Sun Jing's family members to stop, not allowing them to drive any more carriages. Zhang Zhao still has this bit of majesty.Then, Zhang Zhao and Gu Yong entered Sun Jing's mansion immediately, and did not order anyone to report to Sun Jing.

It just so happened that Sun Jing's second son, Sun Yu, came out at this time. Seeing Zhang Zhao and Gu Yong break into the house, I felt really inexplicable, and it didn't fit the identities and styles of these two adults!
Sun Yu hurried forward to ask the reason of the incident.

Zhang Zhao's fiery temper was revealed again, and he cracklingly told him and Gu Yong what they saw outside the door.

Sun Yu suddenly realized, and said with a smile, "My lords, this is not the case! In fact, my father is not preparing the carriage for escape, but to go to the government office to meet the two lords and Mrs. Xu."

Mrs. Xu is one of Sun Quan's wives, a native of Fuchun County, Wu County.Her grandfather Xu Zhen had a good relationship with Sun Jian, and later married Sun Jian's sister, and gave birth to Xu Kun, who gave birth to Mrs. Xu.Xu Kun served Sun Jian and Sun Ce, and was shot to death by Liu when he was attacking Huang Zu.

In other words, Mrs. Xu is actually Sun Quan's cousin.However, she first married Lu Shang of Wu County, and remarried to Sun Quan after Lu Shang died.It can be seen that the trend of remarriage was indeed very popular at that time.

And this Mrs. Xu was also very trusted by Sun Quan, and Sun Quan asked her to raise the eldest son of the concubine, Sun Deng.Therefore, the name of Sun Deng's biological mother was lost in history, and the concubine's mother was quite sad, and it was impossible to raise her own child herself.

Originally, if all goes well, after Sun Quan ascends the throne, Sun Deng will be the first crown prince.It's a pity that this person died too early in history, so Jiangdong's throne is not his turn.Later, Sun Quan's position as the prince changed several people one after another. When almost all his sons died, the youngest Sun Liang was finally appointed as the prince.

At this time, among Sun Quan's sons, only Sun Deng had grown up.

Sun Quan's second son, Sun Li, is only 12 years old and is also very weak. The third son is a baby who has just been born for one year.These two people are too young to provoke Jiang Dong's burden.At least Zhang Zhao and Gu Yong, and even many people think so.

Therefore, Sun Deng was already 20 years old at this time. Even if he was a concubine, he was still the eldest son of Sun Quan.Judging from the tradition of passing on the elders but not the young in the Chinese dynasty, it is reasonable for Sun Deng to take the throne.

Therefore, when Sun Jing went out this time, she intended to see Mrs. Xu, presumably to discuss with Mrs. Xu what happened behind Sun Quan.

After hearing what Sun Yu said, Zhang Zhao and Gu Yong realized that their actions just now were a little too impulsive. After apologizing to Sun Yu, they met Sun Jing under Sun Yu's leadership.

Zhang Zhao and Gu Yong immediately explained their intentions to Sun Jing.After talking for a while, everyone felt the same, and it hit it off.The three immediately began to discuss how to proceed in order to be safe.

They now have two options. The first option is to establish a "new king" and let Sun Deng inherit the title of Sun Quan; the second option is to let Sun Deng supervise the country in the name of the son.But in this case, the problem is not small.First of all, I am afraid that it will be difficult to stabilize the current political situation. After all, Gu Yong and Zhang Zhao are enough to supervise the country.Secondly, Shizijian's reputation as a deterrent is not strong enough to stabilize the current fluctuating public opinion.

After the three discussed for a long time, they finally made up their minds to let Sun Deng take the throne.Then, all three performed a division of labor.Zhang Zhao arranged various etiquette arrangements; Gu Yong wanted to call a hundred officials to discuss the matter; Sun Jing immediately went to see Mrs. Xu to discuss the matter properly.

It should have been said that in the eyes of Zhang Zhao and the three of them, Sun Deng's position was the trend of the times, and it also met everyone's expectations.But besides Sun Yu, this matter was also heard by Sun Jing's eldest son, Sun Hao, who had been eavesdropping outside the door.

Sun Hao once wanted to rebel and seize the Sun family's regime after Sun Ce's death, but he was finally persuaded by Yu Fan to back down, and he gave up the act of seizing power.But the problem is that such ambitious people may be able to temporarily give up seizing power, but despite the passage of time, such desires may never stop.Once he is given a chance, I am afraid that he will really want to make a comeback.

And Sun Hao is a person with such long-lasting ambition.

After he learned the content of the secret discussion between Zhang Zhao and the three of them, he really had a strong desire for power again in his heart.In fact, this kind of desire, after he learned that the Shu Han army was coming to Moling City, he had already begun to revive it.

But now, when Sun Hao heard that Zhang Zhao and the others were going to re-establish the new lord of Jiangdong, he immediately realized that maybe the time for him to seize power from Sun Quan's family had come again!
Then, Sun Hao immediately thought of something.Although he still has the title of a general now, because of what he did to Sun Quan before, he has long been disliked by Sun Quan, and now he only has a mere 1000 troops in his hands.With such strength, how can a great event be achieved?

After Sun Hao returned to his room and pondered for a while, he felt that he needed to find someone who could cooperate with him.

Then, Sun Hao quickly thought of a suitable candidate: step trainer.

Bu Lianshi has always been favored by Sun Quan, even though her behavior caused Quan Cong's betrayal, nothing happened after all.Now that Sun Quan may be dead, if Sun Deng, who was raised by Mrs. Xu, takes the position, the status of the step trainer will definitely plummet.This is definitely not something that the step trainer himself would like to see.

In addition, among the Bu clan, although Bu Prey had already been captured by the Shu Han army, Bu Chan, the second son of Bu Prey, controlled a part of the guards.

Therefore, Sun Hao felt that if he could cooperate with the step trainer, the chances of the two of them taking power would be greatly increased.

Thinking of this, Sun Hao immediately sent someone outside Moling City to inform Sun Quan, the step trainer who was temporarily placed there by Sun Quan, and asked her to return to Moling City to meet him.

After Bu Lianshi learned the news that Sun Quan might be dead, his face paled immediately.Then, after being symbolically sad for a while, he first thought about how to ensure his future status.

This woman's mind was indeed guessed by Sun Hao.

Immediately, Bu Lianshi used the reason of caring about Sun Quan's life and death, and did not make any big battles. He casually asked her guards to prepare a carriage, and the group returned to Moling City as quickly as possible.

(End of this chapter)

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