Chapter 94
Liu Chan's carriage then drove towards the east of the city quickly under the guard of a white-armored guard.It was already the middle of the night, and the people in the city had already fallen asleep for a long time, only the bright moon in the sky was shining quietly, and the dog in the distance who didn't know it was sleeping occasionally barked a few times.

Other than that, there was only the loud sound of hooves from Liu Chan's carriage on the brick street.

After a long period of time, the carriage finally stopped at the back door of a very large mansion.The back door is not big, but there are one or two tufts of grass growing on the steps. It seems that few people enter from here.

But the strange thing is that there are still two crimson lanterns hanging under the eaves of the door, emitting a faint red light, which can only illuminate a corner in front of the door.On each lantern, there is a bright "Zhou" written on it, so this must be the Zhou Mansion.It's just that there are many people with the surname Zhou in this world, and I don't know whose family Zhou this Zhou belongs to.

Liu Chan immediately opened the door curtain of the carriage, walked out to look at the back door of the Zhou Mansion, the upper door panels looked a bit old, presumably they hadn't been painted for some years.

At this time, the back door of the Zhou Mansion was suddenly opened from the inside, and an old man about 50 years old and wearing coarse clothes walked out.He seemed to have been waiting inside the back door, so when he heard the movement of the carriage outside, he quickly opened the door and came out.

Seeing Liu Chan approaching, the old man saluted and said, "Excuse me, my lord, is this the honored guest who sent the letter today?"

Liu Chan was always very polite to the old man, and he smiled back and said, "The old man is polite. I am the one who sent the letter today."

Seeing Liu Chan being so polite, the old man was very happy. A smile suddenly appeared on his face, and he said, "The little old man is just a servant, so don't be too polite to a distinguished guest. Come, please follow me in. Please enter your carriage through the front door."

Liu Chan secretly sighed, the people in Zhou's family are really extraordinary this time, even an old servant can speak so well.After thanking the old man again, he let the carriage drive to the front gate by himself, and he entered the Zhou mansion with a guard in white armor.

Then Liu Chan walked and said to the old man: "Old man, it's really presumptuous of me to come so late at night, I must be disturbing your wife's rest, right?"

The old man smiled and said: "My wife has been waiting for you not to come, so I had to go to rest first. However, my wife has prepared a rest room, wine and food for you, son. Please feel free to rest here. If you If there is anything else you need, just tell the little old man."

Liu Chan thanked the old man again, and then followed the old man to a relatively remote yard on the side.It seems that no one has lived here for a long time, so it can be seen that it was specially cleaned to welcome Liu Chan's arrival, but the miscellaneous trees and weeds growing in the nearby flower beds have not been cleaned up in time.

However, these are not big problems for Liu Chan.Now that I am away from home, and it is dangerous outside, I can say that I am lucky to have a place to take myself in.

The old man said immediately, "May I ask your surname?"

"My surname is Yang."

"Oh, it turned out to be Mr. Yang. My wife said, because you need to keep your whereabouts secret, Mr. Yang, so I packed up this most remote courtyard and let you live in it first. Tomorrow, the little old man will bring someone to take this Clean up the courtyard when you come and go, so that you can live more comfortably."

Liu Chan nodded and said, "Then I'll have to thank you, old man."

Then, the two entered the courtyard. There should be six or seven rooms in it, just right for Liu Chan and his white-armored guards to live together.However, the house does look a little dilapidated. It must have been a long time since no one came here. Many places on the window sills and pillars have been painted.

The old man then pointed to the brightly lit main room in front of him and said, "My lord, please come with me. The biggest room is for you to stay temporarily. The side rooms on both sides are for your servants." people live."

Liu Chan nodded, leaving a silver-armored imperial guard, and then separated four people, spread out and went around the house, probably to check or take precautions, leaving only two people to protect Liu Chan.Its security work is really impeccable.

Seeing this, the old man couldn't help showing a trace of surprise on his face.Because when the master was still there, Sun Quan, the lord of Wu, had just come to power at that time, so he often came to ask for domestic government affairs, and his guards almost all did the same as this servant of Mr. Yang.It's just that I don't know the origin of this Mr. Yang, and his servants act so nervously.

But the old man is also a well-informed person, some things are confidential, and he is not a servant who can intervene.So he pretended that nothing happened, directly led Liu Chan up the steps, pushed open the door of the house and walked in together.

This is a very large room, it can even be said to be an independent hall, the inside is rectangular, probably enough to place ten tables.On the side stand, dozens of long candles are densely placed on it, illuminating the room like daylight, making people feel a little too luxurious.

On the right side of the room, there is a table with steaming wine and dishes on it, but it looks a bit lonely in this empty room.In the innermost part of the house, there is a big bed, which should be where Liu Chan will sleep tonight.

Liu Chan was a little flattered and asked: "Old man, how can this room be so big?"

The old man sighed, and said with a hint of heaviness: "In fact, this room was lived in more than two years ago. It was originally the room of my master and wife. Unfortunately, God is jealous of talents. After my master died young, The madam was so sad that she helped her to live in another courtyard. Later, this place became the residence of my eldest son. Unfortunately, he also passed away early, and the young lady later moved back to her mother's house. This place has been vacant until now. Now."

Liu Chan couldn't help but also let out a sigh. It turned out that this was the room of Zhou Yu, Zhou Gongjin and Xiao Qiao, and it was also the room used by Zhou Xun and Sun Luban before.It's ridiculous that I just cleaned up Sun Luban, and I lived in her room after a while. Is this God's will or a joke made by God?

The old man said again: "Mr. Yang, if you feel hungry now, please have some food and wine first. If you are not hungry, you can also wash up first. I have ordered the hot water to be boiled."

Liu Chan was very happy that the old man was so considerate for himself, and said with a smile: "It's not busy to wash, I'm really hungry now, I'd better eat something first. By the way, old man, my servants are also busy today One day, they should be hungry too, so you should prepare some food for them too."

The old man laughed and said, "Young master, you don't have to call me old man. You can just call me Zhou Fu. Your servants' food and drinks have already been placed in their rooms. You are really considerate of your servants." good man."

Liu Chan smiled, and then took his seat.And Zhou Fu did not leave, and poured wine for Liu Chan and waited on him.

Liu Chan still liked Zhou Fu very much, so he chatted with him while eating.He quickly inquired about many things about Zhou Gongjin's past, some sad and some happy anecdotes.Especially the past events about Zhou Yu and Xiao Qiao, plus the fact that Zhou Fu is an eloquent person, he arranged it so that it could be directly used to make a movie, which made Liu Chan feel that the trip was worthwhile.

After eating, drinking, and grooming, Liu Chan lay down on the bed that Zhou Yu and Xiao Qiao shared with Zhou Fu under the service of Zhou Fu.

The bed was very clean, exuding a faint lotus fragrance.Liu Chan couldn't help but think of how similar this fragrance was to Xiao Qiao's temperament.That romantic and suave handsome man back then, the governor Zhou Yu and Xiao Qiao whom Liu Chan had always admired in his heart, played a drum and qin and chanted a ditty here.

Liu Chan fantasized and envied at the same time, and soon fell into a deep sleep.

(End of this chapter)

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