Chapter 872 Surrender
In the city of Moling, officials and dignitaries in the officialdom were all trying to kill each other because of Shi Guangyuan's contribution, and when some people deliberately looked on coldly from the sidelines, the envoy sent by Deng Ai, Zong Yu was about to meet Yu Fan at this time.

In fact, since Zong Yu was going to go to Kuaiji County as an envoy, Deng Ai must have sent notices to both Yu Fan and Wei Teng before leaving.Otherwise, it would be impossible for Zong Yu to enter the boundary of Kuaiji County.

Of course, when Yu Fan and Wei Teng received Deng Ai's notice, their psychological thoughts should be said to be quite complicated.

On the one hand, after their soldiers were handed over to Zhu Yi to lead the troops, half of them had been wiped out by the army led by Deng Ai, and in the end even Zhu Yi was awarded the head.Deng Ai had already given them a very powerful deterrent, so now they are mostly afraid of Deng Ai Nai.Therefore, Deng Ai didn't use weapons, but shot the messenger to them, of course they were very happy to see it.

On the other hand, the situation in Jiangdong has become extremely complicated and weird. What is the situation in Moling City, and what is the situation in Wu County? One after another, it is almost impossible to see. Clarify the specific direction of the next step.

It would be very beneficial to Yu Fan and Wei Teng if they could get some more useful information from the envoy sent by Deng Ai, the person named Zong Yu.

With the above two considerations in mind, Yu Fan and Wei Teng, after a little struggle in their hearts, soon agreed to see Zong Yu's arrival.Therefore, Zong Yu was able to enter Kuaiji County as quickly as possible, and was able to travel unimpeded in various counties.

On this day, Yu Fan got the news that Zong Yu's convoy was about to arrive.He immediately felt a little nervous in his heart, but he also seemed a little excited.

He followed Sun Ce's side in his early years. At that time, Sun Ce's Jiangdong Foundation had not even written a word. The danger of the situation at that time was not so incomparable.That may be because he is young and energetic, he is also at an ambitious age, and he has received great courtesy from Sun Ce, so he has never felt anxious or nervous about the situation.

After Yu Fan thought of this, he couldn't help sighing in a low voice, and immediately sent someone to ask Wei Teng to come over quickly, and at the same time immediately changed into a fine attire.After all, no matter how you say it, in the news Deng Ai sent, it is true that Yan Mingzongyu came here as an envoy, so he must do a good job in etiquette.What's more, he, Yu Fan, is a famous Confucian of the generation in Jiangdong!
Then, Yu Fan brought his family outside the gate.Soon, Wei Teng also came over in a fine attire.After the two of them greeted each other, Wei Teng asked: "Sir, when will the Zongyu arrive, we can't make us wait here for too long, right?"

Yu Fan nodded and said, "I won't wait too long. My family members just came to report that Zong Yu's convoy has arrived at the gate of the city, and it should be able to reach my mansion within a quarter of an hour to two quarters of an hour. of."

According to the time system of the Han Dynasty, 24 minutes is equivalent to [-] minutes in modern times, which is not a long period of time.Then just wait.

Half an hour later, Zong Yu's men finally appeared.The battle was not big, and it looked a little dusty.

Following Zong Yu's appearance, both Yu Fan and Wei Teng felt a little surprised at the young man who was probably less than 30 years old.The Shu Han would actually send such a young man as an envoy, isn't it rash?

Wei Teng turned his head and asked Yu Fan in a low voice: "Is this Zong Yu too young? Will it work?"

Yu Fan didn't answer, but quietly tugged Wei Teng's sleeve to tell him not to talk nonsense, and then he quickly stepped forward to ask Zong Yu's side first.After confirming that the other party was indeed Zong Yu, Yu Fan also revealed his identity.

Zong Yu must have known about Yu Fan.So the man in front of him, who was full of scholarly aura, but who clearly gave the impression of uprightness, was similar to Zong Yu's imagination.Then he also bowed to Yu Fan.

Then, Wei Teng also immediately stepped forward to greet Zongyu.

After the three of them exchanged greetings, Yu Fan brought Zong Yu into his mansion, where a banquet had been prepared for Zong Yu, and the two parties immediately took their seats.

But because it was a newcomer, everyone just drank and chatted, talking about Shilin.In addition, Yu Fan had always achieved outstanding achievements in preaching scriptures, so Zong Yu used his eloquence and began to ask Yu Fan for advice on this aspect.

Yu Fan also wanted to build a good relationship with Zong Yu at this time, so he was happy to give Zong Yu advice.This night's banquet was a feast for the guests and host.

But starting the next morning, the three of them met to talk about Liu Chan's request that Yu Fan and Wei Teng lead the counties in Kuaiji County to surrender.

It should be said that Liu Chan's request made Yu Fan and Wei Teng feel very embarrassed.First of all, both Yu Fan and Wei Teng are celebrities in Jiangdong.The reason why celebrities are celebrities is first of all their knowledge and attainments; secondly, they are able to pay attention to integrity.

If they took the lead in surrendering to the Shu Han in this way, how would people view them in the future?

But when the two hesitated, they did confirm a lot of information from Zong Yu that was useful for them to judge the situation.For example, the most shocking news, the news that Sun Quan had died in battle, was confirmed by Zong Yu.

It should be said that this was definitely a blow to Yu Fan and Wei Teng.Although they were gradually rejected under Sun Quan's acceptance, Sun Quan was always their master.

However, Sun Quan's death, combined with the siege of Moling City brought by Zong Yu, and after Wu Jun was under the strong attack of the forbidden army, the two of them suddenly discovered that Deng Ai just sent envoys to negotiate now when Deng Ai stood still. Kuaiji County is obviously much happier.

But even so, it was impossible for Yu Fan and Wei Teng to easily agree to unconditional surrender.

But on the third day, Yu Fan and Wei Teng received a shocking news that Deng Ai's army attacked Yuji County in the southeast of Qiantang County at night.The 2000 defenders in the city have been wiped out, and not a single one is left.

Moreover, Deng Ai has sent someone to send news again, saying that the reason for sending Zong Yu is out of respect for Yu Fan and Wei Teng.But if he hesitated and couldn't make a decision, he would have no choice but to lead the army directly through Kuaiji County like Yu Jin did.

Deng Ai's courtesy first and soldiers later forced Yu Fan and Wei Teng to no longer have any choice.

The two discussed it overnight, and early the next morning, the family saw that the eye sockets of the two of them had turned into panda eyes because of staying up late and being exhausted.

Both Yu Fan and Wei Teng ignored the news and immediately summoned Zong Yu, after all they had no choice but to agree to surrender the entire county to the Shu Han.

Zong Yu was overjoyed, and immediately sent a good news to Deng Ai.Two days later, Deng Ai's army set off from Fuchun County and Qiantang County to enter Kuaiji County and began to take over the army and political power in Kuaiji County.

And with the surrender of Kuaiji County without a fight, there will be a whirlwind in the whole Jiangdong, causing more counties and counties to start to surrender.

(End of this chapter)

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