Chapter 902
The series of tedious tasks initiated by the Shu Han regime, the relevant people have been busy until the end of autumn, and finally completed relatively smoothly.Moreover, due to the relatively good implementation of various matters this time, there has not been any major turmoil in the territory of Shuhan.

Due to Liu Chan's efforts to balance the situation, the spring and autumn of this year have finally passed smoothly.Not only Jingzhou, but also the agriculture in the Jiangdong area, the production this year has not been affected after all.

Moreover, because Xu Sheng's Lukou Port Navy was disbanded by Liu Chan in the spring for a holiday, and the holiday time was still very long, so that the soldiers of the army could spend some time in the spring. Enough time at home to help the family with farming.Moreover, these soldiers are all young and strong labor force.Therefore, this incident has also had a certain impact, causing the grain production in some places this year to be much higher than in previous years.

This move should have helped Liu Chan win the hearts and minds of many Jiangdong people in some places.Moreover, since the local officials had already received an order issued by Liu Chan, when the holiday was approaching, they also promptly notified the soldiers that they should return to Lukou Port for assembly.Therefore, the army was finally reorganized without losing many soldiers.

These are all asides.

In other words, because Liu Chan's autumn grain has been harvested in Jingzhou and Jiangdong, Liu Chan finally has the grain and grass in his hands that can sustain the army for several months of war.

His heart became restless again, and he decided to take this opportunity to attack Shi Xie's family in Jiaozhou.

Originally, Liu Chan could actually continue to let Zhang Fei maintain the necessary troops, and it would be enough to constitute a deterrent to Jiaozhou.But the problem also appeared in the fact that Cao Wei and Shu Han proclaimed themselves emperors one after another.

Zhuge Ke took his young Sun Li to Jiaozhou and joined Shi Xie.Then, whether Shi Xie is willing or not, he is indeed a subject of the former Sun regime, so he has to give Sun Li the corresponding courtesy.

At the same time, as the troops of Zhang Fei and Deng Ai had reached the border of Jiaozhou, even if they just stood still, they still put great pressure on Shi Xie.

What's more, Zhang Fei also continued to send their own envoys, and even later Liu Chan sent Zongyu there again to take charge of the envoy to Jiaozhou.

Zong Yu gave another sad reminder this time.Originally, Liu Chan had already recommended Zong Yu to Zhang Zhao, Taichang, so that he could take up the post in a subordinate institution of Taichang in Chengdu, so that he would save the trouble of struggling for the position of the local county magistrate.

But with Liu Bei becoming emperor, Zhuge Ke also seemed to feel that it was time to establish Sun Li's name.Therefore, he let Sun Li become king in Jiaozhou.Zhuge Ke himself became the general.The so-called general, this is an extremely high-ranking official position beyond the position of the three princes, and Zhuge Ke's political ambitions are really not small.

Shi Xie naturally rose with the tide, and was named General Hussar and Marquis of Jiaxiang by Sun Li.

The other children of Shi Xie's family also got excellent official positions.

However, not only Shi Xie himself, but other members of Shi Xie's family did not express any gratitude for this.Because the Sun regime, in fact, has perished, how much weight can your Sun Li confer at this time?
What's more, Zhang Fei's army is putting more and more military pressure on Jiaozhou.In addition, the establishment of the Shu Han Dynasty made the Shu Han army more powerful, and Zhang Fei's envoys continued to lobby, making Shi Xie's heart more shaken.

But Shi Xie also has his own difficulties.That is, his character is actually very weak, and he doesn't have much ambition, so his decision-making is easily influenced by others.

Zhuge Ke opened up his three-inch tongue, and repeatedly persuaded Shi Xie to send troops to help Sun Li recover Jiangdong; Zong Yu was also eloquent, urging Shi Xie not only for his own wealth and life, but also for the sake of Jiaozhou and the people , should surrender to the Shu Han as soon as possible; Shi Xie's brothers and sons are a group of arrogant people, and they have sent out to encourage Shi Xie to stand up and proclaim himself king, so they don't want the official positions that Sun Li conferred.

Under such lobbying by the three parties, Shi Xie was originally a literati with no ideas, and now he became even more troubled.

During this period, besides lobbying Shi Xie, Zhuge Ke did not do little in other things.He has been making friends everywhere in Jiaozhou officialdom, and when he escaped from Moling, he took a lot of property with him. At this time, it is very useful. While making friends, he went around buying Jiaozhou officials.

Due to the delay in giving the Shu Han a clear answer, the time was delayed until the end of autumn that year.

At this time, since the harvest of autumn grains in Jingzhou and Jiangdong had been completed, Liu Chan decided to settle Jiaozhou together according to the current situation, and then the east of Shu Han could calm down and carry out a larger-scale reconstruction.Otherwise, like Jiaozhou's non-painful attitude, I don't know how long it will be delayed before it can be resolved.

Moreover, Zhang Fei's army is quite large, so don't waste precious food and grass in vain.

Therefore, Liu Chan sent an order to Zhang Fei, asking him and Deng Ai to immediately change the army from the current state of military deterrence to a state of military offensive.Moreover, Liu Chan and Yu Jin have already drawn up a battle plan for Zhang Fei and Deng Ai for the night.

In the autumn and September of that year, Zhang Fei's troops suddenly invaded the territory of Jiaozhou, defeating the Jiaozhou army led by Shi Xie's younger brother Shi Yi three times.

Shi Xie was frightened and panicked for a moment, not knowing what to do.At this time, those Jiaozhou officials who received bribes from Zhuge Ke began to encourage Shi Xie to hand over the army to Zhuge Ke to command. After all, Zhuge Ke was known as a great talent in Jiangdong.

At this time, Shi Xie was already in disbelief, so regardless of his sons' objections, he appointed Zhuge Ke as the commander of the Jiaozhou Army and led the Jiaozhou Army to defeat Zhang Fei.

Zhuge Ke's talent is really not hidden. Under his leadership, the Jiaozhou Army not only successfully blocked the advance of Zhang Fei's army, but also successfully forced Zhang Fei to withdraw his troops.

But Zhuge Ke didn't want to give Zhang Fei a chance, he chased all the way and won all the way, and finally broke into the territory of Luling County, and he had the momentum to regain Jiangdong.

But such a situation is actually doomed to the death of the Jiaozhou Army.

Just when Zhuge Ke led the Jiaozhou Army to attack Luling County, Deng Ai, who had been silent all this time, appeared with 6000 troops.They bought off the barbarian tribes in the south of Jian'an County, successfully passed through there, entered today's Chaoshan area of ​​Guangdong, and detoured to the rear of Zhuge Ke's army.

Therefore, Zhang Fei's consecutive defeats were actually just arrangements in Liu Chan's combat plan.The purpose is to attract the Jiaozhou Army from Jiaozhou, which has a relatively complex terrain, and then solve it in Luling County at once!

And Zhuge Ke's impatience helped Liu Chan and Zhang Fei a lot.

The troops of Deng Ai and Zhang Fei were about to be encircled by the state army. After four days of onslaught, nearly ten thousand people were successfully surrendered.

However, Zhuge Ke escaped again.

After Shi Xie's family lost their army, they had to surrender to Shu Han immediately.At this time, it was impossible for Zhuge Ke to go back to find Sun Li, and Sun Li was sent to Zhang Fei by Shi Xie. Zhuge Ke continued to escape from the sea and entered Champa, south of Jiaozhou.

This also provided an excellent excuse for the Shu Han army to send troops to completely conquer Champa in the future and to map the difficult territory of Vietnam today.

Since then, Jiaozhou has finally been completely pacified.

Sun Li was then sent to Chengdu to take care of him, while Shi Xie was awarded the title of General Wei, who was changed from Longbianhou to Tinghou. The whole family went to Chengdu to report on their duties, completely driving Shixie's family out of Jiaozhou.

(End of this chapter)

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