Chapter 92 Punishment ([-])

Sun Huan walked up to Sun Luban and gently pinched her smooth and pointed chin.Sun Luban looked angry, the original fear in her eyes had dissipated, and the strong humiliation filled her with anger.

Finally, Sun Luban became hysterical, shook his head violently, and prevented Sun Huan's hand from touching her, and shouted loudly: "You, if you dare to touch me, I will ask my father to kill you, and I will definitely kill you!" It's you!"

It was strange for a person like Sun Luban. She allowed herself to have an affair with a man, but did not allow another man's hand to touch her.Is cheating really a noble thing?This really puzzled Liu Chan.

Sun Luban's vigor suddenly came up, and he shouted and cursed loudly again, not only Liu Chan, but also the ancestors of Sun Huan's family who didn't make a move.

Sun Huan was a little taken aback by Liu Chan's bold move, but now seeing Sun Luban yelling and scolding him is really outrageous, even scolding his own ancestors.He immediately stepped forward and stretched his palms to pinch Sun Luban's mouth. He used great strength and didn't know how to be sympathetic. Sun Luban couldn't move anymore, and there was a burst of pain on his face.

Sun Huan threatened viciously: "Princess Quan, I'm a rough man. If you dare to be presumptuous again and make Lao Tzu unhappy, maybe I can't help but kill you!"

Sun Huan's ferocious threat really had a good effect, and Sun Luban immediately became honest and did not dare to struggle recklessly.But in fact, Sun Luban's heart was already undercurrents, and countless terrifying thoughts rushed through
——Could it be that they will throw my body into thousands of pieces and throw it into the river to feed the fish?
—or they'll take out my heart and serve it with wine!


Thinking of this, Sun Luban's face turned from pale to livid, his body trembled uncontrollably, and finally he couldn't help crying: "You guys, why do you treat me like this..."

Liu Chan and Sun Huan exchanged glances in secret, knowing that Sun Luban's defensive line had collapsed, so there might not be a very complacent look on his face.

Liu Chan stepped forward and said with a smile: "Actually, you can't blame us. If you want to blame, you can only blame yourself for being too self-righteous, treating others so poorly, and hurting people who shouldn't be hurt!"

At this time, Sun Luban was already crying like pear blossoms and rain, but unfortunately the two men in front of him only cared about threatening her, so they didn't have the slightest bit of compassion.Moreover, Sun Luban thought hard, but he couldn't find anyone who would use such vicious means to deal with her!She really wanted to find that person immediately and tear him into pieces.

Liu Chan didn't let Sun Luban go so easily, put his head close to Sun Luban, and said with a soft smile, "Do you know where we are going to send you next? naturally don't know, let me tell you, yes A trick shop! The trick shop opened by your family!"

Hearing this, Sun Luban uttered a heart-piercing cry, rolled his eyes and passed out.

Liu Chan and Sun Huan immediately went to check on Sun Luban's condition.Liu Chan's method is very professional. He doesn't directly detect the breathing, but uses two fingers to detect whether the arteries in the neck are still beating.

Fortunately, Liu Chan breathed a sigh of relief, Sun Luban's life is still strong, and he was not scared to death because of it.The two immediately looked at each other and smiled, because there will be more exciting plots to come!
In fact, only half an hour has passed, but the place is no longer the dark basement just now.

This is an exquisite wing room. Although the doors and windows are closed tightly, the air inside does not feel stuffy.On the contrary, in fact, there is still a faint fragrance floating in the air inside.

Against the back wall is an exquisitely carved golden wooden couch, all of which are carved with patterns of dragons and phoenixes, covered by a light curtain, as if surrounded by a layer of light smoke.

In the middle of the room is a table case with a pair of porcelain on one side.On the left side by the window, there is a dressing table with a clear bronze mirror and some rouge and gouache on it.

This is clearly a woman's room, and probably a woman's room from a wealthy family.But the strange thing is that the beautiful woman lying on the couch was tied tightly with cloth strips, and it seemed that she was a little weak even to breathe.

There were three people standing in front of the bed, Sun Huan, Liu Chan and a middle-aged lady with masks.Although she was wearing gold and silver, she actually had no temperament at all!

Sun Huan looked at Sun Luban and said with a smile, "How do you wake her up?"

Naturally, Liu Chan had a solution. He went to the table and poured a glass of water out of porcelain, then took the tea in his mouth, walked back to the bed, and sprayed the tea on Sun Luban's face with a puff.

Poor Sun Luban has never been treated like this since he was a child!However, fortunately, she is still in a coma, otherwise she would immediately go to wash her face a hundred times, even if she scratched her face, she would still feel dirty.

At this time, Sun Luban only felt a shock, and his consciousness gradually came to his senses.She opened her eyes in a daze, and found that the hair on her face and forehead were a little wet, and she felt a little uncomfortable.

Then, she found that everything in front of her was very strange, it was not her own room at all!What was even more frightening was that there were three people standing in front of her. She had seen Liu Chan and Sun Huan before, but now there was another woman? !

Sun Luban immediately wanted to get up from the bed, but found that his body could not move at all, because he had been tied up by two cloth strips!
(End of this chapter)

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