The Jagged Emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 873 Fierce Battle in Moling

Chapter 873 Fierce Battle in Moling

It will take at least three to four days for Deng Ai's good news to be delivered to Liu Chan.But at this time, the time for Liu Chan to give Zhang Zhao and Gu Yong, and even the officials and dignitaries in the city to consider opening their doors and surrendering has already passed.

Masters of politics like Zhang Zhao and Gu Yong have always maintained a wait-and-see attitude towards surrender or not, watching the development of the situation with a cold eye.It should be said that what they did to a certain extent did ease the development of the situation, at least it did not cause a vicious incident where the main combat faction massacred the surrender faction.

Because once that happened, once Moling City fell into the hands of the Shu Han army in the future, what would they think?It may be used as an excuse to launch bloody revenge against the main combat faction, that must be inevitable.

And who are the members of the main combat faction?In addition to Jiangdong's outstanding literati and Confucian scholars, that is the Sun clan and those clansmen of the Sun clan!At that time, these hardcore people in Jiangdong will be eradicated by the Shuhan army at one time. Who will be cheaper?Of course it is clear at a glance.

It can be seen that Zhang Zhao and Gu Yong no longer have much hope for the current Sun regime, and are already making arrangements for the aftermath of the Sun regime's demise.

And trying to preserve the clansmen and relatives of the Sun clan is the last thing that Zhang Zhao and Gu Yong can do for the dead Sun Quan.

However, in the eyes of these two people, it is not yet time to immediately announce their voluntary surrender, because the fire is not yet ready.They must find a good opportunity, an opportunity for them to sit down and have a good discussion with Liu Chan!

While Zhang Zhao and Gu Yong waited and watched, the battle faction and the capitulation faction were even more at odds, and the supporters of the two parties were almost in a state of endless death, and it was impossible to go Trust each other.

Such a state also gave Zhang Zhao and Gu Yong, who were seemingly neutral, room to operate from it.As a result, the atmosphere in the court hall was extremely bad, but on the contrary, it was more conducive to Zhang Zhao and Gu Yong's handling of government affairs.In this tug-of-war between surrendering and continuing to fight, these two people can at least continue to make a final contribution to the people of Moling City.

It can be seen that in many cases, with the participation of selfishness, individuals can use this as a basis to make the greatest contribution to their country.

The behavior of Zhang Zhao and Gu Yong almost perfectly interpreted this. They did consider their own family's interests, but at the same time they also included the interests of the common people.

As for those righteous people who keep swearing, they are often bright on the surface, but they are extremely ugly state moths on the inside!Remember, the more a person likes to call him a brother, or play tricks, the more untrustworthy he is.

And after three days of consideration passed, Liu Chan still didn't receive any reply from Moling City.In addition, Liu Chan's army has already received a lot of siege equipment, and the latter are still being transferred, so it is time for him to take action against Moling City.

So, in the early morning of the fourth day, when it was just dawn, Liu Chan, accompanied by Shi Guangyuan, appeared with his army in the south of Moling City.Zhang Fei was in charge of the siege operations on the west side of the city wall, Shi Guangyuan was in charge of the operations on the east side of the city wall, and You Tu was in charge of the battle on the north side facing the water.The area in the north is narrow and cannot deploy too many troops, so the battle there should be the easiest, so Youtu is also willing to accept it.

The siege operations of the two sides soon started amidst the sound of war drums soaring into the sky.

In fact, Liu Chan's army has adopted such a posture of siege from all sides, and has already conveyed an extremely strong message to the Jiangdong people in the city, that is, they must take the entire city of Moling City. Any one of them, they want them all!

Generally speaking, this kind of siege method is very easy to arouse the will of the defenders in the city to fight desperately, for their own lives, and at the same time for the lives of their own family members in the city.

But there are prerequisites for this, for example, the enemy has released rumors that they want to massacre the city or rob the wealth of the whole city.But these premises are completely untenable in front of the current Shu Han army.

Because Liu Chan gave the people in Moling City three days to consider whether to surrender long before the war started.Moreover, Liu Chan's army has indeed kept its promise of not attacking for three days very honestly, and to some extent it has established a trustworthy impression among the defenders and Moling people.

In addition, Liu Chan himself established a completely different impression from Deng Ai's to Jiangdong people. Deng Ai is a murderous demon without blinking an eye, but Liu Chan has always treated Jiangdong's soldiers and generals very kindly.It is impossible for such a person to suddenly make a crazy act of massacring the city.

Therefore, after Liu Chan's early management, even though the defenders in Moling City were constantly encouraged by Zhuge Ke and accused of how Liu Chan's army evilly slaughtered the Jiangdong people's army, it was still difficult to produce too many Come with the same hatred and hatred.

What's more, the internal friction between the main fighters and the surrender in Moling City has been going on and on, which has greatly weakened the morale of the army and made their centripetal force towards the Sun regime plummet.

But the battle will still be fought, because it is too early for them to have an excuse to disobey the orders of the commanders.In addition, in addition to the equipment in the two warehouses in Moling City, which were evacuated by Zhuge Ke earlier, there are actually two larger buildings that have not been used at all.

Those are the most sophisticated weapons!
Armed with those weapons, the defenders of the Jiangdong Army are indeed powerful enough.At least, judging from the current situation, the various defensive equipment they can use is the most sophisticated that the Shu Han army has ever seen.

A three-day fierce battle broke out between the two sides under Moling City, and the armies of both sides suffered a lot of casualties.But the situation should be said to be more favorable to the Shu Han army, because the number of their soldiers obviously exceeded that of the defenders in the city.And if necessary, they still have two armies from Yu Jin and Deng Ai that can be recruited back for support.

As the commander of the defenders in the city at this time, Zhuge Ke's power is indeed at its peak. At the same age, even Zhou Gongjin was still studying at home, and Sun Ce was still unknown to Yuan Shu, but he still felt sad.

Of course, he is a full-fledged fighter, and he really wanted to intervene in the struggle between the fighters and the capitulators in the ruling and opposition parties. After a few days, Zhang Zhao and Gu Yong put him together to prevent the massacre of the capitulators. , because after the situation got worse, he felt regret in his heart.

Regretting that he was still too naive, actually believed Zhang Zhao and Gu Yong's words too much.

But in fact, if the army is used to intervene to wipe out the power of the surrender faction in one fell swoop, it will only accelerate the fall of Moling City.Because after that incident, the main combat faction no longer trusted Zhuge Ke at all, and completely regarded him as a stranger.Even Sun Deng once found Zhuge Ke and reprimanded him mercilessly face to face.

Zhuge Ke really felt very helpless. In his heart, Sun Deng was the most suitable person to be the new lord of Jiangdong, but the relationship between the two deteriorated so badly.If he can defeat the Shu Han army in the future, this person will also ascend the throne. Zhuge Ke knows that his own death is coming.

Is it still possible to walk together with the main combat faction?Zhuge Ke was confused.

But at the same time, surrender is also very close to Zhuge Ke.Because Zhuge Ke has always stated very strongly that as long as he is still alive, his army will not surrender.

As a result, something that made Zhuge Ke himself feel extremely incredible happened.Even if he was 1 unwilling, he still had to continue to cooperate with Zhang Zhao and Gu Yong, and continue to obey these two people, so that he could temporarily maintain the stability of the city.

Playing with politics, Zhuge Ke is indeed too tender, and in the end he couldn't escape the palms of Zhang Zhao and Gu Yong.As a result, Zhuge Ke, who has always been ambitious and full of self-confidence, suddenly appeared an unusually disheartened state of mind when he entered the peak of his life early.

But even so, Zhuge Ke desperately commanded the defenders in the city to fight the Shu Han army for three full days.It should be said that with the increasing experience in the battlefield, his level of commanding the army has indeed been greatly improved, and he can fight on par with the Shu Han army in many cases.

However, what surprised Zhuge Ke was that three days later, the Shu Han army suddenly stopped attacking, instead of continuing to persist, taking advantage of the advantages of numbers, and adopting long-term continuous combat, completely dragged down the defenders in the city.

This should have been something to be happy about, but Zhuge Ke suddenly had an ominous premonition in his heart.

Such an indescribable premonition lingered in Zhuge Ke's heart for a long time. Perhaps his highly intelligent mind had already realized something, and began to wake him up in this way.

Zhuge Ke's behavior has always been relatively strict, so shortly after the battle ended, he immediately led the whole army. No one is allowed to be lazy. Except for taking turns to rest, no one is allowed to leave their posts without authorization. What tricks will the army adopt to suddenly attack the city again?There was an ominous premonition.

Such an indescribable premonition lingered in Zhuge Ke's heart for a long time. Perhaps his highly intelligent mind had already realized something, and began to wake him up in this way.

Zhuge Ke's behavior has always been relatively strict, so shortly after the battle ended, he immediately led the whole army. No one is allowed to be lazy. Except for taking turns to rest, no one is allowed to leave their posts without authorization. What tricks will the army adopt to suddenly attack the city again?

(End of this chapter)

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