The Jagged Emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 863 Conspiracy Continues

Chapter 863 Conspiracy Continues
After Bu Lianshi returned to Sun Quan's mansion, he didn't see anything, but first summoned his nephew Bu Chan.Now both Bu Zhi and the eldest son Disdain have fallen into the hands of the Shu Han army, and it is said that they have been sent to Jiangling City to take care of them.Therefore, Bu Lianshi, a weak woman, can't find a strong support like Synchro Stall now, so she can only rely on talents, which is not outstanding.

In the hands of Bu Chan, he is now the captain of Changshui in the forbidden army, and he has mastered the troops of Changshui camp, with a total of nearly 3000 people.Today's Moling City is empty of troops, and Buchan's troops can be regarded as the main force.

Of course, Bu Lianshi can definitely control Bu Chan, she has always loved the Bu brothers very much.Now is the time for Bu Chan to repay her for being an aunt.

After Bu Chan came to see Bu Lianshi, Bu Lian Shi didn't need to hide him, and immediately told Bu Chan about Sun Quan.Bu Chan's eyes widened immediately, and his mouth was also opened wide. He looked dumbfounded, as if he was stunned by the news that the trainer Bu said.

When Bu Lian saw this, he knew that Bu Chan, a bastard, didn't know anything at all, and he had never even heard such important news.She couldn't help but reprimanded Bu Chan, and then realized that since Sun Quan's personal conquest, Bu Chan simply hid in her home drinking with friends for fun, and never went to the barracks for a look.

The step trainer was even more annoyed, this step analysis really failed to accomplish anything and revealed more than nothing!Is the feeling that I really doted on the two brothers before?
Therefore, Bu Lianshi told Bu Chan her thoughts, and let him know how dangerous her current situation as Bu Lian Shi is, and whether she can maintain her current position depends on Bu Chan.Now that both Bujue and Buxie have been captured by the Shu Han army, as an aunt, she can only explain this nephew.

Speaking of this, Bu Lianshi suddenly felt sad, and couldn't help but shed a few tears in front of Bu Chan.

Bu Chan was very moved by Bu Lianshi's words, and immediately expressed his opinion: "Auntie, don't be sad, just tell me what you have to order now, and my nephew will do my best to do it for you!"

Seeing that Bu Chan finally uttered a human word, Bu Lianshi finally laughed out of tears.Then, Fu Er softly told Bu Chan not to go home in the near future, and to rush to the military camp of Changshui Camp immediately, and to hold the army firmly in his own hands.This small number of people is the life-saving capital of their aunt and nephew.

Bu Chan didn't think too much about it. In fact, with his brain, he definitely couldn't think of anything brilliant.He immediately bid farewell to the trainer, and after leaving the mansion, he got on his horse and galloped towards Changshui Ying in a rare way.

Not long after Bu Chan's front foot left, someone from Bu Lianshi's side came to report that General Sun Hao, General Dingwu Zhonglang, was begging to see him outside.

Bu Lianshi frowned. That useless Sun Hao sent someone to inform her about Sun Quan earlier, and she already felt very strange in her heart. Why did she come to see her in person now?
Bu Lianshi certainly didn't personally experience what happened to Sun Hao and Sun Quan before, but he heard about it anyway.Therefore, a woman's innate intuition made him wary of the purpose of Sun Hao's visit this time.

But Bu Lianshi changed his mind, she was just a woman, and when Sun Quan was around, she could of course rely on her favor to win the wind and the rain.But now that the situation has changed drastically, who cares that she used to be Sun Quan's most beloved wife?Bu Chan's child has a bad mind, and obviously his help is limited.

But what about Sun Hao?After all, it can't be worse than Bu Chan, right?
Thinking of this, the Bu trainer couldn't help sighing softly. If Bu Zhi was still in Moling City, he was planning everything, and he could fight Zhang Zhao and Gu Yong anyway, so why bother? Feeling worried too?
The step trainer suddenly sighed softly: "Okay, let's first look at the purpose of Sun Hao's coming here, and now one more helper is better than one more enemy!"

So, the step trainer immediately sent someone to pass on Sun Hao to come.

When Sun Hao came, a charming and bright smile suddenly appeared on Bu Lianshi's face, which looked extremely gorgeous and even more enthusiastic.She stood up from her seat, saluted Sun Hao, and asked, "Uncle, it's been a long time since you came to the mansion, why are you free today?"

As Sun Quan's wife, Bu Lianshi naturally has a high status, and she is also Sun Hao's sister-in-law, but he greeted Sun Hao first, which immediately surprised Sun Hao.But the step trainer is indeed too beautiful, and her unconcealable enthusiasm made Sun Hao stunned for a while, and it took him a long time to recover.

Sun Hao also quickly returned the salute to the trainer, a little embarrassed: "Sister-in-law doesn't have to be like this, it should be Hao who came to greet you."

The step trainer smiled and said, "Everyone is a family, so uncle doesn't have to stick to these red tapes anymore." Then, she just invited Sun Hao to take a seat, but she seemed to have a bit of demeanor, which made Sun Hao feel a little surprised .

Then, Bu Lianshi asked Sun Hao why he came today.

Sun Hao didn't answer right away, but said: "Sister-in-law, although I will make myself appear a little frivolous by saying this, I still have to ask my sister-in-law to forgive me."

The step trainer still kept his smile, and said: "Uncle, if you have anything to say, please, but it's okay."

Sun Hao cupped his hands and said: "As long as I am from Jiangdong, I probably know that my sister-in-law is the most beloved wife of the lord. However, it is a pity that the wife has no children under her knees. There are only two daughters. It’s a shame to say it.”

When the step trainer heard this, the smile on his face disappeared immediately.For Sun Hao's words, for the step trainer, it is impossible to maintain the smile he just pretended.

Bu Lianshi's face turned cold, and he asked very displeasedly: "Uncle, what is the purpose of saying these words?"

Sun Hao lowered his voice with a very mysterious look, and said to the step trainer: "Sister-in-law, as the saying goes, 'Mother is more expensive than a child', I believe someone will taste the sweetness of this soon, And the other person is actually childless.”

Sun Hao's pretending to be mysterious really aroused Bu Lianshi's curiosity, and asked, "Who are you talking about?" She somewhat hoped that the person was herself, but that was impossible matter.

Sun Hao smiled and said, "Is my sister-in-law expecting that person to be you? However, judging from the current situation, the possibility of being my sister-in-law is actually very slim."

Seeing that Sun Hao was still pretending to be mysterious, the step trainer couldn't stand it anymore, and said: "If uncle has something to say, let's explain it quickly. I just came back from outside and I really want to go to rest."

Sun Hao smiled and said: "Sister-in-law, don't worry, I came to see you today, it's all out of good intentions, but I can't bear to see my sister-in-law fall into a bleak situation in the future. I brought a sister-in-law today. information."

Then, Sun Hao very briefly brought Zhang Zhao and Gu Yong to his mansion to discuss with his father Sun Jing about setting up a new lord.But Sun Hao was very cunning, he didn't reveal to the trainer that Zhang Zhao and the three of them wanted the candidate.Therefore, the step trainer is naturally unable to know for the time being, who is more expensive than mother by child.

But the step trainer soon realized that after the new lord was established, the glory and wealth he enjoyed now would have nothing to do with her, and it would all belong to others.

It turns out that the "good intentions" that Sun Hao mentioned just now refers to this!

Bu Lianshi couldn't help feeling a little anxious, and carefully asked Sun Hao if he could explain the matter in more detail.

Sun Hao became anxious when he saw Bu Lianshi, and knowing that the fire was almost over, he no longer concealed everything from Bu Lianshi.

After Bu Lianshi finished listening, he couldn't help but let out an ah, and said: "Although Zigao is the eldest son, he is a concubine. It's really inappropriate for Zhang Zhao and the others to establish it on their own without discussing it with others! , the whereabouts of the lord is only a mystery for the time being, what kind of heart the three of them are following, how long will it take for them to register a new lord, and where did they put the lord!"

Bu Lianshi's words were really filled with righteous indignation.This is indeed understandable, after all, Sun Quan is her reliance, without Sun Quan, it is estimated that she will not have any glory and wealth in the future.

Sun Hao smiled and said, "Sister-in-law, don't be anxious. It's true that Zi Gao was born of a concubine, but Mrs. Xu raised her. Of course, Mrs. Xu will be my country's wife in Jiangdong in the future. However, where will you go then? ?”

The trainer was silent.

Seeing this, Sun Hao said, "However, I can plan something for my sister-in-law here."

Upon hearing this, the step trainer immediately raised his head to look at Sun Hao, his eyes suddenly filled with expectation and prayer.That kind of look was so charming that Sun Hao couldn't help feeling a little distracted when he looked at it immediately.

Sun Hao said: "Mrs. Wang's son, Sun Li, is already 12 years old. In addition, Mrs. Wang has always been at odds with Mrs. Xu. Why doesn't my sister-in-law cooperate with Mrs. Wang... Hehehehe..."

The step trainer suddenly realized that although Mrs. Wang came from a famous family, she was actually cowardly by nature.When Sun Li came to power, as long as he could control their mother and son, the wealth and honor in this life would be preserved.

The step trainer was overjoyed immediately, and said with a smile: "Thank you uncle for your advice. If this is done, I will definitely not forget my uncle's kindness today."

Sun Hao smiled and said: "Then I would like to thank sister-in-law. There are still some troops under Hao's acceptance. If sister-in-law wants to cooperate with Mrs. Wang, she must use the army. After all, with Zhang Zhao and Gu Yong His stubbornness will not give in easily."

The Bu trainer nodded and said, "I understand. I have personally ordered my nephew Bu Chan to control the troops in Changshui Camp. Now with the help of my uncle, we should be more confident!"

Sun Hao immediately stood up from his seat and said, "In this case, I will accompany my sister-in-law to see Mrs. Wang immediately. We must take the first action before Zhang Zhao and the others persuade all the officials."

Hearing this, the step trainer immediately stood up from his seat, and said firmly, "If that's the case, let's leave immediately!" The sister-in-law made a plan. "

Upon hearing this, the step trainer immediately raised his head to look at Sun Hao, his eyes suddenly filled with expectation and prayer.That kind of look was so charming that Sun Hao couldn't help feeling a little distracted when he looked at it immediately.

Sun Hao said: "Mrs. Wang's son, Sun Li, is already 12 years old. In addition, Mrs. Wang has always been at odds with Mrs. Xu. Why doesn't my sister-in-law cooperate with Mrs. Wang... Hehehehe..."

The step trainer suddenly realized that although Mrs. Wang came from a famous family, she was actually cowardly by nature.When Sun Li came to power, as long as he could control their mother and son, the wealth and honor in this life would be preserved.

The step trainer was overjoyed immediately, and said with a smile: "Thank you uncle for your advice. If this is done, I will definitely not forget my uncle's kindness today."

Sun Hao smiled and said: "Then I would like to thank sister-in-law. There are still some troops under Hao's acceptance. If sister-in-law wants to cooperate with Mrs. Wang, she must use the army. After all, with Zhang Zhao and Gu Yong His stubbornness will not give in easily."

The Bu trainer nodded and said, "I understand. I have personally ordered my nephew Bu Chan to control the troops in Changshui Camp. Now with the help of my uncle, we should be more confident!"

Sun Hao immediately stood up from his seat and said, "In this case, I will accompany my sister-in-law to see Mrs. Wang immediately. We must take the first action before Zhang Zhao and the others persuade all the officials."

Hearing this, the trainer immediately stood up from his seat, and said firmly, "If that's the case, let's leave immediately!"

(End of this chapter)

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