Chapter 93 Punishment ([-])

The old bustard had never left Sun Luban's eyes since just now, and kept nodding.In fact, even if you searched all over Jiangdong, you might not find many beauties like Sun Luban, so it was only natural that she nodded.

Seeing Sun Luban opened his eyes, the old bustard took out a silk handkerchief, wiped the tea off her face, and said softly, "Girl, it's all over now, you're finally awake!"

Sun Luban saw that the old bustard treated her very gently, not as vicious as the two men next to her, so he asked, "How did I wake up, and where is this place?" As for why she was tied up, If you think about it with your own toes, you can understand that it is naturally to prevent her from struggling and escaping.

Without waiting for the old bustard to answer, Liu Chan pointed to the porcelain bowl in his hand and said with a smile, "I sprayed you with tea to wake you up!"

"What?! You villain, I, I..."

When Liu Chan and Sun Huan saw Sun Luban's face turning pale again with anger, and desperately rubbing against the life next to him, they knew that her cleanliness must be quite serious.

Naturally, Sun Huan would not let go of any opportunity to insult Sun Luban, so he said viciously: "Looking at her, I really don't know how she cheated on a man. Your saliva is dirty. Could it be that other men's saliva is not good enough?" Dirty?"

Liu Chan nodded and smiled, "Maybe my saliva smells worse than others? Because I really haven't rinsed my mouth for three days!"

Naturally, Liu Chan's words were only used to frighten Sun Luban, but Sun Luban couldn't bear it, he couldn't help but let out another scream, and his body struggled again.The two big men couldn't help laughing again with great pride.

After the two laughed enough, Liu Chan asked the old bustard: "You have seen the product now, it must be the top of the top, can you give me a price?"

The old bustard has been hanging out in this land of wind and moon for decades, and has already become a human being.She was not in a hurry to answer Liu Chan, but just looked him up and down, and said with a smile on her face: "Young master, this product is a good product, but this person seems to know the origin is unusual! What if her family finds him?" Is good?"

Seeing that the old bustard was beating around the bush to bargain, and his skills were not too bad, Liu Chan said, "Buddhist, there are always a few women in your trick shop, right? In fact, our brothers Money is really tight recently, as long as you offer a reasonable price, we don't bother to haggle with you."

Now the descendant Lu Ban finally knows where this place is, because Liu Chan's words have made it very clear-this is a trick shop, and this kind woman is the old bustard here!

The majestic princess of the Soochow Wu was actually sold to be a prostitute? !And these villains are still bargaining with others in front of themselves?Sun Luban suddenly felt that the sky was about to fall, and he had difficulty breathing in his chest.

She immediately shouted: "You villains, I am the princess of the Marquis Wu family, and I will let my father tear you all to pieces!"

The old bustard was stunned immediately, looking at Liu Chan with hesitation.

Liu Chan said with a smile: "Old bustard, what are you thinking! This woman must have been frightened and lost her mind, how can she take what she said seriously! The princess will be sold to a brothel, can you believe it?"

The old bustard blurted out, "Of course it's impossible."

Liu Chan smiled and said, "That's it, let's talk about the price first."

Sun Luban shouted again: "I'm really the princess, really..."

Seeing that she had shouted and quarreled enough, Liu Chan reached out and snatched Luopa from the old bustard's hand, but Luopa was a little wet, and stuffed Sun Luban's mouth tightly.Poor Sun Luban was just sprayed by Liu Chan's saliva just now, but now he ate the saliva.

Liu Chan clapped his hands and said with a smile: "It's finally quiet now!" Then he told the old bustard that such a thing should be worth at least fifty gold.

Fifty gold is definitely an astronomical sum, even if the old bustard sold the house, it would not be worth the price.She immediately said: "My lord, are you blackmailing me as a woman? Fifty gold can buy a big house!"

Liu Chan sarcastically said: "A person like you who forces a woman into prostitution dares to call herself a woman? Otherwise, you can set a price yourself!"

In fact, he was secretly laughing, if you, the bustard, really buy Sun Luban, you will die as badly as you want!Why are you still haggling with me now, why don't you give me the family property now, so as not to make Sun Quan cheaper in time.Now that I send you to your death, it can be regarded as a good deed for the society.

The old bustard turned red and white at Liu Chan's words. She was really angry in her heart, and said slightly angrily: "Since you say so, then I will make an offer. The three golds can only be lowered and cannot be raised!"

"It's impossible for such a beauty to only sell for three golds. Ten golds!"

"Two gold!"

Liu Chan didn't like it at first sight, it seemed that the old bustard really had a fight with him, and raised the price again: "Eight gold!"

The old bustard immediately stretched out a finger and said, "One gold!"

Liu Chan seemed to be getting annoyed, and also confronted the old bustard, shouting, "Hardware!"

But if someone else is looking at them, they will definitely feel that this young man must be crazy. The old bustard is getting lower and lower in price. It is clear that he has no intention of making a deal, but he still only cares about arguing with him!
Sure enough, the old bustard continued to shout: "Five hundred coins!"

Sun Huanzai really couldn't stand it anymore, the majestic princess of Soochow Wu was only worth five hundred coins?And according to this situation, the price seems to continue to go down, which is really outrageous.He immediately stood up and said, "Deal! Five hundred Wen is five hundred Wen!"

"What?!!" Now it was the old bustard's turn to be dumbfounded. Are these two lunatics or fools, and they actually sold a beauty like this?

In fact, it's not worth the old bustard's dumbfounded.If Sun Luban was able to move now, he would have wished to find a pillar and smash him head-on to death right away - he was worth only [-] Wen, the majestic Soochow Princess?It's even worse than the price of a servant!
Sun Luban stretched his legs and passed out again.

After a while, Liu Chan and Sun Huan walked out triumphantly from the back door of the brothel, Liu Chan still held a string of five hundred Wen coins in his hand.At this time, the night was dark, only the inside of the brothel was still brightly lit, reflecting a corrupt atmosphere.

At this time, the mask on Sun Huan's face had been taken off, and he looked at Liu Chan with a satisfied smile on his face, feeling that this kid Yang Huang was really to his liking, and he was more daring than himself.

Liu Chan shook the money in his hand and asked, "How should we divide the money?"

Sun Huan said with a smile: "It's just a few pennies, you just take it."

Liu Chan said with a smile: "No, no, this is our labor income, and every penny is our sweat, so it must be divided equally!"

Sun Huan immediately laughed with Liu Chan, laughing so hard that tears flowed out!

When the two of them had laughed enough, Sun Huan asked: "Sun Luban is my lord's heart, and her disappearance will definitely arouse the lord's anger, so he will put aside the matter of Bai Hongjian for a while. I think Brother Yang, you are temporarily It's safe, when will you leave Jianye?"

"I wanted to teach Zhu Yi and Bu Lianshi a lesson, but Brother Shuwu, you are right. Now is the best time for me to leave Jianye, so I will take advantage of them for the time being! I will wait I'll be leaving in a while."

Sun Huan knew that Liu Chan was playing lip service, and that Zhu Yi and Mrs. Bu were not easy to deal with, so he nodded with a smile and said, "The two of you just keep your brother to avenge you. By the way, the city gate is closed now." , you can’t leave the city, why don’t you go home with me?”

Liu Chan waved his hand and said, "This is inappropriate. The younger brother has been bothering you for many days and you will inevitably be seen by others when you come out of here, so I am afraid that you will also be suspected by then. So, the younger brother has already thought about it." Better go somewhere else."

Sun Huan wondered, "Do you still want to go back to Zhuge's mansion? Zhuge Ke is extremely smart and perceptive. If he lives there, he will definitely notice."

Liu Chan smiled and said, "It's not Zhuge Mansion, it's somewhere else. However, I can't tell you yet."

Sun Huan knew that Liu Chan was thinking about safety, so he didn't ask any more questions, and said with a smile: "Brother Yang, you have to go well, and I won't see you off. If you have any difficulties at that time, you must tell me immediately." Send the letter!"

At this time, Liu Chan thought of a question: "Brother Shuwu, you don't really want Sun Luban to pick up the guests, do you?"

Sun Huan smiled and said, "Don't worry, I'm not that kind of shameless person. I've already given the old bustard a sum of money to let her torture Sun Luban for a few days, and then I'll take someone to rescue her myself. "

Liu Chan laughed, this Sun Huan had a lot of ghost thoughts, he was the one who pushed it into the fire pit, and he was the one who saved people and made meritorious service in the end!

Then the two of them boarded a carriage and drove in different directions.

(End of this chapter)

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