Chapter 332 Luoshen?

Mr. Cao's request has been fulfilled!

The eldest son Cao Pi was the first to enter Yecheng as a general, the ancient capital of the Six Dynasties that would stand for 300 years in troubled times.

Facing Wang Hou's weird salute, Cao Pi was really rude, he pulled out his sword with a buzzing sound, and rushed into the city behind the next team of Rizhao Brigade.Holding the sword upside down, those wide sleeves vibrated violently with the strong smell of blood on the battlefield. For a moment, the future cold-blooded emperor looked splendid.

Yecheng is like an ostrich egg. The outer shell is really hard and knocks off human teeth, but after the shell is broken, the inside is still soft and nutritious. Only two teams of more than two hundred swordsmen climbed the city wall from behind. The defense was completely chaotic. The powerful Qingzhou swordsmen swung their long swords and slashed fiercely. From the city gate to the east and west of the city wall, corpses fell from the city wall one after another.

Large sections of defensive gaps appeared, and Xia Houyuan, who was so frightened by the sudden breach of the city, also reacted. The horn sounded soaring into the sky, and the dense Cao army infantry also rushed to the foot of the city wall with ladders on their backs. Climbing up densely like a tree, a few minutes later, a thick black wave began to fill up the walls of Yecheng in large sections.

The Yuan's garrison, who had stood firm for less than half a year, could no longer support them. The exhausted infantry discarded their weapons, wailed and fled down the stairs from the city wall, and quickly disappeared into the messy alley. Several officers shouted with all their might However, he couldn't restrain his defeat, and in the end he simply took off his armor and joined the deserters.

It's not that the Yuan family finally fought to the end, but under the attack from both sides, their figures quickly disappeared in the black tide of Cao Jun, and the city fell so fast that even the fast-running Cao soldiers had already descended into the city, slamming He kicked open the warehouse of the private house next to the city wall, and like a wolf like a tiger, he took things out of it and put them into his arms.

Those who freeze to death and do not demolish their houses, starve to death and do not grab food, have been a Yue family army since ancient times!Even 500 years later, during the Anshi Rebellion, the Tang Dynasty took back Luoyang Chang'an on the condition that the rich children of the two capitals were allowed to be plundered by Huihe people. In this era, even Mr. Cao could not stop the looting of soldiers.

After all, Cao Jun was also recruited from military households. He didn't pay any money, and he was only tax-free at home. The big guys are not so selfless. If you don't pay money when you go out to fight, and don't let the big guys grab points, then who will you?

This is also why in the past dynasties, when the country was established and the world was unified, the army was often able to fight hard and tough battles. However, after the reunification was completed, the use of troops against the northern nomads suddenly became a bear. Who are you going to grab?

Of course, there are still some unspoken rules in it, for example, we can rob, don’t kill people, don’t burn houses, so that when the general enters the city

And not only soldiers plundered, even generals took the lead in plundering, such as Wang Hou and Cao Pi now!

Another unspoken rule is that those who enter the city first can pick the most elite ones to grab first, and the ones behind can't. Seeing that Xia Houyuan's soldiers and horses behind them also followed, there is no danger of being cut off from the back, and they took half of their Rizhao Brigade Surrounded by Cao Pi, Wang Hou led his troops straight to the center of Yecheng and rushed quickly.
Who is the most worth grabbing?Of course it was the Yuan family in Runan who ruled the four prefectures of Hebei, had hundreds of thousands of troops, and even had the air of an emperor at one point!
Unlike Cao Jun who scattered and began to spread to the streets and alleys of Yecheng to make a fortune on his own, even if he went deep into the center of Yecheng, the Rizhao Brigade was still neat and orderly, maintaining a tight formation, and the armor was rattling. Rolling forward like armored vehicles, they encountered several remnants of Yuan Jun along the way, and were easily crushed by the Qingzhou phalanx.

"Master Zhou, son, it's here!"

It is really the center of the entire Ye city. On the street facing south and backing north, a mansion the size of a small palace comes into view. Under Deng Kai's fingers, the four golden characters of Yuanfu in Jizhou can be seen. Splendid and majestic, but the two vermilion gates are tightly closed at this time, and the servants who usually flaunt their might have disappeared.

Nodding his head in satisfaction, Wang Hou flicked his fingers backwards, and immediately two brigades of Rizhao Brigade infantry rushed out, holding halberds and double crossbows to hold the street entrance, and then the two A dozen or so heavy infantrymen in plate armor huddled together, screaming loudly, and slammed into the gate of the confinement.

Boom ~ Boom ~
The food in the Rizhao Brigade is good, and the training is hard. The protein that he eats grows into muscles. Almost a sergeant can weigh [-] to [-] catties. With the armor on his body, it is easy to carry a small [-] catties. The ball slammed into the door like a cannonball, only to hear the bang bang bang bang bang like a heavy hammer, and after a few hits, with a click, the thick door bolt inside was completely broken, and the bed and table on the door were also knocked over with a bang. He fell to the ground, and several Yuan's servants were thrown out like a gourd rolling on the ground.

However, the door opened suddenly, and the twenty or so construction vehicles were caught off guard and fell to the ground. Fortunately, their handsome colleagues rushed in with double bows and crossbows, just like Mi Mi holding an M4 carbine in later generations. Like the soldiers, they rushed into the yard professionally and briskly, brushed and pulled, and the well-stringed bows and crossbows were pressed against the heads of those Yuan's servants.

These guys, like the professional prisoners, faced the flickering crossbow arrows, and immediately knelt down and raised their hands with ashen faces, not daring to move.

Seeing the servant of the Yuan family kneeling tremblingly inside, Wang Hou once again slammed his sleeves at the gate in a cool and unrestrained manner.

"Young master invites you!"

"Qingzhou shepherd please!"

Humility to each other, Cao Pi is ahead, Wang Hou is slightly behind, and the two have stepped into the core of the power of the four generations and three princes of the Yuan family.

In the neat and crisp footsteps, every time they entered the yard, the archers of the Rizhao Brigade rushed in to control the scene, and then Cao Pi and Wang Hou stepped in. It is true to say that this entrance is as deep as the sea. After entering the fifth level, they arrived at Yuan's main building. Every time they entered a courtyard, the sound of short and fierce weapon fighting would always sound, and when Cao Pi and Yuan Shang stepped into the courtyard, the short-term resistance was over. up.

Amidst the hurried footsteps, the infantrymen with halberds broke in first again, and then stood at attention with a halberd in one hand, controlling the whole yard. The light infantry who entered dragged the corpses of several loyal servants of the Yuan family who were still holding daggers and knives to the corner, dripping blood.

Stepping into the courtyard, he looked at the towering and majestic three-story wooden building. The corners of the cornices and bucket arches were raised, giving him a solemn appearance. However, the gate of the wooden main building was closed tightly. Wang Hou slightly tilted his head again. Once, Zhuge Ying stepped forward, holding the sword upside down, and the little man's boots slammed on the door with a loud bang.

With a buzzing sound, the door of the main building was tightly closed, and a few women's screams came out from inside the door, but at this time, no matter how noble a lady is, it is also a trophy. Embracing Cao Pi, Wang Hou stepped forward unceremoniously. go.

This should be the main place for Yuan's retainers to discuss state affairs. The spacious and tidy lobby is similar to the governor's mansion in Xuchang, General Cao. A pile of bamboo slips, on the right is a pen holder and a paperweight.

Several women slumped tremblingly on the ground in front of the case. The first five were dressed in Sujuan, with ashen-colored and trembling faces. At first glance, they should be maids or something. Behind them, they were wearing colorful dark clothes. A head of thick black hair hangs down, covering her cheeks, and the woman kneeling with her head bowed seems to be trembling and sobbing uncontrollably, but she dare not cry out no matter what.

At the end, there is a middle-aged lady in her forties, her face is a little older, but she still has charm, kneeling under the case, with her hands on her knees, looking at these intruding people with extremely calm eyes. uninvited guest.

"My concubine is the Liu family, Yuan Shao's wife, and I pay my respects to General Cao Jun!"

As expected of a big shot, who has seen the big world, he is much calmer than these little maids and that young woman, reading to Cao Pi and Wang Hou, and even calmly bowed his head slightly to salute.But compared to her, Wang Hou cared more about the woman sitting on the ground with her thighs slanted. Under his gaze, which was slightly lagging behind, this historically dramatic scene really happened before his eyes.

Looking at the trembling woman kneeling on the ground with her head lowered, Cao Pi pointed at her with the Qingshuang sword that he had been holding up to pretend to be aggressive, but didn't cut it out.

"You, look up!"

(End of this chapter)

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