Laozi of the Three Kingdoms is the Emperor

Chapter 20 Golden Fire Cavalry

Chapter 20 Golden Fire Cavalry

"Your Majesty, Jia Xu, pay my respects!"

Jia Xu walked slowly into the hall and bowed respectfully to Liu Xie.

"Wenhe doesn't need to be polite, come, come." Liu Xie smiled slightly, and welcomed Jia Xu to the side and sat down.

"Your Majesty, today's matter." As soon as he sat down, Jia Xu couldn't help asking.

After all, it has too much to do with it.

Yuan Hong represents the coalition forces of the [-]th Route Princes in the world, and humiliating Yuan Hong is slapping these people in the face.

Once these people become angry, the consequences will be unimaginable.

"I know what you want to say, but I have my own way!" Liu Xie took a copy of the edict from the side with a smile and handed it to Jia Xu.

He believed that with Jia Xu's ability, he could understand at a glance.


After receiving the imperial edict, Jia Xu's expression suddenly relaxed, and he smiled: "Your Majesty's move is really wonderful!"

"Confer Yuan Shu as the lord of the eighteen princes and let them kill each other. I believe that once this edict arrives, the scene will be very exciting!"

Jia Xu admitted that he had underestimated the young emperor.

In his opinion, His Majesty is too young to be impulsive when dealing with such matters.

The scene in the hall, in his understanding, was the result of His Majesty's impulsiveness.

That's why he came in a hurry to correct Liu Xie's mistake.

Now it seems that I was worrying too much.

The so-called eighteen princes are nothing but a mob.

There can be no trust between them.

The only thing there is mutual calculation and conspiracy.

Therefore, it is only necessary to light a fire between them, and they will burn themselves, and they will burn more and more!
"Yuan Hong was originally Yuan Shao's steward, and Yuan Shao sent him here, the meaning is self-evident.

I just wanted to make him the leader myself, but now that I have humiliated his envoy, I have named Yuan Shu instead, and the relationship between them will immediately fall apart! "

This deep-rooted analysis and ingenious calculations shocked Jia Xu beyond anything.

He never imagined that such a young emperor, His Majesty, would have such a strategy.

This is very different from the emperor who was like a puppet before.

"Your Majesty is wise, and I am sincerely convinced!" Jia Xu stood up and bowed respectfully to Liu Xie.

"Does Wenhe have any other suggestions?" Liu Xie looked at each other with a smile.

He knew that with Jia Xu's ability, he must have other ideas.

"Your Majesty's method can cause civil strife in the allied forces of the princes, so that they will not go to Luoyang for a short time.

At this time, we can take the opportunity to recover the surrounding cities, such as Chang'an and the surrounding cities, all under control! "

"En!" Liu Xie nodded slowly: "I will carefully consider this matter!"

The two talked for a long time, and it was not until late at night that Jia Xu left.

After this night talk, Jia Xu had a profoundly different view of Liu Xie.

His Majesty the Emperor I follow will surely sweep the world and achieve eternal supremacy.
After Jia Xu left, Liu Xie was the only one left in the bedroom.

When he slowly sat down on the soft cushion, the candlelight in the hall suddenly flickered.

After a moment.

In a dark corner not far from him, a figure suddenly appeared.

This person bowed to Liu Xie on one knee: "Yuan Hong insisted on going back to the grocery store arranged by Wang Lang before, and continued to eat radishes!
Situ Wangyun discussed with his adoptive daughter Diaochan how to become a concubine and empress arrangement and plan!
At an ugly moment, Lu Bu secretly met with three generals in the army!One of them also contacted people in the mission yesterday afternoon!

General Zhang Han is still investigating the specific matters, please wait patiently, Your Majesty! "

After the report was over, the person bowed to Liu Xie again, and disappeared in the same spot as the candlelight flickered.

From the beginning to the end, Liu Xie didn't even look at him.
three days later.

Yuan Hong took the emperor's edict and left Luoyang in fear.

It wasn't until he completely walked out of Luoyang territory that the heart he had been carrying slowly dropped.

According to the secret report after the Shadow Secret Guard, Yuan Hong galloped his horse for several miles after leaving, and knelt down and wailed for nearly half an hour after getting off the horse!

after that.

When Yuan Hong brought the edict back to Hulao Pass, the development of the situation was exactly as Liu Xie said

Yuan Shao and the Yuan Shu brothers immediately fell out.

The more miserable Yuan Hong described his experience, the deeper Yuan Shao's hatred for Yuan Shu became.

No matter how Yuan Shu explained, Yuan Shao couldn't listen.

In the end, in order to prevent Yuan Shu from plotting, Yuan Shao acted preemptively and sent people to assassinate him!

Unexpectedly, Yuan Shu had been on guard against him for a long time, and the two families completely turned their faces.

The leader of the alliance is already like this, and the princes under them are even worse.

They originally had grievances and grudges between them, but now that they have the opportunity to make a move, they all kill each other.

In just a few days, the mighty allied forces of the princes fell apart like this
What happened at the same time was another legend.

A cavalry force composed of more than [-] men swept away all the cities between Luoyang and Chang'an.

These people are all wearing red armor, even their horses are fully armed.

Led by an unknown fierce general, they brandished their long spears and burned like a raging fire!

In less than half a month, they captured dozens of cities without any defeat.

At the same time, the prestige of the Golden Fire Cavalry was powerful all over the world.

Especially when everyone found out that this invincible cavalry was under the command of His Majesty the Emperor, they were even more shocked.


Inside the palace.

In front of Liu Xie, good news came every day.

Every time a battle report appears, it means that a city has been captured.

Even he himself did not expect that the reward he had been waiting for for a long time would appear in such a way.

It's as if there is a feeling in the heart.

After the red flame reached Chang'an, it stopped.

When Meng Tian appeared in front of Liu Xie with several people, he was really shocked.

Each of them exudes an astonishing killing aura.

Especially Meng Tian, ​​just standing there, can make people feel jittery.

"Chen Mengtian, pay homage to Your Majesty!"

Without the slightest hesitation, Meng Tian knelt down on one knee the first time he saw Liu Xie.

The same was true for the several people behind him, with unusually respectful expressions.

"General Meng please get up quickly!" Liu Xie stepped forward and helped Meng Tian up.

Standing in front of him, Liu Xie felt the cold murderous aura more clearly.

"From now on, I will designate you as the Great General Protecting the Nation, and command all the troops outside!"

"The last will obey!"

Looking at the several people in front of him, Liu Xie felt a surge of pride.

Until now, he barely had a firm footing.

Although compared with the princes in the world, his own strength is far from enough.

But he believes that as long as he gives himself time, he will be the strongest existence in this era in the future!

(End of this chapter)

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