Chapter 903 Peace Process
As Jiaozhou was pacified by Zhang Fei and Deng Ai, most of the potential dangers in Sun Li's side were also resolved, that is, only Zhuge Ke was left.

However, since Zhuge Ke fled into Champa, and the relationship between Champa and the big Han is very bad, Zhuge Ke should easily get their asylum.Therefore, if the Shu Han wants to catch Zhuge Ke, it may take time to operate.

However, Liu Chan's ambition exploded at this time. After all, the easy pacification of Jiaozhou greatly enhanced his self-confidence.Therefore, he has already considered that he will conquer Champa together in the future.Otherwise, Champa will be like when Sun Quan ruled Jiangdong in history, when conflicts broke out between the two sides.

Moreover, there is another very important thing for Liu Chan to conquer Champa.That is, according to historical records, Zhancheng was a very rich place. After Sun Quan's army captured Zhancheng, they searched a lot of gold from there to ensure that the Jiangdong Army had enough military expenses.

Liu Chan, or Shu Han, now needs a lot of money in many places, and of course he hopes to get more wealth.

However, Liu Chan wants to go back to Chengdu now.

Because it is absolutely impossible for a person who is far away from the center of political power to gain political power.For example, Dong Zhuo, the hero of the year, if he hadn’t led his army into Luoyang, no matter how many troops he had, he would only be able to be a grass-headed king in the northwest until his death. How could he be the prime minister of the Eastern Han Dynasty and fully control the country’s political power.

Liu Chan is also facing the same problem now.

Although he succeeded in becoming the prince of the Shu Han and had a large number of troops in his hands, all the areas and troops he controlled were located on the outskirts of Yizhou.In terms of future power struggles, these factors can only enhance his momentum, but the most important thing will still depend on internal factors in Yizhou.

Therefore, for his own future plans, Liu Chan must return to Chengdu as soon as possible.After all, he hasn't been back for two years, and staying away from Chengdu for a long time is extremely unfavorable to him.

Liu Chan began to write to Chengdu, saying that Chengdu should quickly appoint and remove the corresponding governors in Jingzhou, Yangzhou and Jiaozhou.Of course, only in this way can he escape from the local area.

But Chengdu did not give permission for this, and actually asked Liu Chan to continue to settle down in Jiangdong before returning to Chengdu.And what's a little weird is that Liu Bei also fully authorized Liu Chan to handle the revival of Jiangdong and Jiaozhou.

Liu Chan felt that there might be interesting political tricks hidden in it, and it might be Liu Bei's guard against him.

Liu Chan can only sigh in his heart, power is really not a good thing, but everyone loves it.Although the relationship between him and Liu Bei is not very deep, there has never been such suspicion.It's all about power!

Liu Chan wrote repeatedly, saying that he was still too young and obviously lacked administrative experience, so he was unable to undertake the major project of regaining the hearts of the people in Jiangdong.Obviously, he must go back to Chengdu.

But Chengdu still refused to allow it.

Liu Chan finally couldn't help losing his temper.I couldn't help but wrote to Zhuge Liang and Fazheng, asking the Chengdu side why they treated him like this!

But both Fazheng and Zhuge Liang have something to hide now. They just sent a letter to tell Liu Chan that Zhao Yan and Wen Hui from Cao Wei's side, after learning that Cao Pi had usurped the Han Dynasty, finally expressed their submission to the Shu Han.

These two people have always been the talents Liu Chan wanted very much, and they were sent to Chengdu as a last resort.Wen Hui is definitely the best of the best in terms of civil affairs.Although Zhao Yan was a bit slippery, he was absolutely talented in both civil and military affairs.It must be a very good thing for Shu Han that such talents can submit.

When Liu Chan saw that their reply to him was actually like this, he immediately felt very helpless.

After receiving Zhang Fei and returning to Moling City, he told Zhang Fei, but Zhang Fei advised Liu Chan to endure it for a while. He himself will return to Chengdu soon, and the situation there will be clear by then. .

Therefore, Liu Chan had no choice but to accept his fate, and stayed in Moling City with a little peace of mind.

However, Liu Chan was still not reconciled.Since Wen Hui is a new surrender, he must not have taken up an official position yet.Liu Chan immediately proposed to Chengdu that Wen Hui could be appointed as Prince Shaofu and come to Jiangdong to help him handle Jiangdong's affairs.

Liu Chan's proposal was a little impulsive.It should be said that Liu Chan's grand tutor was given to Xu Jing, and this young tutor should belong to Shi Guangyuan from a common sense.But now it feels a little strange to give Wen Hui who has just surrendered.

However, Liu Chan really couldn't find a suitable position for Wen Hui for the time being.

When Wen Hui was in Cao Wei, he was the governor of Erqianshi, and he had a great reputation. It is impossible to randomly arrange an official position like the bastard of the prince, right?That's really downgrading too much.

But if Wen Hui is directly serving in Yangzhou, in fact, only the governor of Yangzhou has been worthy of Wen Hui's weight.But this is clearly impossible.

Not long after Yangzhou was conquered, if a person who surrendered from Cao Wei was to be appointed as the governor, not only the people of Shu Han would not agree, but even the people of Jiangdong would not agree.Therefore, after Liu Chan thought about it, he had no choice but to give Prince Shao Fu to Wen Hui.Although since the establishment of the Eastern Han Dynasty, Shaofu has rarely been established.

In view of the fact that Chengdu had refused to approve Liu Chan's request to return to Chengdu many times, they probably couldn't withstand the pressure from Liu Chan this time, so they agreed to set up a young assistant for Liu Chan, and Wen Hui immediately rushed to Moling City to take up the post.Zhang Fei took Zhang Bao and a group of Jiangzhou troops back to Jiangzhou, and then transferred to Chengdu.

Liu Chan then authorized Deng Ai to lead the army to station in Jiaozhou to maintain local law and order and defend against possible provocations by the Champa army.

After Wen Hui took office, Liu Chan handed over all the civil affairs in Jiangdong and Jiaozhou to Wen Hui.Even though Wen Hui's official position is higher than that of the governor, he is actually doing the things of the chief executive.

Thanks to Wen Hui's help, Liu Chan was relieved a lot in terms of administration.After all, Wen Hui, who was assessed by historians as a great talent capable of "surviving thousands of miles", could that be assessed casually?
Then, Liu Chan also decided to do something earth-shattering in Jiangdong.Now that Liu Bei has fully authorized him, and seems to be suspicious of him, then I will give Yu a strong counterattack, now who is afraid of whom!

As a result, Liu Chan began to lead the Jiangdong peace process that had a great influence in history.

Liu Chan first signed an earth-shattering amnesty decree, which was later called the "Jiangdong Peace Agreement".

This amnesty decree, in the name of the Shu Han, announced to the world from a legal perspective that those who have served as officials of the Sun regime in Jiangdong, those who have fought for the Sun regime, no matter whether they are still imprisoned or not That is, except for the actual criminals, they all announced from the legal level that they have all been pardoned for any possible accountability.

In this way, in other words, those main combatants of the former Sun regime who have been under house arrest at home can finally see the light of day again at this time.

In fact, among the original Jiangdong Army, there are still many soldiers who have been detained and have not been dealt with accordingly. At this time, they can finally be released and go home.

Furthermore, high-ranking prisoners such as Zhu Huan and Sun Huan who were detained in Jiangling City, as well as prisoners who were detained in Moling City such as Lu Xun and Kan Ze who had not surrendered, could also be released.

Liu Chan suddenly made such a big move, not only Jiangdong, but also Jingzhou and Chengdu were in an uproar.

Ministers wrote letters one after another, pointing out that Liu Chan's actions were too dangerous.

But Liu Chan immediately wrote a letter to defend, saying that this is one of the powers authorized by the emperor. If he thinks it is inappropriate, he is willing to give up all authorizations and go back to Chengdu by himself!
As a result, all voices of opposition were suppressed by Liu Bei, and Liu Chan continued to practice his thoughts of Ma Xingkong in Jiangdong.

But in fact, Jiang Dong did not have an accident because of this, and Jiang Dong was still very calm.

Because with the release of Lu Xun and others, they saw that the Sun Wu regime had perished and their family's power had also suffered a heavy blow, so they were determined not to cause trouble again.

Liu Chan has always wanted to accept Lu Xun and Kan Ze.But judging from the current situation, they are still young, and they can be left alone for a year or two, and it will not be too late to recruit them after they take over the position.

However, Liu Chan went to visit the two in person.After their family members were captured by the Shu Han army in Moling City, they were treated with tolerance and were not placed under house arrest, so they were also grateful to Liu Chan.

As for the members of the Sun family, most of them became disheartened after learning that Sun Li was under house arrest in Chengdu.

What's more, Sun Jing, who is the most charismatic, is already old and weak at this time.Zhu Huan, the most outstanding member of the Sun clan, is still too young.Therefore, the appeal of the Sun family was almost completely lost, and they had no choice but to be good citizens.

(End of this chapter)

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