Chapter 333 A feast of crows


Whether it was Wang Hou or Cao Pi, they couldn't help breathing quickly, but they were held back immediately.

Wang Hou was mentally prepared to know who the woman in front of him was!Known as the second beauty of the Three Kingdoms by later generations, she is also the Goddess of Luo in Cao Zhi's works!Promise Zhen Mi is also!

However, Mrs. Ren Diaochan, who is known as the number one beauty, he has also seen before. Cao Hongjie is charming and naive, Lu Ji is dignified and generous, Zhuge Ying is spiritually free, and he has experienced all kinds of styles. It's nothing, but the moment the woman raised her head slightly, Wang Hou couldn't help but feel a little bit faster.

There are tears in the eyes that are as bright as cold stars, and a small face full of pear blossoms and rain is full of the timid feeling that I feel sorry for!Seeing it, Wang Hou couldn't help being stunned.

Later generations remember that there was a set of CGs on the Internet. A Canadian girl filmed a promotional animation for "Eternal Age" and was regarded as the most beautiful elf by netizens. At this moment, Wang Hou felt the same as when he saw the elf for the first time. It doesn't feel real anymore.

However, after just a surprised look, Wang Hou quickly came back to his senses. This was also part of his plan. With a smile, Wang Hou clasped his fists heavily.

"I will retire first!"

But this time Cao Pi didn't answer, even though he only raised his face for a moment, Zhen Ji lowered his face again, but his eyes were still fixed there!


"Brother Zhou Mu, leave Mr. Cao's parents here alone, okay?"

Seeing Wang Hou backing out, and closing the door casually, her little face was full of gossip, her eyes were shut outside, Zhuge Ying was unwilling to pretend to be selfish.

But what she said is really reasonable. Although I know that Cao Pi and other people’s wife Zhen Ji have committed adultery in history, but it’s still the same sentence, everything is not in the end, and God knows if something will happen. After hesitating, Wang Hou nodded.

"You stay here and guard!"

But the little eighth woman couldn't show the excitement on her face, so Wang Hou added another sentence.

"But you can't take a peek. If something happens inside, you can only go in!"

"Got it, cheapskate!"

With Zhen Ji here, it is estimated that Cao Pi, a villainous wife control, will not be able to have any interest in Zhuge Ying anymore. Now Wang Hou is relieved to leave her here, but he has not waited to leave, this girl is actually gossip again Putting his ear to the door, Wang Hou shook his head speechlessly.


This is one of Wang Hou's plans. The biggest advantage of the traverser is not how awesome he is, but knowing the general trend of history. The Cao family's seizure of the heir apparent is not exciting. Compared with Cao Pi, his competitor Cao Zhi is really weak and pitiful. And even if Cao Cao doesn't like his second son any more, he has to follow the interests of the Cao family after all, and he can decide the big things first!Cao Zhi doesn't have the iron fist and courage to shake the Han Dynasty.

So even if the boss showed dissatisfaction and hostility towards him, Wang Hou still had to hold his nose and continue to serve him as the little president. Now that he brought him into Yecheng for the first time, he was sold to him!And to bring him to see Zhen Ji is to sell him a huge favor.

Doesn’t there be that saying in later generations, the four big irons, carried guns together, and together..., cough, cough, now the two of them snatched a wife together, so it’s considered a big iron!

However, he was satisfied with his wife control, and he hugged the beauty back, but Wang Hou got nothing!Leaving Cao Pi in the main hall, allowing him to turn into a wolf and do those mediocre things, Wang Hou himself couldn't wait to continue strolling, and plunged into the warehouse of the Yuan Mansion.

"I go!"

It is said that women are the incarnation of giant dragons, and everyone likes things that are shiny and shiny, so at this moment Wang Hou is also a woman.

There is really a sense of sight for having opened up a large dungeon and taking the reward of Guan Dier. Pushing away the warehouse of Yuan Mansion, there are heavy wooden boxes piled up there in the corner, and when you open it, it glows with a particularly bright luster. Pieces of expensive silk brocade are stacked there eye-catchingly and the second opening is opened, which are exactly the same as the large number of gold utensils unearthed from the tomb of Liu He in later generations, such as heavy gold horseshoes, shiny gold belts, golden sword grids, all kinds of gold utensils, etc. A box full of appliances was piled up.

These should be more gold than the gold on the golden carriage confiscated by Mr. Cao!
Opening it again, there were all kinds of jade wares inside. After taking a few breaths, he closed the lid of the box with a bang, and Wang Hou slapped his palm in satisfaction.

"Choose expensive ones, and send them all away to me!!!"


Today is definitely a disaster for Yecheng. The whole city has been shut out for more than six months, and the black figure of the exhausted Cao Jun in the cold weather has been occupied. Even if there are unspoken rules, some Cao Jun still endured Unable to restrain the animal nature in his heart, he started a fire, and puffs of black smoke floated over the city, and the noise of screams and screams, even in the center of the city, Wang Hou could still hear.

But at this time, he didn't care anymore, this is the fate of this era, if Xuchang and Rizhao were attacked, Yuan Jun might not be more merciful than Cao Junneng.So it's better to live in front of yourself, even though there are crying, crying, looting, and even seeing a few Cao soldiers grinning and kicking open the gate on the side of the street, and hearing women's terrified cries from inside, but as long as no one Coming to snatch his own carriage, Wang Hou didn't even take a second look, and walked past indifferently.

Not to mention him, in order to respect the unspoken rules of the army, even Cao Cao's own was two hours late after the city fell, and then he brought all the civil and military officials into the city.

After all, the face was decent. By the time Cao Cao entered the city, the city had become quiet again. Even the roads that had been messed up by the looting just now were swept on both sides with a big broom. The hats are painted with a vibrant paint that represents life, and the citizens of Yecheng who were forced to be son-in-laws were locked up in their own homes, trembling with their backs against the gate.

It can be regarded as the tragedy of this era. Most of the people who were robbed were ordinary people and poor people. These big and wealthy families in the city are not a big deal. Those who are willing to surrender these days, led by Zhang Ziqian from Jizhou and his nephew Shen Rong, are waiting again. Arriving at the gate of Zhou Mu Yuan's Mansion, Cao Cao was greeted respectfully.

Mr. Cao is really handsome today. Hundreds of black armored tigers and leopards lead the way. Even the horses are covered with a layer of leather armor, and Wang Hou was confiscated by him. The front depicts Rolls-Royce, and the back depicts He also drove in the golden carriage with the Maserati logo on it. Even if he couldn't understand the "noble" on the logo, the yellow-orange gold was still dazzling enough.

At this time, Wang Houdu, who went out of the city to secretly deliver a wave of stolen goods, came back.Cao Hong, Xiahou brothers, eight hussars, and all the generals of the Cao army were all red-faced. They watched the golden carriage stop. Under the leadership of Cao Pi, all the generals kowtowed in front of the carriage.

"Meet the prime minister!"

Also full of energy, wearing a soap-colored prime minister's cloak embroidered with cloud-patterned black birds, shaking his wide sleeves, Cao Cao also laughed and walked out of the carriage.

However, it was such an unstoppable timing. Before Mr. Cao laughed heartily and delivered two victory speeches, a woman in a black cloak was surrounded by several Cao Pi's personal soldiers at the corner gate not far away. At this time, instead of leaning against the entrance of Yuan Mansion because of the crowd, standing on the footsteps of the towering carriage, this scene was clearly reflected in Cao Cao's eyes.

After staring at Zhen Mi's back for a full second, Cao Cao laughed again and swung his sleeves up.

"All generals please rise!"

(End of this chapter)

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