Infinite Plane Devour

Chapter 40 Victory

Chapter 40 Victory
It was already night, and the night was quiet.

In the kitchen, Xiaodangjia and A Ling were thinking about how to make the legendary magic mapo tofu.

As for Wu Xian, he helped them prepare the ingredients needed for cooking.

After explaining, he told them who he was and what he did here. After all, he also helped them. In the end, they let him stay. After all, the previous chef, Master Mei, had passed away. facing a crisis.

"Sister, brother Xian, I'm going to start."

"it is good"

Turn on the fire and put the pot.

Wait until the oil is ready.

It starts with ground meat, garlic minced garlic, black bean sauce, and sweet bean sauce, followed by the soul bean paste of Sichuan cuisine.

After putting them in one by one, cooking on a high fire, a spicy smell wafted out immediately.

"Yes, this is the first spicy taste." Wu Xian said.

The next step is to fry these until they are brightly colored before adding the broth.

Continue to stir fry, then add tofu, and wine and seasonings to taste.

Cook for a while on low heat, add soy sauce, and sprinkle with young garlic leaves.

The aroma gushes out, making people want to eat after smelling it.

"Second taste, fragrant." Wu Xian continued: "At the same time, the red color of pepper, the white color of tofu, and the green color of young garlic leaves constitute the third color."

Mix cornstarch with water and add it to thicken the cornstarch. After adding the oil along the side of the pot, immediately turn on the pot on high heat. When the temperature reaches a certain level and the pot is about to burn, the mapo is considered complete.

Afterwards, when serving on a plate, sprinkle with enough sansho powder, and it's done.

"That's right, the passionate hot and tongue-in-cheek numbness are also finished."

Put them in three small plates, and the little master handed them to Wu Xian and A Ling: "You guys have a taste and see how it goes."

After carefully taking a sip, the taste of mapo tofu wafted in my mouth, and the five flavors swam in my mouth one after another, which greatly satisfied my taste buds.

This is already the top mapo tofu, even the dishes made by those master chefs are only at this level, but this alone cannot meet Admiral Li's requirements.

Wu Xian tasted it, and A Ling and Xiaodangjia also tasted it.

"What should we do? If someone like Shao An is allowed to be the chef of Juxia downstairs, it will be a disaster." A Ling was already sweating profusely, urging the little master to find a solution quickly.

A night passed quickly, and it was early morning.

In the kitchen, the table was covered with dishes, and A Ling fell into despair as she touched her swollen belly.

He has been making mapo tofu all night, but Xiaodangjia still only cooks five flavors, and he doesn't even know what the sixth flavor is.

And trying to eat the dishes made overnight caused my stomach to look like this.

"Little master, I feel so tired now, I can't eat it at all." Just when the little master brought over another plate, A Ling replied weakly, obviously eating so many dishes at once, she has completely lost her appetite appetite.

Wu Xian also shook his head, he is not a person who likes spicy food, eating so much has already numb his sense of taste, how could he still eat it.

"By the way, I think back to when we were young, we once ate a lot of mapo tofu, but we didn't feel tired at all. Instead, the more we ate, the more we wanted to eat." A Ling suddenly thought of her childhood.

"Yes, the meat used in the mapo tofu made by my mother is not oily at all. It is crispy and delicious. The meat seems to be different from other meats."

Hearing that the two of them were discussing there, Wu Xian also came over: "Could it be the problem of the meat? Didn't Admiral Li also say that the kind he had eaten before was the ultimate in the perfect reflection of tofu and meat?"

With Wu Xian's reminder, Xiaodangjia suddenly realized and remembered the key point.

At noon, Admiral Li sat in the main hall of Juxia, closing his eyes and meditating.

Soon, Xiaodangjia and Shao An each brought the prepared dishes and put them on the table, waiting to taste them.

Opening his eyes, Admiral Li saw two people standing below and said: "Sichuan mapo tofu has five flavors: spicy, fragrant, color, hot, and hemp. Now I ask you, what is the sixth flavor?"

"It's crispy"

The two answered in unison, and then looked at each other.

"This kid actually knows."

"I didn't expect Shao An to find out."

Somewhat surprised by the discovery of the two, Admiral Li couldn't help but also praised a few words: "I didn't expect you all to think of it. That's right, the sixth taste is crisp."

"Since you have all discovered it, let me taste it, let's start with Shao'an's."

The attendant standing next to him put the tofu from the big plate into the small plate first, and Admiral Li picked up the spoon and tasted it carefully.

As if he had discovered something, Admiral Li slowly picked out the tofu one by one with a spoon.

When the onlookers were wondering why he did this, Shao An smiled slightly: "As expected of Admiral Li, I didn't expect to find out."

People saw that a piece of tofu was stacked one by one like an arhat, and it didn't collapse.

"What's the matter, so many tofu are stacked so high, it should be collapsed logically, how come nothing happened."

"What kind of miracle is this!"

The amazed people kept making noises, expressing their bewilderment.

The elasticity of this tofu is excellent, and the taste is first-class. At the same time, the water contained in the tofu neutralizes the spicy tingle during the process of eating, so that the stomach can be slightly relieved. This is the crispness of tofu.

Next, the attendant served Xiaodangjia's tofu and put it on a small plate.

After tasting his mapo tofu again, Admiral Li didn't speak for a long time.

"What's the matter, what does your lord mean?" A Ling was a little worried.

"It's okay, you have to trust the little master." Wu Xian sat on the side, comforting A Ling.

Sure enough, Admiral Li suddenly seemed to be possessed. After eating all the tofu in the small plate, he picked up the big plate and ate it quickly.

The onlookers were a little confused about Admiral Li, they just looked at him in surprise, speechless.

After eating, after a long time, Admiral Li said again: "Both of you have understood the meaning of the sixth taste, but each of them manifests it in different ways, and the real magic mapo tofu is the one made by Xiaodangjia. It is ground meat. crispy."

Shao An was full of puzzlement, and stepped forward: "Sir, even though crispy refers to ground meat, the meat I use is also top-notch, how could I lose to him?"

Admiral Li rolled out two small plates, each containing two people's ground meat.

Picking up a spoon, he pressed on Shaoan's meat, and it was flattened directly, but there were still tendons connecting it in the middle. Admiral Li pressed on Xiaodang's ground meat again, and it turned into two halves and flew out.

"How is it possible?" Shao An narrowed his eyes, somewhat unbelievable.

"What kind of meat is this? How could it be like this?"

"That's not meat, it's soybeans." Little Master explained and took out a soybean from his pocket.

Everyone is puzzled.

The little boss heaved a sigh of relief, and led the crowd to the kitchen, where he opened a large pot with soybeans piled up in it.

"But how can soybeans taste like meat?" Admiral Li asked.

"First boil the soaked soybeans with the soup, then flatten and crush them, and then use the sauce to enhance the taste. The deliciousness of the gravy is replaced by this moisture and taste."

"No, after you put it in the pot like this, it should all dissipate. It's impossible to still smell of meat."

Xiaodangjia went on to explain: "So, in the end, it needs to be fried quickly with oil. In the end, the deliciousness of the sauce is locked in it, and at the same time it will give it the appropriate hardness, so that it is very close to the meat."

It turns out that this is the case. In fact, this topic was also created by a person you are familiar with.

It is Master Mei.

"How come?" Shao An seemed to have heard something terrible, his face was very ugly.

"Sure enough," the young master cheered happily.

"Shao'an, you pretend to be Master Mei's apprentice. You don't have the kind of care she has for them, and you don't have the enthusiasm for the chef. The result this time is already obvious. The winner is the young master."

Shaoan couldn't bear the blow and ran away, and the masters who came downstairs from Juju also cheered, celebrating the victory of the little master.

(End of this chapter)

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